Zodiac Free Art Requests - 100 Follower Celebration

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EDIT: It's over, so no more requests will be taken! Thanks for the requests – I'll get to finishing them eventually. Thank you all for the support!


Hey guys! Thank you for getting me to 100 followers; I know it isn't much, but I still wanted to do something for it. So I'm opening up temporary art requests ONLY for Zodiac characters so I can contribute to the Zodiac community here. (For examples of my art, see the references or you can see the fanart I made in the chapter above this one labelled 'Zodiac Fanart')

There are a couple of specific rules that I've decided on to try make this easier and more fair, so please follow them if you want to request some art! (I might change around the rules if I need to but I hope everything makes sense right now! Feel free to ask questions if you need)


1. You may request any of the twelve Zodiacs from any of my three books – Breaking Free, Killer Instinct or Daybreak's Crest – AND/OR you may request for a Zodiac from your own book(s) if you also write Zodiac books. (Your Zodiac book must have at least 2 published story chapters to make sure people don't just make up books just for art.)

2. If you want to request for a Zodiac character from your own book, you may only post one request per book for now. (So if you write two books, you can request twice – but only one request for Book 1 and another request for Book 2, not two requests for the same book) You may ask for a specific Zodiac from your book or ask me to draw any one from a selection of Zodiac characters (e.g. "Feel free to draw Aries or Taurus"), but this will all be counted as one request. However, if I fulfil this request, you may request again (for that book).

3. If you request for a Zodiac character from your story, you must have a digital coloured reference that is not art belonging to another artist! That doesn't mean you have to draw your own, however – feel free to use character creators (e.g. Gacha Life).

4. Requests for Zodiac characters from any of my books are unlimited. You may also attempt to ask for specific scenes/scenarios/characters together, but I may not be able to do those/complex scenes. I'll still try my best, though!

5. This is not first come, first served. I will do my best to get around to all of the requests eventually, but you may have to be patient. Also, I don't know how long it'll take me to finish these or how many requests I might receive (I do hope there's at least one), so we'll see how that goes.

6. Art quality and type will vary. I'll do my best to make everything lined and coloured, but the type (chibi, icon, etc.) will vary amongst the requests.

7. I have the right to decline/not do requests if I don't feel comfortable doing them or if I am unable. But I swear I will do my best! 

8. Please don't claim my art as your own, but you may repost them on your stories/other sites with credit to me.

9. Please be polite! I don't think I have to put this as a rule, but I'll do it anyway just in case.

10. Assuming all goes well, requests close on the 31st of March. I may not finish all of the requests by then, but no more requests can be made after that date (so you may request on the 31st, but not the 1st of April).

Hopefully that wasn't too much to read. With the rules out of the way, please post your requests as a comment HERE (on this paragraph)! State the Zodiac(s) you'd want me to draw, where the reference is (e.g. "The reference for Aries is on the 'Characters' page of my book 'Breaking Free'") and I'll try do it! I'll either leave a message on your message board (if I remember) when I complete it or you can check on my Spam Book every once in a while.

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