The Spy and the Warlord(s)

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This is absolutely not historically accurate but it's based off my limited knowledge of the Warlord Era in China – here we go! (Also, warnings for some spoilers for Killer Instinct!) This is all over the place but to be honest I don't even know what's going on–


A brunette wandered lazily through the tranquil village, the chill of the dawn air hardly bothering him despite the relatively thin layers he was dressed in. Despite his seemingly apathetic attitude as he strolled down the dust-paved roads where cart wheels had weaved their way into the dry soil, there was something dangerously precise about his steps and in the glint of his unnaturally pale-blue eyes.

His steps were purposeful as he made his way through the mostly agricultural village. Watchful eyes from fearful villagers in their homes followed him as he headed towards his target – a tall stone building standing in stark contrast to the dusty, wooden shacks that made up the homes of the peasants.

The brown-haired male came to a stop in front of the iron gate, which has worn gouges into the ground from where it turned on its joint. He stood silently, waiting patiently with his arms crossed with as much authority as one could imagine in such a lowly village.

"Kyson." A voice finally acknowledged his presence; the formal lilt of a clearly well-educated man just barely hinted at the mysterious person's identity. "You may enter."

The gates creaked open as a gangly man pulled the door open. Kyson didn't even give him a glance as he passed through the relatively modest entrance into the much more grand interior.

"My general." The voice boomed. "You have information?"


"Then enter."

Kyson turned the corner and entered the room.

A man sat with his back turned. He was dressed like a soldier – in intricately designed armour that looked like it hadn't seen a single hint of battle – aside from the extravagant blue cloak with white trimmed edges that was over his back. His lavish clothes seemed to engulf his relatively short stature, making him almost seem like a child playing king, but there was something cruel and razor sharp in his piercing blue eyes as he fixated his gaze upon Kyson with a haughty eye.

"Your Majesty, Governor Ophiuchus."

"Rise and speak."

"For your daily report; as you have ordered, ninety percent of all farmers' rice will be transferred to you shortly to begin selling for weapons. Furthermore, General Ursa would like to pass on to you that her conquering of the region she has been assigned has succeeded."


"I have information about Orion and his region. Phoenix, younger sister of Pegasus – the girl who betrayed you –"

"Ah, yes, her." Ophiuchus murmured thoughtfully. "I had Taurus shatter her skull like a melon in exchange for her betrayal. A pitiful sight – she would've been a good addition to my empire." His eyes narrowed as he studied Kyson. "She was completely loyal to me. I expect the same from you."

Kyson's face remained completely emotionless. "Yes, sir. Of course. Now, her younger sister Phoenix – who had also been studying to become a scientist and worked under you – has chosen to switch sides. She now works for Orion."

Ophiuchus's mouth twisted into a scowl. "And why tell me this?"

"She may be passing on state secrets to Orion."

"That girl," Ophiuchus snarled, suddenly slamming his hands down on his chair, "I should've killed her with her sister–!" He rose from his chair, teeth gritted. "General Kyson, get Rin. I need her to be assassinated now."

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