'Fun' Facts about my Zodiac Books

213 4 32

I was bored... so why not? Also, I need a place to dump out all the information I want to share but the Author's Note in every chapter gets a little overcrowded and lengthy sometimes. Or, er, all the time. Whoops...


- Killer Instinct chapter titles are always two words. (You know how many times I had to search up a synonym for the word 'revelation' or 'epiphany' or 'realisation'? Yeah, if you check now, you'll realise the titles for half of the chapters are basically the same thing but with synonyms.) Meanwhile, Daybreak's Crest titles are always three words because I felt that two words were too restrictive. (Breaking Free doesn't have a pattern, but it still annoys me when I look back on the chapter titles and see the random question I have for a title.)

- I'm always terrified of writing too much for my own zodiac sign because I know a lot of people do that (subconsciously), so... I feel like they often rarely appear. (I conveniently deleted part of my profile description a month ago, so... anyone want to take a guess at what my zodiac is? You know... don't post if you know it – yes, I'm looking at you :D)

- Anyway, follow up of the previous point: here's a breakdown of approximately how many times a zodiac's name appears in each book (it's actually just a list of around how many times their name appears in each book. I think the names appear less in Killer Instinct – especially compared to Leo's 681 times?! – because I stop using names so much and call them like 'the black-haired male' and etc. to 'spice it up').

Breaking Free:
Aries - 302
Taurus - 136
Gemini - 216
Cancer - 250
Leo - 681
Virgo - 146
Libra - 186
Scorpio - 262
Sagittarius - 261
Capricorn - 114
Aquarius - 193
Pisces - 248

Killer Instinct:
Aries - 241
Taurus - 120
Gemini - 263
Cancer - 352
Leo - 133
Virgo - 196
Libra - 126
Scorpio - 203
Sagittarius - 197
Capricorn - 141
Aquarius - 164
Pisces - 171

Daybreak's Crest: (Up to Chapter 15; yes, I am aware that many chapters do not exist... yet. But I have written them in advance, so... look forward to that?)
Aries - 239
Taurus - 239
Gemini - 183
Cancer - 153
Leo - N/A... (yet)
Virgo - 78
Libra - 324
Scorpio - 205
Sagittarius - 207
Capricorn - 66
Aquarius - 173
Pisces - 183

- Anyway, to conclude from that... yikes, the poor earth signs hardly get attention in Breaking Free. To be fair, looking at the number of times a character appears in Breaking Free – it does make sense, since I had the fire signs appear first, then the water signs, then air, then earth. I still don't see how Leo managed to get up to 681 times, though...?

- Other conclusions include that the main characters of each book have their names appear the most times, which is to be expected.

- Names appear less in Killer Instinct than Breaking Free (Daybreak's Crest isn't complete yet so I won't compare it, though Daybreak's Crest has nearly the same amount of words Breaking Free has and I'm only on Chapter 15.)

- Aries and Taurus conveniently have the exact same number of times in Daybreak's Crest. (Capricorn appears before Virgo in Daybreak's Crest and appears less times than her, whoops.)

- Breaking Free has a total of 64,738 words including the introduction, character descriptions and chapter titles. Breaking Free has 32 chapters of story and 2 extra chapters of introduction and character descriptions.

- Killer Instinct has a total of 73,503 words including the introduction, character descriptions and chapter titles. Killer Instinct has 34 chapters, not including the extra chapter of character descriptions and introduction.

- Daybreak's Crest, while unfinished, has 45,806 words including the introduction, character descriptions and chapter titles. Daybreak's Crest has 15 chapters of story and one extra chapter of introductions and character description.

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