Chapter 58

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Mei roared and attacked the princess with her own shadows. She pounced at her but the princess dodged her attack
"Stupid Nishihara!" She said before using her claws and tried attack Mei but she blocked it
I only know basic attack moves...I still have a lot to learn but...I can't give up. Yuzu is hurt because of this bitch...who the hell is she!?
Suddenly the guards appeared from the forest. The princess only trembled and pinned her ears back
Shit...we can't do anything!
"I'll let this one slide...but I'll be back for that Okogi!" The girl said and vanished into the underground
"Yuzu? Where is she?" Ume asked
"H-here" Yuzu said and sat up. Mei laid back down for Yuzu to get off. Yuzu slid herself off of Mei and landed on her butt
"H-hi..." Yuzu said
"Yuzu!" Ume exclaimed and ran up to her
"I-I'm fine mom" Yuzu said as she smiled
"B-but look at your body. You're bleeding!" Ume said and hugged her as she was trying to heal some of her wounds
"I-I'm really fine mom" Yuzu said
"Yuzu! Ume!" Yongi said and ran up to them as he hugged them both. Yuzu only trembled a bit and teared up
I-I'm sorry...
"This way your majesty..." Arch said
"What happened?" The old Okogi asked
"F-father..." Yongi said
"What was going on inside your head, Yuzu? Do you know what could've happened?" Her grandfather asked
"Father, don't be so harsh" Yongi said
"What were you thinking?" He asked
"S-sir it's m-my fault. I guided her here because she wanted to visit her m-mate" Arch said as he bowed down
"No Arch. This isn't your fault. If Yuzu had thought for a moment and realize it was a bad idea to come here then she should've stayed instead of walking out here to get herself killed. She can't defend herself" Her grandfather said
"I-I just...I just wanted to s-see Mei. Th-that's all...and I-I tried to do it o-on my own because I-I thought you would be-"
"Proud? Proud of what?" Her grandfather asked
"Father! Enough! Don't talk to my daughter like that" Yongi growled
"Your daughter could've been perfect but this side of her is her one and only weakness that she needs to get rid of" Her grandfather said
"Yuzu doesn't need to be perfect. That's just who she really is and we love her no matter what. Why can't you do the same for her? Instead of bringing her down you should be proud. At least she's done something she never done before. Sure it was dangerous but we'll make sure this never happens again" Yongi said
"Being strong is what makes a great ruler" He said
"Caring for others and protecting others is what makes a great leader. You care about others and protect them. Being strong doesn't make a great Alpha" Yongi said
"We'll talk more about this when we get home. Let's move" He said. Ume felt Yuzu pull away and trembled as she backed away
"Yuzu? Sweetie what's wrong?" Ume asked
"I'm not going back with that piece of shit..." Yuzu said as she clenched her fists tightly
"Yuzu?" Yongi asked
"I hate you! Grandma was the only person who actually believed in me! She gave me the courage to at least try and do my best! I can't believe grandma was with an old bastard like you!" Yuzu shouted as tears built up in her eyes and ran away crying
"Yuzu!" Ume exclaimed but Mei held out her paw
"Please take good care of her..." Ume said. Mei nodded before following Yuzu into the forest. The crying pup ran until she bumped into a tree. She looked down rubbing her head and gritted her teeth
"AAAAH! FUCK YOU!" Yuzu shouted and remained on the ground. She sighed and stared at the dark sky
Maybe...I should just end all this...I can't be a Queen nor can I be a leader if I always run away. I'm still scared but...ugh...
She closed her eyes and heard the bushes. She flinched but soon saw it was Mei who stepped in. Yuzu rapidly moved away from her and rested beside a tree
"Stay there..." Yuzu growled
"Right..." Mei said and sat down. Yuzu only looked away as she trembled
"U-uhm...thanks" Yuzu said
"You're welcome" Mei said
" did you know?" Yuzu asked
"Someone sent a message and it guided me there" Mei said
"Oh...okay" Yuzu said and looked down
"Yuzu...where was your favorite spot to play?" Mei asked
"Wh-what? Why are you asking me this?" Yuzu asked as she seemed confused
"Just curious...was it by a little lake where you could see the clear water and the small fishes. You would name them all..." Mei said
"Well yeah. I enjoyed watching th-wait..." Yuzu paused and looked at Mei
"H-how did you know?" Yuzu asked
"So it really is you..." Mei said and smiled
"Wh-what do you mean?" Yuzu asked. Mei looked at her and stood up
"Are you okay?" Mei asked as she walked up to her. Yuzu flinched and trembled as she backed away from Mei. Mei kneeled down and held her hand out
"Don't be scared. I just want to help" Mei said and gave Yuzu a warm smile
"W-wait..." Yuzu mumbled
"My name is Mei Aihara. What's yours?" Mei asked. Yuzu felt her head start to get fuzzy and soon remembered the little girl
"''re her? You're her?! Is it you?!" Yuzu exclaimed
"You remember..." Mei said
"Mei!" Yuzu cried hugged her. Mei hugged her back and held her tightly
"I missed you so much" Mei said
"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for pushing you away!" Yuzu whimpered
"Don't be sorry Yuzu. It's okay" Mei said as she cupped both her cheeks then kissed her passionately. Yuzu's eyes widened and blushed deeply as she kissed her back
She was in front of me...the entire time...this entire was her!
"Are you going home?" Mei asked
"No...I...can I stay at your place for tonight? I don't feel like going back..." Yuzu said as she looked down. Mei kissed her head softly and held her
"Let's go home then" Mei said before shifting into her werecat form. Yuzu climbed on top of her again and held her closely
It really is her...we met again...we finally met again...I-I'm so happy
Mei stopped by her land and started walking towards the castle that was fully constructed. She kneeled down and Yuzu got off of her
"So...this is where you're staying..." Yuzu said as she looked around
"Yes..." Mei said as she shifted back to normal
"Are you comfortable here?" Yuzu asked and jumped as Mei hugged her from behind
"Now that you're here...yes" Mei said and kissed her cheek
"U-uh...okay" Yuzu said as she blushed hard
"Let's hurry inside..." Mei whispered and held Yuzu's hand. She walked inside the castle and Yuzu shivered a bit feeling slightly cold
It's cold in here...kinda like Shai's castle
"My room is close by..." Mei said and guided Yuzu to her bedroom
"It's warmer here" Yuzu said and looked around the room seeing it a bit empty
"You just moved here...right?" Yuzu asked
"Yes..." Mei said
"Oh right...because of me" Yuzu said slightly nervous as she rubbed the back of her neck
"You don't have to apologize. mother did a cruel thing to you" Mei said
"L-let's get some s-sleep. It's been a rough day for me already..." Yuzu said and touched the bed but flinched
"You're in heat right?" Mei asked and held her. Yuzu jumped as her face reddened
"W-well...after th-that visit...the medicine worn off" Yuzu said as she smiled nervously and blushed as Mei kissed her ear
"M-mei..." Yuzu said
"Is it...okay?" Mei asked and planted soft kisses on her neck. Yuzu moaned softly and held her head
"I-I missed you...please...m-make me yours" Yuzu whispered. Mei blushed deeply and kissed her softly. Yuzu kissed her back and Mei pinned her down on the bed. Mei kissed her passionately and held her wrists above her head
"M-mmm~" Yuzu moaned softly and blushed. Mei stuck her tongue out and licked her bottom lip slowly asking for entrance. Yuzu moaned softly and opened her mouth letting her in. Mei slipped her tongue inside her mouth and licked her tongue slowly
"M-mmm~ Haah~ Mmmm~" Yuzu moaned during the kiss and Mei pulled away with a strand of saliva between their lips. Yuzu panted softly and stared at Mei's beautiful lavender eyes then blushed
I-I don't f-fear her anymore...
" okay?" Mei asked. Yuzu smiled brightly and held her arms out
"I love you Mei. I'm glad you're back" Yuzu said. Mei leaned in wrapping her arms around Yuzu then kissed her
"I love you too Yuzu" Mei whispered

"Explain yourself" The old King said sternly
"I'm Maruta Kayo. The lost princess from The Kingdom underground" Maruta said
"'re one of those monsters?" He asked
"Yes sir..." Maruta said
"And why are you here? Are you a spy?" He asked
"I'm here because I serve for Matsuri Mizusawa. She was the one who found me and kept me hidden" Maruta said
"Father...for once can you just stop acting like a total dickhead? So you're the missing princess?" Yongi asked
"Yes..." Maruta said as she looked down
"Do you have an idea why they're after my daughter?" Yongi asked
"Not really but...there is something in mind. Probably the incident that happened years ago in my Kingdom..." Maruta said
"Incident?" Yongi asked
"It happened 13 years ago..." Maruta said as her eyes glowed
"Get away! Hide!" The guards shouted
"Protect the Royals!" They shouted. The brown eyed woman snapped her fingers as she got rid of the shadows. The demons hissed in pain and tried to run from the werewolf
"Get away!" The people shouted. The woman only snarled at the guards who fought back the monster but their bodies weren't in control
"Get me the Royals" The woman said. The guards tried to control their bodies but their bodies began to run as they searched for the Royals
"Shit! We need to hide!" The King said
"Dear we have to get out of here" The Queen said
"We can't go to that world! It's dangerous!" The King exclaimed
"If we stay here we'll die!" The Queen said. Suddenly there was an explosion that made the castle trembled and break apart. The Queen tried to grab her two girls but the werewolf caused light that blinded the demons. She ended up taking only one girl with her and headed to the world above her. The young girl only cried in her mother's chest as she kept her eyes shut. The Queen didn't look behind and held her daughter closely taking her to the other world. The 6 year old winced in pain as she felt the sunlight hit her skin and trembled as her body stung for a moment. She lifted her head and looked around
"M-mom? Where are we?" The girl asked and looked at her injured mom who had a wound near her chest
"M-mom! Mom!" The girl shouted and shook her mother's body
"M-mgh...M-maruta..." Her mother said weakly
"M-mom! It'll be o-okay right?!" Maruta exclaimed. Her mother smiled weakly and coughed blood
"Yes...i-it'll can...k-keep going" Her mom said
"B-but..." Maruta mumbled and felt her mother's touch against her cheek
"M-maruta...I'm sorry...but...y-you'll have to keep g-going on your own" Her mother said as she caressed her cheek softly
"M-mom..." Maruta cried as she held her mom's hand. Her mother's smile faded as her heart stopped and soon closed her eyes. Maruta trembled and flinched seeing the soul above her mom's body slowly vanish
"M-mom..." Maruta mumbled as tears streamed down her cheeks
End Of Flashback
"She murdered my mother...and in return...she got killed by Alyssa Nishihara" Maruta said
"How do you know that?" The old King asked
"News were spread. I believe my father decided to murder her and created an alliance with the Nishiharas...but in return...they wanted the old lady dead" Maruta said
"So you are a spy" The old Okogi said
"You could say that. I was in the Taniguchi Kingdom for a few years until my pack said it was time to move on and so I left. They helped me train and get stronger. I learned from them and they took me in as their family..." Maruta said
"Do you work for them?" Yongi asked
"My pack aren't bad people. They take in people who need help...people like me who was alone" Maruta said
"Is your pack nearby?" Yongi asked
"" Maruta said
"She must be plotting something" The old Okogi said
" sure are a bastard. No wonder your granddaughter hates you..." Maruta laughed softly as a shadow wrapped around her body before slowly vanishing
"And if I were you...I would be careful around your granddaughter. It's best if you don't underestimate her. She has an incredible power...even in this form. I'm impressed by the way she hasn't snapped yet...all of you could be dead by now if she snapped. Hehehehe...bye" Maruta said before vanishing completely

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