Chapter 1

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The world was in ruins. The animals have gone wild and claimed their territory. There were some strong kingdoms that have destroyed other kingdoms just to claim their treasures and land. Alliances were created to become stronger than others and help one another. There was an alliance who have destroyed and claimed treasures. They were unstoppable because of their three Kings. They've been causing destruction throughout the years and have fought their greatest enemies. Their enemies seemed strong but they were weak against them. Many warriors have lost their lives in this war a because they couldn't get along...until now
"Sir! A letter" The guard said as he ran up to the throne
"Hand it to me" The old Aihara said as he held out his hand. The guard walked up to him and handed him the envelope. He looked at it for a moment and opened it
"From the Okogi clan?" He said
"And we also have...a guest" The guard said and beside him stood the Okogi. The guards trembled and the old Aihara glared at the old Okogi
"Well...what brings you here Okogi?" The Aihara asked as he growled
"Hehehe I've only come to talk about a negotiation" The Okogi said as he smiled
"Negotiation?" The Aihara asked
"Yes. A negotiation about the war. I'm sure you would want to hear" The Okogi said. The Aihara only gave him a glare and sighed
"Continue" The Aihara said giving him a nod
"Perfect! You see...your kingdom has been in ruins for hundreds of years" The Okogi said
"Because of you filthy animals. You've slaughtered many lives and all for what? Treasures and land" The Aihara said
"Hehehe right. Back to the negotiation...I thought of a way to end this war and help your people" The Okogi said
"You have?" The Aihara asked
"Yes but...I believe it's best if we spoke about this in private" The Okogi said
"Why?" The Aihara asked as he didn't trust him
"I'm just saying because this negotiation...includes a marriage" The Okogi said as he smirked
"A marriage?" The Aihara asked as he looked surprised
"Yes a marriage. You've got an alliance with the Taniguchis and Momokinos while we have the Higashis and Mizusawas" The Okogi said
"I won't let my granddaughter marry a filthy Okogi" The Aihara said
"You don't have a choice now. Look at your people...they're starving and you have lost the mainland. Out here you won't be able to survive...especially because of the other kingdoms. If you don't do something then you and the entire kingdom will be forgotten. Haha you pathetic animals are no match for us...especially since your son never inherited your blood. As for your granddaughter...she has the royal blood flowing through her veins. She'll make a perfect bride for my granddaughter" The Okogi said
"Granddaughter?" The Aihara asked
"Yes. My granddaughter will be the next heir to the throne" The Okogi said as he turned his back on him
"Is that all?" The Aihara asked
"If you want to save your kingdom then I suggest you take this opportunity to help your people and your kingdom. I'll give you until the sun sets. Hold on to that letter when you come and visit our kingdom alright? Pleasure doing business with you" The Okogi said as he started walking away leaving the castle. He chuckled softly as his body glowed
"I hope you make the right decision" The Okogi said before shifting into his werewolf form. His other guards shifted into their wolf form and followed their King back to their kingdom. The old Aihara only growled as he clenched the letter tightly in his hand
"S-sir?" The guard asked as he trembled
"Send a message to the other kingdoms. We'll be having a meeting with the others about this negotiation" The old Aihara said
"Yes sir" The guard said as he bowed down. The Aihara only rubbed his head as he sighed
Will this negotiation...even work? Our families have been enemies for hundreds of years...and now...we're going to get our families together
"Grandfather?" The black haired girl spoke as she stepped in
"Ah Mei. Sorry..." Her grandfather said
"What happened?" Mei asked
"Nothing important" Her grandfather said
"So getting a visit from the enemy isn't important?" Mei asked
" heard?" Her grandfather asked
"Yes...I heard" Mei said as she looked away pinning her cat ears down slightly
"Mei listen...the whole marriage is a nonsense. I know our people need help and-"
"That's why I'll do it" Mei said
"Y-you what? Wait Mei this can also be a trap" Her grandfather said
"Yes. I know but...if we don't do this then we'll be losing everything. I've already much. I don't want anymore innocent lives to be lost..." Mei said as she clenched her chest tightly
I've lost her...
"Mei...I know this is difficult but don't have to do this. We could try and find another way to help our people and kingdom" Her grandfather said
"Grandfather there is no time. Our people are starving and winter is coming up soon. We will lose many other lives if we don't do something. This is a risk I'm willing to take...and help our kingdom. Like she did..." Mei said
"Your mother would be so proud" Her grandfather said. Mei only looked down as she smiled a little
She gave up her life...because of me...
The fire grew wild as it burned down everything it touched. Everyone cried and tried to escape the werewolves. The young girl ran through the smoke and looked around
"M-mama! Mama!" Mei shouted
"The Queen!" One of the guards said. Mei's eyes widen and ran towards the guard. Tears built up in the girl's eyes as her mother was found on the ground bleeding rapidly from her massive wound
"M-mama!" Mei cried and ran up to her body. Her mother coughed and looked at her daughter weakly
"M-mei..." Her mother said
"M-mama..." Mei cried as she held her mother's hand. Her mother reached up to her cheek and stroked it softly
"It's...okay" Her mother said weakly and smiled
"M-mama...please...don't..." Mei cried
"St-stay strong..." Her mother said
" don't!" Mei cried and trembled
"Mama...w-will always be...with you. I-I'll always be wa-watching over you..." Her mother said before closing her eyes and taking her last breathe. Her hand fell to the ground and her body glowed as her soul came out of her body. It soon vanished into thin air and Mei just cried loudly as she covered her eyes
"M-mama...don't...leave me...I'm a-all alone" Mei cried
'They all left me...'
End Of Flashback
"Very well. We just need to wait for the others and discuss the plan. I just hope this negotiation isn't just a trap for them to get us" Her grandfather said
"Okay. I'll be in my room" Mei said as she left the area. She walked to her room and stopped in front of the window. She looked at the small village and sighed
Don't worry everyone..I will do my best and safe you all. Even if it marry the enemy...

"Hahaha those pathetic animals will be very surprised" The Okogi said as he arrived to his kingdom
"Welcome back sir" The guard spoke as he bowed down with the rest of the others
"Thank you Mizusawas" The Okogi said and went to his palace. The Okogi clan had everything with them that many other kingdoms envied them for their power. The old King walked pass his people and was praised by them all. The Okogi only smiled at them and soon he arrived at his palace where his children were. He shifted back to normal and walked to see his children
"Welcome back father" The blonde said as he bowed down
"Oh no need to bow down my dear son. You are the King now. I should be the one bowing down your majesty" His father said as he bowed down
"Hehe you don't have to dad" His son said as he chuckled softly
"By the way father how did the negotiation go? Did he agree?" His daughter asked
"He hasn't said anything yet. I told him that he has until sunset to make up his decision. Now where is your little brother?" He asked as he looked around
"A-ah father. Sorry for getting here late. I-I didn't know you arrived" His son said nervously
"Well you're here just in time" He said as he sighed
Though we really don't need him here. He is useless...
"Y-yeah" His son said
"Anyways now that you three are here. I've chosen the candidates for the marriage with the Aihara clan. Yuzuko, Shai, and Matsuri will be marrying their daughters. We will discuss more about it during the metting. Depends if the old bastard agrees with the negotiation. If not then they can die" Their father said
"We understand father" His two kids said except for the youngest who trembled
" it alright if I spoke with you in private?" He asked
"Sure. Make it quick" His father said as he walked away while his son followed him. The other two kids only watched their father leave with their little brother
"What does he want now?" The sister asked
"Hm don't know...but we should tell the kids about the upcoming meeting. If they decide to visit" The older brother said. Meanwhile with the old King and his son
"Now what is it...Otojiro?" His father asked as he glared at him
"M-my son Ortho deserves to be part of this. Why does a Mizusawa have to be involved with this? Th-they're not part of the Okogi family" Otojiro said
"So? The Mizusawas have helped us through tough battles. Their daughter is the youngest in that family but she can kill more than them. She's even as strong as both Yuzuko and Shai. That's why I chose her" His father said
"Y-yeah I know that but it's still not fair. Yongi and Kallen have everything. I have nothing" Otojiro said
"I wonder why..." His father said and sighed
"I-I know I'm not great but please...give me a chance father" Otojiro said
" are useless. Yongi and Kallen have made the Okogis proud. You've done nothing but ruin the name. It's thanks to Yongi's mate, Ume, who has helped us create an unbreakable alliance with the Mizusawas. Kallen has become a wonderful mate for Shailung and thanks to her, we have the Higashis on our side. What about you? What have you accomplished?" His father asked
"W-well I believe my son should have a chance to be part of this. H-he is an Okogi" Otojiro said
"Your son is suffering because of you. After you lost your mate everything went downhill for you. You've lost both your strength and power...all because you were born pathetic. I can't believe it...I wish I had killed you but your mother had a soft side so I promised to let you live. Now stay out of this Otojiro. The Mizusawas will be part of this because they're our friends. Now please leave me alone. I don't want to see you...I pity your son, Ortho, he never deserved to be punished like this. I hope you're happy..." His father said before he left. Otojiro only looked down as he clenched his fists tightly
Wh-why must it be my fault!? It wasn't my fault! She fucking used me! She used me! Damnit! Ugh! Why!? Why me...
Yongi stood in the corner and looked at his little brother
"H-hey Otojiro..." Yongi said as he walked up to him. Otojiro's eyes widen and turned to look at him with cold dark brown eyes
"Why must you be the favorite? Just because you're the oldest and strong...that doesn't mean you should be King. I should be the King...I can do a much better job than you" Otojiro growled before leaving. Yongi only sighed deeply as he rubbed the back of his head
I wish I could help you little bro...

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