Chapter 55

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Sen was on his guard duties and clenched his fists tightly
"Boys! Come down and eat" The man said. Vix woke up and jumped out of bed. He turned to see his brother and started to poke him
"Hey Sen. Time to wake up" Vix said. Sen's ears twitched and slowly opened his eyes
"H-huh? What?" Sen asked
"We have to get up. Dad made us breakfast" Vix said
"What? D-dad?" Sen asked as he trembled
"Yeah! Hurry and get up" Vix said as he walked to the bathroom
"Why are you calling him dad?" Sen asked as he sat up
"Because he's taking care of us like his kids. He is an amazing dad too" Vix said and smiled
"He isn't our dad...remember?" Sen asked
"But he loves us" Vix said
"...I don't" Sen mumbled as he looked down clenching his fists tightly
"What was that?" Vix asked
"Nothing. I'm coming..." Sen said. Vix nodded and went to the bathroom to get himself ready. Sen got out of bed then started to change himself. Vix walked out the bathroom and shook his head as he rubbed his head
"Did you sleep well?" Vix asked
"Yeah...I guess" Sen said as he finished up putting his clothes on
"That's great. I wonder what dad prepared us. Maybe waffles! I love waffles!" Vix said as his golden eyes glowed and smiled
"...why do you keep calling him dad?" Sen asked
"Because he is taking care of us and he is an amazing dad" Vix said as he smiled
"...I guess" Sen said
"Boys! You better hurry before your food gets hold!" The man said
"I'm coming dad!" Vix said and ran out the room then went downstairs to meet up with a lion. The yellow eyed man gave him a smile and walked up to him
"Morning Vix" He said as he patted his head softly
"Morning dad" Vix said as he smiled
"Where's your brother?" He asked
"Sen is still getting ready but he'll be here in a minute" Vix said
"Okay. Let's sit down and wait for him" He said
"Okay" Vix said. They both say down and Sen appeared as he looked down a bit
"Morning..." Sen said and walked up to the table
"Morning Sen. Did you sleep well?" He asked
"...yeah" Sen said as he looked away and sat down with them. The man only smiled softly and Sen only looked down as he ate his breakfast
"Hey dad. Can we go outside and play?" Vix asked as he smiled
"Sure. We can go" The man said
"I don't..." Sen mumbled
"Hm?" Vix asked
"Uh what?" The man asked
"Can I stay inside? I don't want to go outside..." Sen said
"A-ah sure. You can" The man said as he smiled a bit
'Guess he still needs time...'
"Hey Sen. Are you sick or something?" Vix asked
"No...I just don't feel like going outside..." Sen said
"Okay but promise to go with us next time? I mean dad took us somewhere amazing! You should come along next time" Vix said
"Hehe...yeah...sure" Sen said
"Uhm let's just eat okay? Then we can go to that special place" He said
"Yay!" Vix said. Sen pinned his ears down and gritted his teeth
'Leave me alone...'
End Of Flashback
Damnit...stop feeling like this dumbass. I don't want to fucking feel like this's annoying
"Sen?" Kori asked as he noticed his expression. Sen looked up and turned around seeing Kori
"H-huh? Kori?" Sen asked
"Uh did something happen? I saw you with Arch and Himeko. Seems like you had an arguement with them or something like that" Kori said
"You saw?" Sen asked surprised
"Of course. Everyone saw..." Kori said
"Oh great..." Sen said as he groaned
"You alright? What happened?" Kori asked
"'s none of your business" Sen said as he looked away and walked away
"Hey! Wait up!" Kori said and followed him
"Can't you leave me alone?" Sen asked
"I just want to help you, Sen. If there is something on your mind then you could talk about it. I'm here to listen" Kori said
"I don't fucking need you or anyone. So just...leave me alone" Sen said as he trembled a bit. Kori only looked at him concerned and stepped close to him
"What is going on with you and your brother?" Kori asked
"...haven't you heard? He is mated with the Royal Guard..." Sen said as he trembled
"You mean Arch?" Kori asked
"Yes..." Sen said
"Why are you upset? I thought you said you would support him and love him even if he turns out gay..." Kori said
"W-well yeah but...I just didn't think it would be true..." Sen said as he looked down and pinned his ears down then whimpered softly
"Why is it so bad? Aren't you happy?" Kori asked
"I-I want to be happy for him but...b-but..." Sen paused as he clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth
"My very own father left the family since he turned out gay. My mother said to avoid them at all costs because they'll only hurt you. He apologized and always showed up to our door but...I never wanted to see him ever again..." Sen said
"I see where this is going. But...your brother loves you and he doesn't want to lose you. You should just accept him and support him. He's the only family you it's best to just support him. Vix is still Vix. He won't change. He is still your big brother who took care of you. And...I know your father left but he still came back for you because he loves you. Even if you were pushing him away...he still loved you as his son" Kori said
"...I-I're right..." Sen said and clenched his fists tightly
But...I just...I can't seem to just forget about it...
"You should try to speak with Vix about how you feel and try to work this out. You two have gone through so much together and have gotten stronger together. You're brothers and no matter two will always be brothers. Vix still loves you and cares about you...just like your father did. So just try and accept him...besides...most of our friends are gay too. And they're living happily with their mates so we should just support them" Kori said as he smiled. Sen only looked at him and smiled a bit
"'re right. Hehe...guess I needed someone to talk to...that's all" Sen said
"Hehe I guess so as well. Do you feel a bit better at least?" Kori asked as he patted his back softly
"Y-yes...I guess so..." Sen said as he sighed a bit then rubbed the back of his neck
"Would you like to eat something or get a drink?" Kori asked
"Actually...I rather be alone for a while. You know...I just...want to think for a bit" Sen said as he smiled nervously
"Ah okay. I understand. Anyways...I hope you feel better soon" Kori said as he waved at him
"Heh...thanks" Sen said as he walked away to patrol some other place. He looked down a bit as he kept walking
"I understand you hate me but...I will always love you. I really hope you can forgive day..."
Sen closed his eyes as tears built up in his eyes
"I forgive you...but you will never forgive me...for what I did...because it was me...I-I killed you...w-with that fire at home..." Sen said as his voice cracked
"Wh-why did you c-come back t-to save that b-bitch?" Sen cried softly

Time passed by and the young pup was in the shower trembling. She gasped and turned around hearing voices's okay. Th-there is nothing wrong...I-I'm-
"AHHHH! I'M SORRY! DON'T HURT ME!" Yuzu exclaimed as she covered herself with the towel and whimpered
"Yuzu, it's just me" Ume said as she stepped inside. Yuzu's ears perked up and looked at her mom. She sighed in relief and trembled
"Th-thank goodness..." Yuzu said and gulped
"Do you need help?" Ume asked. Yuzu trembled and nodded
"Y-yes please!" Yuzu said. Ume walked up to Yuzu and started to help her daughter dry up then put her clothes on
"S-so...I'll be sl-sleeping alone?" Yuzu asked as she trembled
"Yes and don't worry. There are guards around patrolling the area. So you'll be safe and protected" Ume said
"O-okay" Yuzu said and trembled. Ume patted her head softly and started brushing her hair
"...s-so are you sure that there aren't any m-monsters around?" Yuzu asked
"Yuzu...I am sure there aren't any monsters around. So just stay calm and get some rest" Ume said
"O-okay..." Yuzu said. After getting Yuzu ready to sleep, Ume took the shaking pup into bed
"I'll give you your medicine okay?" Ume asked. Yuzu replied with a nod and sat down on her bed. Ume went to grab her daughter's medicine and grabbed the cup of water that was left on the nightstand
"Here you go" Ume said. Yuzu took the pill and gulped it down
"Now get some rest okay?" Ume asked and kissed her forehead softly. Yuzu's ears twitched and trembled as she laid down on her bed
"Here. Look who I have" Ume said as she held out a small little stuff animal. Yuzu smiled brightly and grabbed the small puppy
"Maybe you'll sleep better with her..." Ume said as she smiled
"Thanks mom! I love it" Yuzu said and smiled as she cuddled the stuff animal closely. Ume smiled and walked up to the door
"Goodnight Yuzu" Ume said
"Goodnight mama" Yuzu said and Ume stepped out the room closing the door. Yuzu closed her eyes as she tried to get some sleep. She held the stuff animal closely and soon she drifted off to sleep. Until she felt something in front of her
"Mmgh..." Yuzu groaned softly and opened her eyes. She gasped as she saw the Aihara werecat in front of her
"Shhh! I'm not really here! Th-this is just a spell to be able to see you" Mei whispered as she covered Yuzu's mouth. Yuzu's body started to shake uncontrollably and Mei covered her eyes
"Ah! Don't take-mmmph!" Yuzu's ears perked up as she felt something warm against her lips. Mei kissed her softly and pulled away
"Yuzu...please listen to me...I-I am not her. I may be her daughter but I'm nothing like her. I-I won't hurt you. I want to protect you and love you. I love you so much Yuzu. Please....just listen to my voice and keep your eyes closed" Mei whispered and slowly removed her hand. Yuzu trembled and kept her eyes closed shut. Mei sighed and leaned in towards her closely
"Just focus on my clear your mind and don't think about anything else" Mei whispered
"O-okay..." Yuzu said
" I promise this will make you feel better" Mei whispered and started kissing her again. Yuzu blushed a bit and kissed back. The two girls kissed each other lovingly and passionately as they started to add their tongues during their kiss. Moaning and panting were head during their kiss as Mei began to dominate Yuzu. Mei broke the kiss with strands of saliva connecting their lips
"L-let me touch you" Mei whispered. Yuzu shivered a bit feeling Mei's hands then gasped
"Shhh~ Calm down~" Mei whispered and started kissing her neck. She started to rub her thighs softly and pressed her hand between her legs
"N-no~ Ngh~" Yuzu moaned and kept her eyes closed. Mei bit down on her neck and rubbed her panties slowly. She pressed her finger against her clit and rubbed it against her panties
"H-haah~ Ngh~" Yuzu moaned and held onto Mei. Mei blushed deeply and slipped her hand inside her panties
"Yuzu~ I love you~" Mei whispered and rubbed her clit in a circular motion. Yuzu panted heavily and started to release her scent. She whimpered as she pinned her ears down. Mei gasped as she was able to sniff her scent
I-it's burning inside! Sh-shit!
"Yuzu~" Mei moaned and rubbed her clit fast as she picked up the pace
"Ngh~ Mmmm~" Yuzu moaned and arched her back as Mei shoved two fingers inside her pussy
"Ahh!~" Yuzu moaned a bit loud. Mei bit down on her neck and pumped her fingers in and out fast
"Y-you smell so sweet~" Mei whispered and felt Yuzu's tight grip. Yuzu panted heavily and Mei started to pump her fingers faster and harder
"H-haah!~ Ngh!~" Yuzu moaned and trembled as she came
"You came quite fast~" Mei whispered as she pulled her fingers out. Yuzu panted heavily as she kept her eyes closed then trembled. Mei leaned in and kissed her forehead softly
"I love you" Mei whispered before vanishing. Yuzu opened her eyes and trembled
"Hey...where did you go?" Yuzu mumbled as she clenched her fists tightly

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