Pete's POV
Chase says "thank you." I take my phone out filming his toast/giving of ring. He puts the mic on a stand and everyone screams, whistles and claps as he walks onto the stage. I see Patrick scoot into the crowd right next to me by that the crowd practically parted like the Red Sea. I just feel his presence but I don't look over. Chase says "I would like to make a toast to my lovely boyfriend." I hear a few gasps and awwws. "He's an amazing, beautiful man that I hope is around forever. He's so cute and I see all of you flirting with him and he's so oblivious that everyone wants him around. I just want him to know that everyone loves him wether he likes it or not and I know I'm not going to stop anytime soon I hope. I'm in it for the long haul. Could you come up here please darling?" Andrew blushes and goes onto the stage. And everyone gasps in surprise in a happy way then starts cheering. Chase says "this isn't what you think it is ok? So don't jump to conclusions k?" Andrew nods not saying anything. Chase pulls the ring box out of his leather jacket pocket and opens the box. Andrew gasps his hand flying to over his mouth. He nods and Chase slowly slips the ring onto Andrews finger. Andrew has happy tears running down his face as Chase pulls him closer by his waist. You can barely hear Chase say "I love you" to him through the microphone. I hear a quiet "I love you too" they kiss passionately holding each other close. Everyone cheers and raises their glasses. And a group of people yell "TO FOREVER HAVING EACH OTHER." Everyone clinks their glasses empty or not. I turn my camera off and I turn around to all of my friends and Andrew and Chase walking down the stairs from the stage. I hear the dj yell "GIVE IT UP FOR CHASE AND ANDREW THIS SONG IS DEDICATED TO THEM." Then spotlight travels to them and its a slow love song that I've never heard before. I turn to Mikey and say "wanna dance?" He smiles saying "sure." Patrick walks away as I ask Mikey. I pull him in and he says "I really like you." I look him in his eyes and say "I like you too." He smiles cutely, blushing. I smile and run a hand through his hair resting my hand on his cheek. I pull him closer as we dance. I can tell he was blushing the whole time. He so cute. I wanna kiss him so bad but it's the wrong time for it. I kiss him on the cheek feeding my urge but not enough to fill it. He looks down smiling, with hair falling in his face. I chuckle and say "you're cute." He says "you're hot so." I laugh and say "so are you" him laughing along with me. I say "you coming to my party tomorrow night?" He says "New Years eve?" I say "yeah it's not that big of a party just some friends and plus one that is normally someone who's already been invited." He says "yeah I'll be there if my brother isn't invited he's my plus one." I laugh and say "of course he's invited I invited my friends and I think he's classified as a friend." Mikey says "good or I would've kicked your ass." I laugh and gasp saying "you wouldn't dare." He says "oh but I would." I say "whatever" breathing in the scent of his hair. He laughs hitting my shoulder. The song suddenly turns into u can't touch this by mc hammer. I laugh and our group gradually moves back together. And when that song starts Patrick walks in like he's the coolest bitch ever wearing a leather jacket, skinny jeans, a skinny tie, converse, white button up tucked in, and he has blonde hair. I say "damn" and Hillary wolf whistles and everyone in our group cheers. Patrick says "what's up my party people." We cheer and we dance like fools the rest of the night. Patrick pulls out some moves that gets us all going now this is why he's been my permanent date to anything that I need a plus one. Ya know like weddings, birthday parties, baby showers, yes I've been invited to baby showers, Patrick's just the life of the party normally. It's not like he asks for the attention it just happens. We just dance like fools the rest of the night. When the dance is done the lights turn on letting us know we have to get the fuck out. Mikey says "I had a lot of fun tonight with you" looking down blushing. I say "I did too. I'll see you tomorrow?" Mikey nods and says "8 o' clock?" I say "yup" kissing his cheek. Then I say "goodnight Mikey" winking at him. He waves awkwardly, blushing even harder than he did before.

Sorry it's so short

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