Daybreak's Crest Incorrect Quotes 4

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I can't stop making these. Plus, they're fun, fast and easy to make in between lessons (online lessons, because of the virus, so I'm at home!) Why not the other Zodiacs, you ask?

Uh... I don't have favourites among my books. I really don't. (But it's just that Daybreak's Crest is always on my mind since I'm constantly thinking of what to write next since I'm stuck on Chapter 26 aaa)

Edit: At least, I was stuck on Chapter 26 when I started this. Now I'm stuck on Chapter 28.


Sagittarius: Kiss the prettiest person in the room!
Leo: Libra?
Libra: *blushes* W-what?
Leo: Move over, I'm trying to get to the mirror.

(Aquarius slowly unsheathes her sword, then slides it back into her sheath while death-glaring at Leo because she doesn't know whether to kill him for telling Libra to move out of the way, or for making it seem like he was about to kiss Libra –)

Virgo: Just a gentle reminder to not eat too much candy before bed.
Gemini: No.
Virgo: That was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance bring me an ungodly amount of rage.

Sagittarius: My policy is if you see something, say something.
Libra: I saw a frog on the ground today.
Sagittarius: Outstanding. This is what I'm talking about, people!

Gemini: So here's the tea –
Scorpio: It's called a mission report.
Gemini: you want the tea or not?

Taurus: Are you getting enough sleep?
Capricorn: Sometimes when I sneeze, my eyes close.

Taurus: Sagittarius, no.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius, yes!
Taurus: Sagittarius, no.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius, maybe?
Taurus: Sagittarius, no.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius, no.

Gemini: Taurus, we have some good news and bad news.
Taurus: Good news first.
Gemini: We won't do it ever again.

Leo: It's a crime to look this good.
Scorpio: Then I'm taking you in.
Leo: But it's just a figure of speech!
Scorpio: Do not resist arrest.

(Leo should be the one arresting someone since he is the knight but at the same time he has the be the one saying that...)

Aquarius: Remember what I told you, Virgo. The way to a man's heart is –
Virgo: Through the fourth and fifth ribs?
Aquarius: That's my girl.

Scorpio: I got a package from my father.
Capricorn: What's in it?
Scorpio: It's heavy. Must be his disappointment in me.

Libra: What's a book that made you cry?
Taurus: New General Mathematics.

Virgo: Truth or dare?
Aquarius: Truth.
Virgo: How many hours have you slept this week?
Aquarius: Dare.
Virgo: Go to sleep.
Aquarius: I don't like this game.

Pisces: You need to react when people cry!
Capricorn: I do. I roll my eyes.

Aries: Your dad died of natural causes.
Scorpio: You pushed him off a cliff.
Aries: Gravity's natural.

Bandit: We have your daughter!
Aquarius: I don't have a daughter? (What, do I look that old?)
Bandit: Pink hair? Has daggers? Keeps saying weird stuff?
Aquarius: Oh, Gemini.
Aquarius: Yeah, you don't have her. She has you. Good luck.

(Why does Gemini keep on getting captured only to annoy her captors to death? I swear, she almost does this on purpose –)

Leo: If Taurus and I were drowning, who would you save?
Capricorn: You don't know how to swim?
Leo: It's a hypothetical question.
Taurus: ...who would you save?
Capricorn: My time and effort.

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