Chapter 12

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The three carriages showed up at the kindgom and the families stepped out. The guards guided the families into the castle and towards the meeting room. The doors opened to the meeting room and they saw their daughters sitting next to their future brides
"Welcome back Aihara clan. We must discuss about the Nishiharas" The old Okogi said
"Of course" The old Aihara said as he stepped in first along with the other families and they all took their seats
"As you all know the Nishiharas sent a small group to harm our people. Our buddies the Mizusawas were attacked and...some were killed. We plan on attacking back and take their entire land" The old Okogi said
"You plan on attacking them?!" The old Aihara exclaimed
"They'll go after us if that happens!" Damon said and shivered as he felt something cold against his shoulder
"That's why we will protect you" Shailung whispered
"Gaaah! What the hell!?" Damon exclaimed as he pushed him
"Hehehe sorry buddy" Shailung laughed
"Shailung, sit the fuck down" Yongi said
"Okay" Shailung said and walked to his seat
"What are you planning?" Hojo asked
"My granddaughter came up with this plan. Yuzuko please explain" Her grandfather said and Yuzu stood up from her seat
"Sure. I've thought about it for a while and decided that the two clans should team up and join the fight" Yuzu said
"Join the fight? Our warriors fear you and your clan" Hojo said
"Yes I know during the past few years we've slaughtered and murdered a couple of your warriors but...we really do need your help especially from the Momokinos" Yuzu said
"Excuse me?" Celeste asked
"What the hell do you need us for?" Damon asked
"I need you Momokinos to team up with the Mizusawas" Yuzu said
"Us?!" Taruto exclaimed
"Yes" Yuzu said
"Uhm...sorry for interrupting princess but why pair us up with a couple of little mutts?" Jinah asked
"Excuse me?" Celeste asked as she glared at the Mizusawa
"I don't want to work with little pathetic puppies" Jinah said
"Shut your fucking mouth" Celeste growled as she pinned her ears back
"Make me bitch" Jinah said. Suddenly Jinah ducked as Celeste threw her shield at her
"Fight! Fight!" Shailung laughed
"You're asking for it slut" Jinah said she stood up from her seat
"Enough! Seyama sit" Yongi growled. Jinah flinched and trembled a little hearing the King's stern voice. She sat back down and clenched her fists tightly
Stupid little chihuahua...I'm going to fucking kill her
"Guess the little Momokino is on your list huh?" Taruto asked as he chuckled softly
"Of course she is. She is definitely on my god damn list...delicious" Jinah said as she licked her lips
"I thought it was the big tits one" Taruto said
"Yeah she's on my list too" Jinah said
"Don't do anything to my mate" Hojo growled
"Shut up and don't talk about my wife" Damon said
"He can be in your list too" Jinah said
"Probably...but he is being an ass and I don't like it. On the other hand I think I would-" Taruto said
"Can you two shut the hell up before I fucking turn you into ashes?" Yongi growled as he stood up while glaring at them
"Sorry sir" Jinah and Taruto replied. Yongi sighed and sat back down
" Yuzu please explain your plan" Yongi said
"Anyways as I was saying if we can make the Mizusawas and Momokinos work together then we have a great chance to defeat them. The two of them can protect one another. One working on the defense and the others attacking. Now for the Taniguchis...they have speed and strength. Hmmm...mind showing me what kind of power the two of you have?" Yuzu asked
"We both can create objects and hallucinations" Harumin said as her eyes glowed and created a chain wrapping around Matsuri's body
"H-hey don't use me for your little experiments!" Matsuri said
"Sorry" Harumin said and removed the chains
"I thought you were into that kinky shit" Jinah said and giggled softly
"Sh-shut up!" Matsuri said as her face redden feeling embarrassed
"Then you could help the artic wolves and make those Nishiharas immobile. We can kill them immediately. The Nishiharas won't be able to fight back and we can slaughter as many as we can. That'll teach them for messing with us..." Yuzu said
"Why does it have to end in a fight?" Mei asked
"What?" Yuzu asked
"Can't you try and speak with them? Tell them about our plan for a better future" Mei said
"Talking to them? Haha...they fucking attacked our friends and were after you. You think talking will help?" Yuzu growled
"But we can't-"
"Mei. Quit it. We'll fight back and help the Okogi clan" Her grandfather said
"B-but moth-"
"She's not here, Mei. Forget about her already. I know it's difficult but you need to move on. It's best if we listen to the Okogis. They're trying to protect us" Her grandfather said. Mei pinned her ears back and stood up from her seat as she walked away
I hate him...
"Mei" Her grandfather said. Mei remained silent and left the room. Her grandfather sighed and looked up
"We will help you fight the Nishiharas" The old Aihara said
"Good. After our victory we will take over their land and force them out or just kill them" The old Okogi said
"You plan on taking over their land?" The old Aihara asked
"Of course. That land will belong to you and your fellow allies" The old Okogi said
"Thank you" The old Aihara said

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