One Word Prompts and a Forty-Nine Word Limit

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Author's Note: Warnings for some... mildly gory scenes? But yes, I was bored. And why forty-nine? Because I'm too lazy to do math so the word prompt and the writing adds up to fifty each. Will this author's note also be fifty words? Yes, it will because I'm not bothered.


1. bullet

"Why?" his voice comes, rasping and ragged, fading in with the cool wash of rain and the bullet in his chest. "The one time you listen to me, this is what you do?"

"Yes," the world is hazy. "You dastard... I won't be here to protect you again. Stay safe."

2. lesson

The bell chimes. Its waver hangs light in the air as idle chatter rises. The clatter of books, stationery and wooden chair legs scraping across the floor signal the end to the day. Snow is laden over the path outside but the Christmas weather beckons forth as the lesson ends.

3. wind

The cool breeze caresses her cheek. A delicate flower, spinning and whirling in the breeze. Her blue dress billows around her as she dances, light as the wind, floating rather than walking; each step to a waltz only she could hear upon the whistle and chime of the gentle wind.

4. resurface

Laughter turns to desperate pleas as the bubbles fade. The ripples of the murky water disappear and still I sit at the edge, waiting for him to return. Days turn to months and the water is relentless but oh-so-gentle and tranquil as a clear blue stream. But he never resurfaces.

5. winter

The cold bite of the winter stings my nose. The frosty chill only beckons, the unblemished white snow a canvas that I mark with footprints. The sky is a pale, ashen blue, reflected by frosted over water as blue as the summer sky but as cold as unbroken, clear ice.

6. cruelty

"I can't believe it," his breaths come harsh as he stands over the unmoving, still body. "Why didn't you tell me?"

His smile is faint. His crown, lost in the battle, lies in the mud. "My son... It is only a mercy for you to kill me."

7. uncle

"Uncle, how much do I have to train to be a real knight?" The young boy's hands are bloodied; fresh, pale skin giving way to the friction of steel against his palms.

"You'd hope to never face battle, young one," the taller man simply replies, eyes dark. "True knighthood comes with burdens..."

8. happiest

When I was happiest was when I was young. In a long lost dream on rolling green fields and skies so blue it could only be a dream. It would be a world far apart from ours, far from the one we live in each and every day. Ignorance is bliss, I hear.

9. bunting

The colourful, triangular strips hang above my head. A familiar street but I count the flags I recognise each time as I pass by. The stray cat in the glass desk curls up asleep. Fabrics of red, of white and green – and when I return I count them again.

10. stalked

Its breaths come faster, harder. Aware of the pinpricks of a steely gaze upon its back. It glances wildly, like a feral animal, and breaks into a run. But I follow, a hunter to its prey, ever quiet, stalking on thin, blade-like legs. The ticking of time will always follow.

11. immortality

"What could you give for immortality?" I'd ask. "Would you give up everything you love and know? Friends, family, material goods... would you dare walk a world you don't know? When trees fall to ruin and the earth itself is torn apart, scarred by the hands of mankind? Could you?"

12. college

Another normal day. Sprawled upon covers that don't quite fit and staring at a door that wouldn't quite close, the ever familiar scent of lunch floats enticingly through from the next room. The textbook in my hands doesn't seem to be quite legible but I let myself drift away anyway.

13. sauna

Cheeks flushed from the enticing heat, you slide through the steam like a snake through grass. Skin hot with sweat that won't quite cool and the thin robe clinging to your lithe legs and body like a second skin, you sink to the floor and breathe out another shallow breath.

14. carnivore

On the hunt. There's something immoral about it, but you can't quite stop the urge. Running a tongue over pointed teeth, you prowl the streets. It is only a carnivore's urge, your need to fulfil that deep, unsettling hunger. And you know you'll be back but you don't stop anyway.

15. clutch

"Please," she begs, her long, thin fingers scrabbling for purchase on the edge. "Help me." She clutches at the rocky surface. The thin lines of blood line her face and fingers and her mouth opens and closes, panting shallowly.

You extend a hand, catching a smile – and you fall, too.

16. Wednesday

A Christmas Wednesday. I spend the day in an ever familiar kitchen with familiar faces and warm smiles. The cake sets in the fridge and the rolls of rice, seaweed and assorted ingredients lie in wait. It's a day I'll remember, like the others. Yesterday truly was a wonderful day.

17. cavity

The cavity of your chest is enticing, but it's missing something quite special. My fingers scrabble at the thin, gleaming white ribs. Breaking one for easier access, I find it; the thin disk of your heart. "It's mine now," I breathe, "I'll finally have you... all of you, all mine."

18. engaged

Your face remains placid. I study you, engaged in conversation with somebody else. You smile and laugh in a way you never do with me. It's not quite fair how I'm always here, watching. Why do you never engage yourself with me like that? Is it me or my fault?

19. saint

"I'll be a saint," he whispers, "I'll have saved them all."

"Lies, lies!" She snarls. "You'll have deceived them. You'll have killed them."

"I killed no one. My hands are clean, unblemished."

"And the slaughter of millions isn't your fault? You could've ended it all at the beginning."

"I am a saint." He bellows.

20. sinner

"Have I sinned?" He asks quietly, ashamed, ashen. "When I let my hands bleed red for her sake? When I've touched what I shouldn't have and said what I shouldn't have? Have I sinned?"

"All sins can be forgiven," states the ever neutral voice, "as long as your heart is true."

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