Zodiac Chart Alignment Memes and Stuff

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I wanted to compare the personalities of the Zodiac characters throughout my three books, Breaking Free, Killer Instinct and Daybreak's Crest, so what better what to do it than memes? Because I'm lazy to edit, I'm just going to type them instead.


"Can I copy your homework?"

"I'll help you with it!" - B.F. Cancer, B.F. Pisces, B.F. Libra, B.F. Virgo, K.I. Cancer, K.I. Virgo, K.I. Libra, K.I. Pisces, D.C. Virgo, D.C. Libra

"Yeah sure" - B.F. Aries, B.F. Taurus, K.I. Sagittarius, K.I. Capricorn, D.C. Pisces

"bold of you to assume i did the homework" - B.F. Sagittarius, K.I. Gemini, D.C. Sagittarius,

"lol nope" - B.F. Gemini, B.F. Aquarius, B.F. Capricorn, K.I. Aries, K.I. Scorpio, D.C. Cancer, D.C. Aquarius

"wait we had homework????" - B.F. Leo, K.I. Leo, D.C. Aries, D.C. Gemini

"Read 5:55PM" - B.F. Scorpio, K.I Taurus, K.I. Aquarius, D.C. Taurus, D.C. Leo, D.C. Scorpio, D.C. Capricorn

(So... most of the Zodiacs especially Libra and Virgo are very kind, sweet souls that will help you. The fire signs often don't realise there's homework... or they don't care. The air signs except for Libra will watch you suffer, mostly. The water signs are sweet souls usually except for D.C. Cancer who doesn't care if you suffer. The earth signs except for Virgo will most likely ignore you.)


Regularly swears - B.F. Aries, B.F. Scorpio, K.I. Aries, K.I. Leo, K.I Scorpio, K.I. Sagittarius, K.I Aquarius, D.C. Aries, D.C. Taurus, D.C. Cancer, D.C. Scorpio

Has sworn off swearing (ha), but has sworn before at some point - B.F. Leo, B.F. Sagittarius, B.F. Aquarius, K.I. Capricorn, D.C. Gemini, D.C. Leo

Has not sworn before, but could if desired - B.F. Gemini, B.F. Taurus, K.I. Taurus, K.I. Gemini, D.C. Capricorn, D.C. Aquarius

Has not sworn before and refuses to swear - B.F. Libra, B.F. Virgo, B.F. Capricorn, K.I. Libra, D.C. Pisces

Legally cannot swear - B.F. Cancer, B.F. Pisces, K.I. Cancer, K.I. Virgo, K.I. Pisces, D.C. Virgo, D.C. Libra

(funny because they... don't swear at all in my books except for maybe 'dammit' but that's it. Also, the water signs except Scorpio/usually the protagonists are all soft innocent children who do not swear and that's final.)


When a bag is stuck in the vending machine

tries to get the snack by sticking their arm in the slot - B.F. Sagittarius, B.F. Gemini, B.F. Capricorn, K.I. Cancer (to avoid asking people), K.I. Aquarius, K.I. Pisces, D.C. Pisces

shakes the vending machine - B.F. Aries, B.F. Aquarius, B.F. Taurus, K.I. Taurus, K.I. Scorpio, K.I. Capricorn, D.C. Aries, D.C. Taurus

punches/kicks the glass - B.F. Scorpio, K.I. Aries, K.I. Leo, D.C. Gemini, D.C. Cancer, D.C. Scorpio, D.C. Aquarius (hits it with her sword probably)

asks someone for help - B.F. Cancer, B.F. Pisces, B.F. Libra, B.F. Virgo, K.I. Libra, D.C. Leo, D.C. Virgo, D.C. Libra

all of the above, in that order - B.F. Leo, K.I. Gemini, K.I. Sagittarius

(This one is a little more varied because a lot of the Zodiacs are just decidedly... stupid because they have powers/pointy things so why not use them)


Sick Days

Claims they aren't sick and that they never get sick - B.F. Leo, B.F. Sagittarius, B.F. Gemini, K.I. Aries, K.I. Leo, D.C. Aries, D.C. Leo

Goes to class anyway because they don't want to get left behind - B.F. Aries, B.F. Scorpio, B.F. Capricorn, K.I. Taurus, K.I. Cancer, D.C. Taurus, D.C. Sagittarius, D.C. Capricorn

Actually never gets sick, brings work to sick classmates - B.F. Cancer, B.F. Virgo, K.I. Pisces

Stays home but does all the homework - B.F. Pisces, K.I. Virgo, K.I. Libra, K.I. Capricorn, D.C. Scorpio, D.C. Aquarius

Stays home and (does things that are decidedly not work) all day - B.F. Aquarius, B.F. Taurus, K.I. Gemini, K.I. Scorpio, K.I. Sagittarius, K.I. Aquarius, D.C. Gemini, D.C. Cancer,

Actually goes to the doctor - B.F. Libra, D.C. Virgo, D.C. Libra, D.C. Pisces

(the fire signs occupy the top row and they do it proudly)

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