How Would the D.C. Zodiacs Play SSBU?

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Author's Note: (deep breath) Why did I even make this and what purpose does it serve? Nothing, really, but that's why it's in my spam book. This is full of Smash Ultimate terminology. I'm referring to the Nintendo Switch game. I've been playing it a lot with my brother so I wanted to apply it to the Daybreak's Crest Zodiacs. I'm assuming this is a modern AU of some sort.

I do play the Fire Emblem characters a lot in SSBU. How did you guess? (What, because Daybreak's Crest is partially inspired by it, for those who did read the first Author's Note in the introduction?) My brother plays Pichu a lot. He doesn't seem like the type but, uh, who'd guess? Also, to those of you following on with this book and all the weird stuff I post; er, thanks for the views, I guess! And thanks for tolerating all of the stuff I post.


Aries: Mains Roy, Snake and Fox, but prefers Roy (with the red alternate costume) because Aries relates with him. Plays against Sagittarius a lot, and gets very frustrated when he can never get near. Uses taunts a lot when playing with Sagittarius. Is very vocal when playing. Doesn't bother to spend the time to learn combos and tends to play very upfront and offensive. Falls off the stage and dies a lot, or if playing Snake, constantly gets stuck on the bottom of the stage when trying to recover.

Taurus: Prefers to play heavy, hard-hitting characters. Mains Byleth and Ike, but mostly uses Byleth. He likes using the axe and is very fascinated by the bone-like appearance of Aymr, though he wouldn't show it. Would probably not play super often, but plays it if the others are. Doesn't aim to win and sometimes congratulates people on a good hit in the game.

Gemini: Prefers lighter characters. Mains Inkling, Pikachu and for the memes, Ice Climbers (get it, because of the twins reference?). She's scarily good at the game though and plays it while smiling, laughing and cheerfully congratulating you as she wins the game for like the fifth time in a row. On the other hand, she tends to accidentally die offstage a lot too. Prefers the different coloured costumes instead of the original costume. Jumps around a lot.

Cancer: Plays Sheik and Joker. Doesn't play a lot, but will willingly play to beat Sagittarius up if Sagittarius annoys her too much. Uses a lot of combos and plays extremely quickly and up close, but doesn't do well in large games with the others. Prefers 1v1 games. If you give her even one second, she'll start charging up her needles (when using Sheik).

Leo: Mains Captain Falcon, Ken and Peach. He's scarily good at Peach too, so don't laugh at him for it. He likes screaming 'FALCON PUNCH!' alongside Captain Falcon after learning his key quotes. He does not like losing and gets very into the game at times, being the most focused some have ever seen him. He sometimes uses Shulk with the shirtless alternate costume to annoy the others. Literally exclusively travels by rolling out of shield and teabags (bobs up and down, in Smash terms) to annoy people.

Virgo: Mains Zelda, Palutena and Robin. When playing as a large group, she hides away at the side and throws projectiles at people. She actually often wins this way because everyone's trying to beat each other up in the middle. She prefers the pink-haired female Robin alt or just the regular female Robin and is constantly charging Thoron to zap people who aren't paying attention. There is no running from her fireballs when she's using Zelda.

Libra: Plays Ness and Villager. Rarely plays, but plays when the others are. Plays very passively and rarely actually runs into the middle of combat to fight the others. When they're playing together, he often just stands at the side with Virgo and watches the others beat each other up. Encourages and cheers the others on while playing. He also plays Mr Game & Watch and tends to get extremely lucky with the RNG on his Specials. Also, he spams the Shield button a lot and tends to parry or avoid a lot of attacks in general.

Scorpio: Mains Joker and Greninja. Doesn't play a lot, but will play when Aries plays. Tends to win a lot just by kicking Aries off the stage and watching him struggle to recover. Sagittarius often forces him to play with her, too, which then ends up as a battle of Scorpio avoiding her projectiles and trying to get near while Sagittarius stands at the other end of the stage. He doesn't seem to realise that you can't exactly strategise in a fighting game, though.

Sagittarius: Plays the archer characters almost exclusively. Prefers Pit over Dark Pit, and likes playing Toon Link from time to time. She'll stand at the other end of the stage and throw projectiles (usually arrows) at you. She really likes playing against Aries and, if Cancer is annoyed enough, with Cancer as well. She's quite accurate with her projectiles when she can aim them, and will shoot you with them even when offstage.

Capricorn: Mains Meta Knight, Marth and occasionally Link. Rarely plays – only plays when the others drag him into it. Doesn't understand how Meta Knight works but still plays him because of the name. Otherwise, he holds his own well enough as Marth. Rarely goes offstage on purpose. Still does not realise how to detonate the bombs as Link and tends to blow himself up as Link when trying to grab a new bomb while holding the previous one.

Aquarius: Mains Lucina, and occasionally plays Meta Knight. She will probably not use a character that does not have a sword... ever. Is never bothered to change costumes, though after Gemini pushed her to, Aquarius now almost exclusively plays the grey-purple skin (the Sumia recolouration, for those who know). Plays fast and knows when to space people out.

Pisces: Mains Jigglypuff, Isabelle and sometimes uses Pokémon Trainer. She literally never switches from using Squirtle, though. She likes playing a wide range of 'cute' characters though, like Yoshi, Kirby and Pichu. Spams the special attacks a lot, especially Jigglypuff's sing move. Try not to get caught in Jigglypuff's Sing, because if you do, she will almost always hit the Rest (down-B) on you after being taught by Gemini how to do so.

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