FEH Theorycrafts 1 (Awakening Bridal Seasonals: Bridal Awakening)

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I have no idea what I'm doing, especially since I'm just a casual Fire Emblem Heroes player, but this is looks fun so I'll try it; and I can't be bothered to make my own sprites for a proper looking theorycraft. (Also, I doubt anyone's here to actually look at my Fire Emblem ramblings, so feel free to skip or whatever since this will make absolutely no sense to people who don't play FEH).

Also, a note on the silhouettes we got for the bridal banner that should be dropping in two days' time (edit: since I started this yesterday, the trailer should drop in a few hours); my personal thoughts are that it does look like a Japanese/Hoshidan style banner. My guesses are on Hinata for the left one and maybe Oboro? But a selfish part of me also hopes it is a Chon'sin banner because the right one might be Say'ri. (The thing sticking out from the side of the head kind of reminded me of Cherche's headpiece at first, but then again not really.) If it's a Chon'sin banner... any hopes of a seasonal Lon'qu? I hope so; I've been waiting very long for this. Cordelia and Tharja got on the bridal banner without having any 'official spouses' (though I guess their unrequited love is kind of one), so I hope other characters from Awakening might be able to get on too.

Also, since I'm blathering on about FEH, I might as well talk about my other personal thoughts about the banner since nobody's going to be reading this anyway and my brother isn't bothered to answer anything I say about it except 'I hope it's Morgan!!' So, uh, if there ever was an Awakening specific bridal banner, this is it. I'm just going to... write stuff here now, I guess.

To summarise the alts I've put down: (Mostly to remind myself; and to show myself how unbalanced the colours/move types are...)

Duo Hero F!Morgan & M!Morgan: Ylissean Duo (colourless dagger infantry)
Sumia: Clumsy Bride (green axe infantry)
Lon'qu: Reluctant Groom (colourless bow cavalry)
Lucina: Exalted Bride (green dagger flier)
Libra: Dashing Priest (blue tome infantry)


Duo Hero F!Morgan & M!Morgan: Ylissean Duo

Colourless dagger infantry unit. F!Morgan is based off a typical flower girl at a wedding, while M!Morgan is either based off a ring bearer or a page boy. Either way, F!Morgan is leading and she throws flowers at people. (If Gaius can throw a literal lollipop at someone as a dagger, flowers aren't a far cry.) The Morgans team up across timelines/Outrealms to celebrate the wedding of... uh, I don't know, but they're here to have fun!

Duo Skill: Inflicts debuffs of Atk/Spd -6 on enemies within a 3*5 rectangle centered on unit. (Just imagine pitfall traps, except I can't have the 'damage enemies' effect because Duo Hector and Lilina already have that effect.)

HP: 34
Atk: 35 (+14 Mt)
Spd: 36
Def: 20
Res: 26

(They have a BST of 151 because that seems typical for infantry dagger units, but their Duo Hero status treats their BST as 170 or something. They have a high attack and speed because that just seems to be the thing for dagger units recently, and slightly higher Res than Def to reflect that they're both mages in FEH.)

Weapon: Petal Shurikens (14 Mt, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+3 to unit during combat. If penalty inflicted on foe, grants Atk/Spd+4 to unit during combat and foe cannot make a follow up attack.)
Assist: None
Special: Dragon Fang

A Skill: Swift Sparrow 3 (To buff their already high Atk and Spd, obviously)
B Skill: Lull Atk/Def 3 (Because... if penalties weren't enough already)
C Skill: Atk/Res Oath 3 (To symbolise the bonds they share between Shepherds – okay, never mind)

"Let's make this..." "The best festival ever!"


Sumia: Clumsy Bride

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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