Chapter 39

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Dallas' POV

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with her?!" I screamed lunging forward at the cops again as they shut the door to the cop car.

"You all need to back up unless you want to be taken in too." one of them said.

"What is she being taken in for officer?" Darry asked calmly.

"That is none of your business son. Now all of you leave before we take you in for assault." he grunted. I growled lowly before turning away from the cops and walking away back towards the Curtis', the gang following.

"So we're out in the open, having a rumble with probably over fifty people, more than half of them are socs, and they just decide to arrest the only girl there?" Soda questions as we walk to their house. I was practically fuming, Ponyboy was almost as mad as me, but he seemed more confused.

"Everyone just needs to calm down and we'll head over to the police station to sort everything out." Darry said.

Austin's POV

I was in a holding cell currently waiting for them to pull up my record so they had more information on me. I felt more nervous than I ever had. I thought I would get away for the rest of my life without being arrested again. I knew I needed to stay low since what happened, but I wasn't just going to not have a life. I just hoped that I could still be me without the gang finding out, at least until I was ready to tell them.

"Winston." the officer said grabbing my attention. He started to unlock the cell causing me to stand up. My arms were grabbed and pulled behind my back welcoming the cold metal tightening around my wrists. I was walked down the hall towards the back where I'm assuming an interrogation room is.

I was led into the room and sat at one side of the table as the officer attached my cuffs to the table so I couldn't move my hands very much. There was a mirror on one wall, and I knew that there was someone on the other side. Someone watching what they're going to do and ask. Probably recording everything just incase they miss something I say.

"Someone will be with you in a minute." the cop snarled before exiting the room, slamming the door behind him. I sat quietly, observing my hands. They were dirty, very dirty, and they had cuts that were still bleeding. I could feel other parts of my body still pulsing and bleeding from the rumble.

"What did I get myself into?" I sighed to myself slamming my head in my hands against the table.

Dallas' POV

"I want to see my sister. We have money for whatever bail is set. She didn't do anything that those socs weren't doing." I yelled slamming my hand down on the front desk again.

"Dallas, I've already told you, I can't do anything. Your sisters not as innocent as you think." he smirked at me.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean. Let my girlfriend out. She didn't do anything." Pony started yelling.

"How about I show you. Follow me. Two people at most." the female officer said coming from the hall. I hurriedly ran towards her, Ponyboy following.

"No. You stay out here. Darry comes." I said putting a hand in his shoulder. Darry walked up and pulled Pony towards the gang.

"What why does he go? I'm her boyfriend!" he demanded.

"You're the person she trusts the most weather I like to admit or not. If she hasn't already told you what they're talking about, than she doesn't want you to know. We'll tell you when we know more." I said sternly before walking away with Darry following.

What the fuck were they talking about?!

Austin's POV

"I'm gonna ask you again. Why were you holding a knife to that boys neck?" the cop snarled from across me. I continued to stay quiet while looking down at my hands.

"Were you going to kill him? Stab him? Were you trying to bring the boy to pain?" he continued to pry. But I stood my ground and didn't say anything.

"Talk!" he screamed frustrated slamming his hands down on the metal table causing me to flinch.

"You Winstons never cooperate. You brother doesn't know when to shut the hell up, and you don't know when to open your trap. Where the hell did your mother go wrong?"

"Shut up!" I yelled snapping my head up at the mention of my mother. The cop only smirked at my out brake.

"I didn't try and kill that asswhole. I was saving my boyfriend before he got stabbed. If I wanted the boy hurt he would have gotten worse. And if you so as think about my mother in the wrong way you'll end up worse than him." I snarled. Once the last word came out I knew that I should have just shut up.

"Someone has a sweet spot for dear old mommy." he smirked.

"Shut up."

"What about your father?"

"Shut. Up."

"You did say you had a boyfri-"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed standing up with my arms still attached to the table.

"Why don't you just admit that you were going to kill the boy? We've seen your record. We know what you've done. You've already killed someone, haven't you " he smirked. I kept quiet as a silent tear rolled down my cheek. I never wanted to have to think about that night again.

"I think we're done here." he said with a smirk and stood up. He walked towards me and unhooked my cuffs from the table then fixed them behind my back. When he lacked the cuff back in to my wrists it was a little too tight for my liking. I was led to the door but stopped right before it was opened.

"You have a little surprise waiting outside." I furrowed my brows until the door was opened making my body go numb. There stood my brother and Darry. Both with surprised looks on their faces and my brother almost looked as if he could cry.

"Dallas. I'm sorry." I pleaded but I was being dragged away.

"Stop! Let me explain!" I choked out while thrashing around trying to get out the cops grasp.

"It's not what you think I promise!" I cried. Dallas started to follow us, his eyes softening.

"Let her talk!" he said chasing after. I started thrashing more.

"Shut up boy, you don't want to be in the same shoes as your sister." he said dragging me harder making the cuffs dig into my wrists more making me yelp. Dallas sped up his pace causing Darry to grab him by the arm.

"Darry, now's not the time to try and keep me out of trouble." he remarked tugging to get loose as well. I was rugged into the front of the precinct to be brought into the other hallway. There I saw the rest of the gang along with Jessie and Ashley. They all jumped up and made their way towards me.

"What are you doing?"

"Where are you going?"

"Let go of her!"

"She didn't do anything wrong!"

"Kids I'm going to have to ask you all to back away or else other policemen are going to be brought into this situation." the cop said sternly while trying to drag me away.

"Ashely. Tell Dallas. But let me explain the details the next time I see him. Only him and Darry. Please." I begged crying harder.

"What are you talking about?" Pony asked running up to me cupping my face trying to wipe the tears away.

"I'm so so sorry." I choked before being pulled into the next hallway.

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