Pete's POV
I stand in the main entrance of the school at the end of the day. Mikey comes up to me and says "whatcha waiting for? The sun to go down?" I chuckle and say "taking my brother to a doctors appointment. What about you darling?" He blushes and says "Gee's slow." Our siblings walked over and Gerard says "I made a friend" smiling as if he was proud of himself." I say "Andrew stop stealing my friends." Gerard says "you guys know each other?" I say "yes he's my brother I would hope I know him." Andrew says "oh fuck off Peter." I say "piss off Andrew. Alright guys I'll see you tomorrow hopefully." Gee says "cya" and Mikey says an awkward "bye." Andrew says "stop getting worked up lover boy." I say "stop eye fucking your boyfriend in my presence and we have a deal." Andrew says "whatever." I put my arm around his shoulder and we walk to my car. I ask "how do you feel about this?" He says"confident, scared, nervous, but glad I made the decision." I say "that's good bud." A girl comes over looking about Andrews age she says "hey Andrew can I ask you something?" Andrew looks at me with the 'oh shit' look. Andrew says "sure." The girl says "will you go with me to the dance tomorrow?" Andrew starts to say something then I say "we have to go dude." Andrew says "sorry I gotta go" and gets in the passenger seat. He leans his head on the dashboard saying "thank fuck. Thank you." I say "not a problem. Now later get your man and ask him to go if he doesn't ask you first." Andrew rolls his eyes saying "same with you." I say "I know I know how about whoever does it first can't wear jeans for a week." Andrew says "you're on." I say "you have to do it in person starting tomorrow morning." Andrew says "alright deal." We shake hands and I start the car and we drive off. Once we get there Andrew says "I can't do this" starting to panic. I say "yes you can if you don't do it now you'll get worse then you'll regret it in the future trust me ok hun?" He says "I guess I can do it." I say "alright." We start to walk up to the door and he says "I can't I can't." I place a hand on his shoulder and I say "hey stop thinking about it so much it doesn't get you anywhere. It only leads to a panic attack ok?" He says "uh huh." I put my arm around him as we walk in." I mumble "ah second home." Andrew hits me I say "hey I spent like all of junior year here" laughing. The receptionist says "you sure it wasn't detention Pete Wentz?" I say "aye Spencer been awhile." Spencer says "isn't that good?" I say "yeah but you're awesome to hang out with." Spencer says "he's been waiting for you guys you know where he is." I say "cya Spence. You dating anyone yet?" Spencer says "I'll spill later cya around." We go back and we go to Jace's room. I say "you can go alone, I can stay, or I can stay until you want to kick me out ." Andrew smirks saying "I'll keep your ass around I guess." I roll my eyes opening the door for him. We go in and we sit on the couch across from Jace. I say "what's up man?" Jace says "not much. So you're Andrew?" Andrew shyly says "yeah." Jace says "so I'm required to ask you all these questions at first you can stop me if you feel uncomfortable alright?" Andrew says a quiet "ok." Jace says "alright let's start easy. Last name?" Andrew says "Wentz."
"Room you spend the most time in at your house?"
"My room or the kitchen."
"Who lives with you?"
"Like who's there everyday or who technically lives with me?"
"Who lives with you and who's there regularly and who isn't."
"Well it's Pete, Hillary my twin. James, Jamie, and Leah "work" for us but they're just older friends who act like parents because the actual ones don't put in effort even if they're there, Patrick doesn't live there but whenever Pete's there Patrick is most likely there too its a package deal. And mom and dad are never there except maybe once or twice a week."
"Favorite color?"
Ugh my least favorite one but it's the law. Are you sexually active?"
"Uhhhh like heterosexual sexually active or just in general?"
"In general this question annoys me this doesn't even have to do with my job. For the most part."
"Recent panic attacks?"
Eat 3 meals a day?"
Do you hate big crowds?"
Depends on the day."
"Past self harm?"
"Have you self harmed in the past week?"
He says a small "yes."
"What do you think made you start at the beginning?"
"Parents never being there and I thought it was my fault."
"Have you been diagnosed by a doctor with a mental illness like anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, autism, or stuff also like anorexia but that's in a different category?"
"No, I haven't."
"Any past suicide attempts?"
"Have you thought about it before?"
"Yes a few times."
"What did you eat for breakfast?"
"I didn't eat this morning."
"Why do you think you needed to come in here?"
"Uhh I don't want to deal with it anymore. I keep on having panic attack's, I think to much, I get overwhelmed easily with certain things, there's probably more but those are the top 3."
"Well let's get you fixed up then."

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