Pete's POV
He talked to Jace for a while then Jace says "you're good to go kid." Andrew says "ok thank you" shyly, shaking Jace's hand. I say "cya around Jace." He says "you're welcome dude I'll cya."We walk out and I go to Spencer saying "soooooo what's the tea?" Andrew just rolls his eyes and Spencer says "so this guy asked me on a date so I might have landed a date tonight for myself he's hot and cute at the same time." Andrew says "you can't find many of those in a lifetime." Spencer says "very true." I say "well I found one that I gotta ask to a dance tomorrow." Spencer says "man that's amazing is he taller then you or shorter." I say "alright I'm decent ok he's like 6 feet though." Spencer says "dude he's like a giant compared to you." Andrew says "but him and his brother are such bottoms that I can't even comprehend so it automatically makes them shorter." Spencer laughs and says "you got good humor kid but true." I laugh and say "alright your people are waiting for you Spencer, cya." Andrew says "bye." We get in the car and I say "so how do you feel?" He says "better now that I talked about it." I say "do you want me to make another appointment or do you want to wait and tell me?" He says "maybe wait a couple months then make an appointment if I want to I guess?" I say "ok. McDonald's?" He says "definitely." We drive to McDonald'sand we order like 100 chicken nuggets, a few Big Macs, and lots of fries. I say "I think we got to much shit" laughing as we listened to Metallica. He says "eh we could invite people over to eat all this shit with." I say "like who" raising an eyebrow. He says "I got Gerard's number, so Gerard, Mikey, my boyfriend, and Patrick?" I say "well make the calls. You have all the numbers in your phone." He starts making calls as I hand him as I order. I say "can I add like 2 more Big Macs to that order please? Andrew tell Hills and tell her to tell the gang not  to cook tonight we have enough food. Oh and like 3 more large fries?" Andrews dying of laughter as he makes calls to my friends and his boyfriend. We pay and we I go into Starbucks looking at him and he says "just get random shit." I say "I think the Ways are obsessed with coffee, I know Patrick's order, and I know Hills, also know everyone else's. What's your boyfriends Starbucks order?" Andrew says "uhhh hey babe? What's your Starbucks order?" I hit my head on the steering wheel laughing. He says "got it thank you bye be at my house in 20." We order our Starbucks and go to the house, with Andrew piled with 2 and a half cup holders and 5 bags of McDonald's. I say "god were so stupid." Andrew laughs saying "we're sharing this is an appropriate amount of food for 10 people." I say "Jesus Christ and I say "we're taking the highway back." We get on the highway and I say "Andrew don't hurt the food or the Starbucks hold on don't hurt yourself either" as I pretty much floor it. I roll down the windows laughing blasting more Green Day. No shit music has ever been played in this car. We make it into the driveway and I say "wait a hot sec" to Andrew. I get out and I go to his side. I open the door and grab a few bags and a drink tray and he takes the remainder of the stuff. I yell "OPEN UP THE PARTY IS HERE." I hear James say "yup getting door." He opens the door and says "now this is why you asked us not to cook" laughing. I say "yup" setting everything on the table. Hillary comes stumbling down the stairs as I set the things on the table and says "I feel like Jeffree Star." I say "me too sis." My friends start to get here by Patrick showing up first. He says "holy smokes" looking at the food and I say "take your Starbucks order we're waiting for more people." Patrick says "oh god who?" I say "uh Gee, Mikey, and Chase." He says "ok good I thought you had a whole fucking party coming and I would have to shut it down." I say "no my parents would kill me 7 times." I hear a knock and it's Gerard and Mikey. I say "what's up welcome to mini party where we eat like Jeffree Star." Gerard chuckles and I move out of the way do they can come in. I say "take a coffee I didn't know what you guys wanted and Andrew isn't smart enough to ask so I got you guys coffee." Gerard says "omg coffee I haven't had coffee in years." Mikey says "Gee you had coffee before we came here." Gerard says "and you didn't with a raised eyebrow. Mikey says "damnit stupid sass queen of a brother." Hills comes out of the kitchen saying "Patrickkkkkk" giving him a hug. Patrick answers with "Hillaryyyyyy." I say "Hillary this is Gerard and Mikey you know Patrick obviously he practically lives here and you met Chase last night." Mikey says "who's Chase?" I say "Andrews boy toy still closeted at school so don't say shit or I kill you." Mikey blushes and says "alright jeez." I hear the doorbell ring I say "I'll get it" and I hear Andrew screech "NO." And beats me to the door. I say "Jesus Christ why do I even try anymore. Don't bet anything on a race against him." Leah comes out and say "how much McDonald's did you order? I'm not gonna tell your mom I'm just wondering." I say "guys this is Leah and we're going to eat it all you may join us it's not a choice." I bring everything to the living room and Mikey says "random people in your house?" I say "they work for my parents aka do everything a parent is supposed to do. They're chill though. Alright let's get this party started."

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