Daybreak's Crest Writing Prompt Shorts 3

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Author's Note: Some of these are a bit different but I'm just trying things out here! Also, I'm looking forward to posting the fourth section of these; they're not done yet, but I quite like/enjoyed writing the ones I've already done!


11. "I wonder what will get you killed first – your loyalty or your stubbornness?"

When Virgo closed her eyes, sometimes she would dream.

Her dreams were blurry, hazy. Virgo presumed it was due to her amnesia... or maybe it was due to that part of her brain that hid these memories from her because her mind wasn't ready for that.

She never told the others. The Zodiacs already had so much on their hands; they didn't need to bother themselves her problems. Besides, she never could get anything concrete from these passing dreams or sudden, vivid moments in her waking; maybe she'd tell them when she could piece together what had happened... but that probably wouldn't be anytime soon.

Sometimes, she'd catch glimpses of something that felt familiar... but when she tried to grasp at the tendrils, they'd simply slip away from her grasp.

Colourful walls. Silver threads, green and gold...

Other times, it would be dark. Hazy greys, blacks, purple. She'd strain her eyes to see, but it was as if her brain was clouding everything... why?

"I wonder what will get you killed first – your loyalty or your stubbornness?"

There was a distant voice; hazy, unidentifiable. Virgo blinked; she was in the dark room again. At least, she was pretty sure it was a room... where else could a place be so dark?

Wait... who is it? Who's talking... are they talking to me?

Virgo tried to strain her ears.

I... need to know more –

There was another voice. To her surprise, there was – she could hear it clearly; a rich, male voice, deep and... sounds familiar–

"Call it whatever you want; you'll have to get through me before you get to any of them. I will never yield to a monster like you."

Virgo automatically leaned towards the voice. Despite the seething hatred in their voice, there was something – something... familiar...

"Oh, don't worry, old man... you're not the one I want."

Something moved in the darkness. Virgo drew back with a gasp –

Her eyes fluttered open. Breathing heavily, she slowly sat up.

The fabric walls of the the tent swayed in the wind. Next to her, Pisces slept soundly in her sleeping bag, completely unaware of what had happened. Virgo turned away, trying to calm her breathing. Sweat cooled at the back of her neck.

Another nightmare... or a memory. But... why would... I have a memory of something like that? I'm... just the daughter of a merchant family... right?


12. "Where you go, I go."

The gentle click of his boots and the slanted shadow against the ground was the only indication of Prince Aries' approach. There wasn't anyone around to see it, though; the gleam of the sunset meant that it was close to supper.

The last supper in this castle. Aries thought grimly, his fingers unconsciously crushing the paper note in his hands. The ink from Scorpio's message to him in a series of secretly exchanged messages through the cell doors smeared across his palm.

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