Between Worlds 1: Meeting the Madwoman

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Ash opens her eyes to see the same white room she'd visited after her first death. However, this time, she's found a squatter drooling on the floor.

Her eyes feel hot.

Ash marches to the sleeping retard and kicks her gut with all the strength she can muster. Ash's hands snake towards the woman's throat and a second later—

She's grasping at air.

"Isn't this a little rude?" The fucking bitch has the temerity to look teasing.

"You—How—This—" Ash is utterly incapable of forming even the vaguest semblances of human words at the moment.

Jade's eyes soften a bit. She walks forward, moving to Ash's side to gently pat her back. "Take deep breaths. It's alright."

Ash explodes. "This isn't—you—"

Unable to properly speak, Ash decides it's best if she simply beats the crap out of this insensitive fuck.

Ash unhesitantly launches a barrage of attacks at the entirely unruffled woman.

After a good eight hits, Jade finally raises a hand to block the next kick aimed at her head. The scene is a bit funny, with one lady red-faced and fuming while the other woman is cool-headed despite her beaten and disheveled appearance.

Once Ash catches her breath, she struggles to recover her composure. Coldy, she looks at Jade with displeasure. "You still dare to face me after what you did?"

"What did I do?"

Fuck composure. Ash lunges at Jade.

Jade dodges smoothly even as she raises her hands in surrender. "Alright, I was wrong! I'm the guilty party! I'll cooperate peacefully, so calm down."

Ash lets her clenched fists fall to her sides. Her vision swims and Jade sighs. Despite the fact that she just fled from the raging lady, Jade walks forward and smoothly pulls Ash into her embrace. "There, there, don't pout."

Ash punches her in the gut and Jade releases an involuntary grunt of pain. Ash buries her fist further into Jade's abdomen.

Jade releases Ash and rubs her stomach. "If you act like this, you'll make me regret making a physical body."


Seemingly anticipating her confusion, Jade quickly dons a mischievous smile. Her next proclamation is accompanied by exaggerated, grandiose motions. "I am all-powerful." She raises her arms.

Then, in a more conversational manner, Jade rephrases her words. She grins. "I am literally the most powerful being in this universe."

Ash frowns. "I didn't know there were drugs here. How much did you take?"

"Don't be like that; you always knew I wasn't normal."

"What do you call this again? Eighth-grader's syndrome?"

Jade karate chops her head. "Listen," she rebukes.

"Listen," Ash parrots, dragging the word out in odd places. She is going to act like a little shit until she feels better about being deceived.

Jade sighs again. "Do you want an explanation or not?"

Ash places a disgruntled expression on her face, but she obediently quiets down.

"I was originally from your world. However, due to a few restrictions, I was only able to place a bit of my consciousness in a normal human being."


Jade smiles and pats her head. "It's more interesting if you figure it out yourself."

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