Unused Section of 'A Daybreak's Crest Valentine's Special!'

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This is what I started with, then I lost motivation, so I jumped straight into the 'fun' part. This features the other Zodiacs more, and you can imagine that it's like the 'very short prequel' to the actual special.

Also, I completely forgot to mention because I was too enthusiastic to get out the chapter, but the idea with the rainbows in the Valentine's Special (not this one – the chapter before) comes from Lucid_fantasies_! We were discussing and I was going to include a scene like that in the actual book (but less... you know), but I ended up including it here. (I may or may not try to include another one in Daybreak's Crest, but here you go for now!)


"Valentine's Day? What's that?"

"No. No. You couldn't have. No." Gemini, who was currently taking Sagittarius's place to giving Aries advice (since Sagittarius was busy with her... own plans), screamed into her hands and banged her head against a nearby wall. Now I can see why Sagittarius gets so riled up about this all the time...

"Aquarius, is she alright?" The certain oblivious redhead asked. Aquarius only handed him the calendar that Gemini had instructed her to give him.

Aries looked at it. "Yes, it's the 14th of February." (A/N: Do the Cethians even have months? I don't know, why're you asking me? Oh, wait. It's my universe. I should know.) "I see that. So?"

"Have you never heard of Valentine's Day?" Gemini continued her ranting. Libra hovered behind her, unsure of what to do. "Gemini, it's alright. Maybe it's just an Auraidorian thing..."

"No, no. It isn't! Even Sagittarius knows about it, and she's been preparing for this weeks in advance!" Gemini wailed. "What are you going to do?!"

"Huh? Sagittarius?" Aries pondered. "Now that you mentioned it... Sagittarius did say something like that. I don't know why she kept on trying to force me to go shopping with her, but..."

"It's alright! For I, Leo, am here!"

"Leo!" Gemini shouted, then paused and asked, "Wait, why?"

Leo smiled. The blond-haired male was dressed in a pristine, white formal wear himself, with his signature royal blue cloak thrown over his shoulder and his armoured boots replaced for standard, formal black shoes. "Why, I know all about it! The ladies do flock to me each year..."

"You have a date?!"

Leo winked. "That's information for another time, Gemini. We're focused on His Highness, here –"

Aries sighed. "Why are you all fussing over me? I don't understand."

"Well..." Libra murmured. "There's... this day... and it's a day to celebrate your loved ones. So... Gemini's just worried that you haven't really, uh, prepared?"

"Prepared?" Aries echoed. "Prepare for what?"

Gemini facepalmed. "You know what? Leo, Aqua, Libby – if he's not going to do it himself, we need to. C'mon, let's go!" She grabbed Aries' arm. Leo took the other arm and the two of them dragged him away, with Aries protesting loudly in between them.

"Should we go with them...?" Libra murmured.

"They're going to end up killing Aries, so we should." Aquarius said with an unchanged expression, moving to follow the group down the path towards the marketplace.


"What are we doing here?" Scorpio asked impatiently as he was bustled along by Pisces, who had been carefully instructed by Sagittarius for weeks in advance for this very day. "Did we run out of supplies? Do you need to buy something?"

"Well, yes, actually – I think we were running out on bandages for our first aid packets, and..."

"Virgo, we are not missing anything. Got it?" Pisces shot Virgo a knowing smile and wink, gesturing with the other hand at Scorpio. Virgo only gave her a mildly confused look in response.

"Sagittarius has something planned." Taurus explained in a low voice. When Virgo continued to look at him in confusion, Capricorn helpfully supplied, "Today is Valentine's Day."

"Oh." Virgo nodded slowly. "Oh, I see."

There was a long pause.

"What... is Valentine's Day?"

"Right, you did lose your memory..." Capricorn muttered.

"It's a day where people celebrate with their loved ones." Taurus explained. "Sagittarius has insisted we help our leader and deputy..."

"What are you three mumbling about?!" Scorpio shouted back at the Gaebians.

"Absolutely nothing at all." Capricorn deadpanned. Scorpio glared at him suspiciously, but before he could say anything else, Pisces let out a loud squeal. "There it is!"

The brunette female pushed Scorpio into the shop. "Come on now, everyone! We need to help him choose something!"

The three shared a look. For having been informed of the plan, Taurus and Capricorn didn't seem to realise what actually went into the plan.

"Choose what?" Taurus asked.

"Just come in!"

The little shop greeted them with the faintest scent of citrus. It was also packed full of racks of clothes and other knickknacks, and was devoid of other people aside from a smiling, old woman who approached them immediately. "Hello! How may I help you?"

"My friend here needs some clothes for... a certain something." Pisces said with a wink, patting Scorpio on the shoulder. Scorpio scoffed and pushed her hand off. "Sorry, what? I don't need any more –"

"Say no more, dear." The old woman smiled knowingly back at Pisces. "Why don't you come this way?"

Scorpio opened his mouth to protest, but Pisces whispered, "Don't be rude to a kind old lady!" while Taurus simply started walking after the old woman, leaving them with no chance but to follow. Virgo and Capricorn continued to trail behind Scorpio, as if to keep him from running away.

"Any colours you have in mind? I was thinking blue would be nice," the woman hummed as she sifted through several racks of suits, "a blue like the cloak you're wearing would match you quite well. Silver trimmings, perhaps?"


"Blue's nice!" Pisces agreed cheerfully. "It'd really match him!"

"Mmhm, I see." The old woman nodded back and pulled out several clothes racks. She held them up in front of Scorpio and studied him with a critical expression. "Hmm..."

"Why –"

"Yes, this would fit. This part, however... hm, I think this colour would match the top more..." The old woman pushed several piles of fabric into Scorpio's hands.

"Off you go!" Pisces hummed, pushing Scorpio into a conveniently placed dressing room and pulling the curtains shut. Pisces and the three Gaebians stared patiently at the closed curtains, waiting –

"Why are you making me do this?" Scorpio's voice echoed out from inside the dressing room.

"For something important!" Pisces called back.

"So... about the plan," Virgo murmured, apparently having caught up with the rest of the news from the other two, "what do we need to do next?"

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