A Daybreak's Crest Valentine's Special!

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This is set... during the war? I'm not quite sure myself, but it's a oneshot so just take it and like it (or don't and just disappear off the chapter and into the void aaa)

Also, summary: in which Aries and Scorpio don't know what 'attraction to each other' means even though they're technically already in the relationship phase. (Or, in short; I did not decide on where they 'were' in their relationship until the last 500 words.)


"So." Scorpio said dryly, leaning back against the cushioned back of his chair. "You were dragged into this by the others?"

"Yeah." Aries subconsciously tugged at the too-fancy lapels of his coat. "Let me guess – you too?"

"You'd think I'd wear something like this for fun?" Scorpio scowled. Aries took a moment to glance over his garb: a dark blue coat with intricate silver trimmings, slate grey pants and – gods forbid it – actual, polished shoes.

Scorpio noticed him staring and scoffed. "What? I don't even know how they got these."

"They... look very nice, Scorp." Aries managed to make out, trying not to laugh. "Very formal. It's – a new look for you, don't you think?"

"Hmph." Scorpio rolled his eyes.

"Aw, c'mon. They really do look good on you!"

Scorpio loosened the buttons on his coat and shrugged it off, then unbuttoned the top button of his black collared shirt, leaning back into his chair. "Ugh. These clothes are suffocating. And what is this cafe trying to do, boil us alive?"

"Ha... yeah, m-maybe." Aries swallowed. His throat was strangely dry. "Yeah, a bit like a desert, don't you think? Well, since we're here, we might as well order something."

Coincidentally, a waiter in a blue and gold apron swept over. The expression on his tired face, the messy black hair made it look like he had just gotten out of bed – never mind the dark bags under his eyes – made it look like he wished to be anywhere else but here at that very moment. With an obviously forced smile, he stated "Welcome to Caffè Nero. What would you like to order?"

"A glass of water." Scorpio didn't even look at the waiter; too busy staring off into the distance Aries blinked. "Uh, well, what is there?"

The waiter sighed and slid over a menu.

Aries looked down at the options. "Uh... an iced tea, then."

"Sure." The waiter snapped the menu shut and wandered away, muttering something about "not being paid enough to do this" and "why am I even here" under his breath.

"Right... so, er, where were we?" Aries asked, his eyes following Scorpio's fingers as the dark-haired male fidgeted with the cuff os his sleeve – then quickly refocusing his eyes back upwards at Scorpio's face. Scorpio was engaged in squinting out a window.

"What is it?"

"Thought I saw something." Scorpio turned back towards Aries. "It's nothing."

"Ahem... gentlemen." The two of them looked up to see the waiter from before returning with the most 'dead-inside' expression they had ever seen on a person. "I'm afraid... there isn't enough of whatever you ordered. You'll have to share."

The glass was set onto the table. Aries stared down at the delicate mound of whipped cream sitting on top of what was clearly some sort of chocolate drink. The two straws sticking out bobbed mockingly at them.

"I'm sorry, what?" Scorpio raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I ordered a glass of water. How can you not have a glass of water?"

The waiter's eyes darted about. He opened his mouth, then closed it again and shook his head. "...I don't get paid enough for this. Goodbye." Still carrying his now-empty tray, he disappeared through a doorway and slammed the door shut.

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