The Daybreak's Crest Cast 'Play' DnD

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I know – much to the readers' disappointment (just kidding – not many people read this anyway), I am not actually going to write a story/campaign for them, mainly because I don't know much. Dungeons and Dragons is something I've always wanted to play, though, but since there's not much chance for me to play here, I'm going to force my beliefs upon the sad D.C. crew. I don't know anything so this is probably really inaccurate; I'm sorry for those of you who do know the game and are watching me butcher this. This'll just be a basic summary of what their characters and roles would most likely be based on their choices (not what they would most likely be, if they were characters in a DnD campaign), and why.

The DM is probably Enubi, who has adopted all the Zodiacs as his little siblings. (You know, that guy who appeared once in Chapter 1 and never again? Yeah, that guy. Either way, this is... not a spoiler, obviously. I think so, anyway?)


Aries - Chaotic Good Tiefling Barbarian. Aries, much to Scorpio's annoyance, likes to run around and hit things with his sword, both in the roleplaying game and real life. Aries has high strength and constitution, but low intelligence and wisdom (this is because, Aries declares, that Scorpio will help back him up on these factors. Scorpio begrudgingly does as Aries expected.). This often leads to rather hilarious fails, but at least Aries has the strength to back himself up whenever he gets into a tussle.

Taurus - True Neutral Dwarf Druid. Taurus, surprisingly, did not choose a high strength-oriented class – and chose the stout, hardy dwarf. When asked why, he simply shrugged and said "I don't need a reason, do I?"; so Taurus's dwarf druid was born. Of course, his character uses an axe called 'Vulpeculus' (Taurus isn't bothered to think of another name) and was also a blacksmith. He has high strength (how else is he supposed to pull off anything with that heavy axe?) and constitution, and low dexterity.

Gemini - Chaotic Neutral Tiefling Rogue. If you can impart chaos and mischief into what you do, why not? Gemini('s character) will gleefully steal things, annoy people and generally cause chaos wherever she goes. Also, Gemini chose a tiefling because they look cool, intimidating and scary – "hey, let me at least be tall and scary for once!" – and because, again, why not? She has high charisma and dexterity to steal things and get away with it if she's caught, but low wisdom and constitution. Gemini likes to spice up relationships between the party's characters by running around, causing mischief and stealing things.

Cancer - Neutral Evil Half-Elf Warlock. Cancer has always been fascinated with magic, especially as a child, but has never really admitted it – until this game. Cancer goes for the slightly edgy backstory about selling her soul to some entity for immense power, because why not? She has high charisma (charisma, as it turns out, gets you out of a lot of things when you're playing as an evil alignment), high dexterity and low strength and constitution. Sagittarius's character currently has an obsession with trying to snag a date with Cancer's character, which Cancer constantly complains about because of the opposing alignments, but it doesn't stop Sagittarius from trying.

Leo - Lawful Good Elf Sorcerer. Wait, what? Leo's not choosing a melee role? It turns out Leo really likes yelling random things while throwing dice and firing spells, and the only spell he ever uses is 'Fire'. He has high charisma and intelligence (as Leo argues, it is a roleplaying game after all so he can be whoever he wants to be, and – "wait, what are you implying?!") and low dexterity. Leo plays a famous, young noble sorcerer who goes around doing noble things in towns and getting all of the ladies' hearts. The DM begrudgingly agrees to it.

Virgo - Lawful Good Elf Cleric. Virgo doesn't really like getting too much out of her comfort zone, especially since DnD is a game she's never played before. With high wisdom and intelligence, but low strength, Virgo primarily uses magic in combat that has been granted by the 'divine gods' of their makeshift world, 'Eir' and 'Nyr'. Virgo's often in the background and using up her turns to patch up everybody else, but she's a lifesaver in battles. Maybe once, she'll decide to make everyone realise that they shouldn't take her for granted – alright, maybe not, since she's too nice for that – but maybe next campaign, she'll try something like a Dragonborn Barbarian. Who knows?

Libra - Neutral Evil Dragonborn Fighter. Libra's tired of playing nice – it's time to go and beat some bad guys up! Well, actually, no – he tries his best to play in-character, but he's just too nice. Either way, his high strength and charisma (to talk his way out of things if fighting fails) and low dexterity make for an... interesting character to play. At least Libra's trying to step out of his comfort zone, though, even if... he hasn't succeeded completely. Yet. Gemini also persuaded him to try the evil alignment, but that hasn't really... worked yet. At least he's trying to be enthusiastic! (Oh, look, he's off to help another NPC again. Whoops.) Libra, if he'd been acting a little more like himself, would have probably gone for a Neutral Good Gnome/Human Cleric or Druid.)

Scorpio - Lawful Evil Human Wizard. Scorpio wanted to play a teifling, but Arie also chose a teifling and Scorpio doesn't want to do the same thing as Aries. Go figure. Also, Scorpio is the only person in the group that chose the evil alignment (Libra doesn't count) because... well, how else can he justify killing people is the most efficient way to get out of messes? Scorpio chose a wizard so the party could have some more magic-users, and has high intelligence and wisdom, but low charisma and constitution. On the other hand, Scorpio's character ends up being sort-of-nice to the party and of course ends up running after Aries' character screaming whenever Aries runs off to fight things.

Sagittarius - Chaotic Good Dragonborn Ranger. Roleplaying and storytelling – it's time for Sagittarius to shine! Sagittarius's dragonborn ranger of course uses a bow and arrow, and has lived her life going around on the plains, shooting evildoers and generally being a vigilante. Sagittarius insists that her character has fallen in love with Cancer's half-elf sorcerer, arguing that "this is a game – I can do whatever I want!" when Cancer complained about it. Sagittarius's character has high dexterity and wisdom, but low intelligence. How does that work? Well, for a start, her character somehow spouts incredibly wise things in the direst of times – and also thinks that offering Cancer's character a crab to court her character is a good idea.

Capricorn - Neutral Good Human Paladin. It's the closest thing to a knight you can get, so why not play out your fantasies in a roleplaying game? Capricorn plays a young man who's looking to avenge his fallen family (sound familiar much?). He has high strength and dexterity, and low charisma. He's also the type to stock up on everything the party manages to acquire, and gets very annoyed with Gemini steals things from him. He's not quite that imaginative when it comes to creating a backstory, but his slightly unconventional battle tactics have surprised the party; after all, it's a game, so why not do things you can't do in real life?

Aquarius - Lawful Neutral Human Fighter. Aquarius plays as Libra's retainer – somehow, even though Libra's character isn't quite a royal in the game. Aquarius's fighter is technically supposed to be skilled at 'a variety of weapons', but Aquarius's character only ever uses the sword. Aquarius's character has high dexterity but low charisma. Gemini tried to encourage her to choose a rogue because it would probably fit her character more, but Aquarius refused because it didn't have 'sword' in the description. Aquarius also tends to give too much detail when explaining the exact maneuverers she uses in battle, but hey, at least she agreed to play?

Pisces - Neutral Good Halfling Bard. Surprise, surprise – the bard class drew Pisces' attention first. With the halfling's avoidance of offence and the bard's high charisma, it's no wonder Pisces flourishes as this role. Pisces has high charisma – like, really high – and low strength, because most of the time she tends to talk her way out of all situations. Yes, even during that time with the giant spiders. Pisces tries to do her best to help out the NPCs of a town, but she does use magic from time to time if talking it out really doesn't work.

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