My OCs as Pokémon Types (and etc.)

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This is the type of thing my brain comes up with in tutor time so... since I'm basically never going to interact with the other people in my tutor, I use the time productively to write stuff like this instead!


Skyler - Flying
An adventurous, prankster Pokémon. They're relatively friendly and loyal to a fault if if you catch one, and are willing to fight anything that tries to harm those it sees as a friend. They fly with large, feathery wings and often boost their flight with gusts of wind.

Otto - Dark/Ghost
These Pokémon are timid and often keep to themselves. They're very easily spooked and tend to run away rather than fight. However, they can unleash immense power when reverting to a certain form when their HP is low.

Aisuki - Ice/Fighting
A stoic, aloof Pokémon. They spend their time training themselves to become stronger, and will follow trainers who they deem worthy or capable of making them stronger. They tend to battle other Pokémon to train themselves.

Casper - Ice
These Pokémon are quiet by nature and are very passive. They're not so easily provoked and are often the companions of trainers similar in nature to them. They're also often companions of scientists due to their curious nature.

Lucia - Ice/Fairy or Ice
These Pokémon are deceptively sweet-looking, but they're very willing to attack if those who they have decided to protect are threatened. They're very friendly to those who they decide to protect but are viciously ruthless to anyone else.

Shauna - Fairy/Normal
These Pokémon are gentle and timid, and are very good with children. The long, scarf-like appendage they have has been described to be 'as soft as a Swablu's wings', and they are willing to share it with trainers in cold winters.

Kyson - Ground or Ground/Steel
It is seen inhabited forest areas and they are loyal protectors, often used as bodyguards or Pokémon for police. They are more defensive than offensive in terms of battle.

Kaylin - Grass/Fighting or Grass/Steel
These Pokémon are often haughty and reckless. They'll take on Pokémon twice their size without hesitating and are eager to prove themselves in battle. Their bravery has been witnessed by some in the form of saving people from collapsed or burning buildings.

Anton - Normal/Rock or Normal/Ground
It is a very friendly Pokémon that loves to be near people. It's often a troublemaker at times and has been seen causing trouble amongst people, but usually it has good intentions and a good heart.

Aster - Poison
This Pokémon is often found working in laboratories because of its curious, studious nature. It almost appears to understand human speech. The various poisons it produces are often made up of plants that it finds out in the wilderness instead from itself.

Castor - Poison or Poison/Dark
A playful, mischievous Pokémon, it enjoys hanging around people and bothering them by taking their things. However, it is viciously violent to those who harm its trainer or those it chooses to protect, and has a strange dark side to it for its playful nature. Nobody knows what are behind the bandages over its eyes.

Harlow - Dark or Normal
This Pokémon has a rather passive temperament. It rarely battles other Pokémon and spends most of its time in one area instead of exploring.

Lyn - Dark/Fairy
Those who have seen this Pokémon claim that it is very flighty and appears lonely, though it runs from people who attempt to approach it. It has only been seen at night or in dark places. It can only be found by following the echo of its cry.

Kanon - Normal/Fairy
It appears to enjoy music. It gets on well with cheerful or active people, and the marks on its body appear to glow in time to the beat of any music. It is always energetic and gets along well with children.

Anita - Steel/Fairy or Steel/Physic
The mysterious, floating steel appendages around its head are said to be its ears. They are connected with a glowing light that people claim to be the essence of its power. One can find it by playing music, which draws this Pokémon towards it.

Finch/Phoenix (temp. name for now?) - Fire
This Pokémon carries around a mask all the time and wears it during battle. Some say the mask carries its power, but it has been proven that this Pokémon doesn't need its mask to battle. In fact, when wearing the mask, this Pokémon seems to change personalities entirely, becoming much more collected and confident for battle.

Valerie - Fire/Physic or Fire/Dark
This Pokémon is known to be sly, mischievous and a prankster. It has nine, fluffy tails that it preens, but unlike Ninetales, its tails are not cursed, though they do hold power. It enjoys preening itself and annoying other Pokémon.

Einis - Ghost
This Pokémon always appears to be sad. It is very timid but not so easily frightened as it seems to wander about in its own personal daze at times. The ghost-like claws it possesses are said to be cursed, and those in its presence often feel sad for no particular reason. It has been said that this Pokémon has the ability to pass on its own emotions to others.

Kira - Fairy
This Pokémon is often seen working at bakeries. It loves to entertain children with its fluffy tail. Its fur is soft to the touch and this Pokémon has a natural affinity for making people feel happier.

Shane - Normal or Water or Water/Normal or Normal/Physic
It appears to be found near places with technology. This Pokémon is flighty but curious, and often attempts communication with humans with the colour-changing streaks in its fur. It is said that if this Pokémon becomes close with its trainer, it will change the streaks in its fur to match the trainer.

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