Chapter 53

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"Mmmgh...h-huh?" Mei asked and woke up. She stared at the ceiling for a while and blinked a few times. She gasped and sat up in an instant
"You're awake" Vix said and Mei turned to look at him. Her eyes widened and looked at Vix surprised
"V-vix? Is that you?" Mei asked
"Hehe right. You haven't seen me like this right? Well yes. This is me" Vix said
"You have golden eyes?" Mei asked
"Yeah...they're my father's eyes. I used lenses to try and cover up my eyes since Sen hated my looks. He said he couldn't look at me so...I decided to change everything about me so I wouldn't look like him" Vix said
"Oh..." Mei said and looked at Vix closely seeing a mark
A m-mark? Wait...he has a mate already?
"Did you suck his dick?" Mei asked which mate Vix choke
"M-mei! Don't say such things!" Vix said as he blushed
"Hehe sorry it's just that I noticed the mark on your neck. He marked you?" Mei asked
"Y-yeah I sorta...yelled my feelings at him since he thought I was still into you. But that asshole laughed since he knew I had a crush on him! Ugh! It was embarrassing!" Vix groaned as he covered his face
"Wonder how you'll handle it when you two mate" Mei said
"Ah! Don't get me started on that!" Vix said as he leaned against the wal and sighed
"Don't worry virgin boy. Hopefully he doesn't tear your ass" Mei said
"E-eh?!" Vix exclaimed and gulped
"Hehe nervous for your first time?" Mei asked
"Q-quiet. are you feeling? You're not hurt right?" Vix asked
"No I don't-that bitch! Where the hell is she?!" Mei exclaimed as she remembered the incident
"W-wait Mei! You need to calm d-down" Vix said as he trembled
"How!? That bitch attacked me!" Mei said as she gritted her teeth feeling her blood boil in the inside
"Your werecat soul will get out of control!" Vix said as he tried to calm Mei down. Mei's eyes widened for a moment as she looked at him confused
"Wh-what? Werecat?" Mei asked as she trembled
"Yes. You woke up your werecat soul" Vix said
"I-I did? Wait! Is this a joke?" Mei asked as she trembled
"N-no. I'm not joking. Do you need a mirror?" Vix asked. Mei turned around noticing her tail and realized it was larger than usual
W-wait...could it be true? Did I finally...awoken it?
"Mei?" Vix asked
"I-I need to shift. I have to try" Mei said
"No! N-not here. You're in the Okogi castle. If you shift then you'll cause chaos especially since Yuzu is here too" Vix said
"She's here?" Mei asked
"Well...yeah. She is still in her room where she's hiding" Vix said
"Oh...right. face! I-is it okay?" Mei asked as she touched her face
"Don't worry Mei. Your face healed up after you shifted" Vix said and smiled
"I sh-shifted?" Mei asked
"Y-yeah you did and sorta went out of control" Vix said
"Ah shit...did I harm anyone?" Mei asked
"Nope. I was the one that guided you out of there and Mitsuko helped out as well" Vix said
"Oh thanks" Mei said and the door bursted open
"Meimei! Oh thank goodness you're okay!" Himeko exclaimed and hugged her
"H-himeko?" Mei asked
"I heard about the acid attack! Where the hell is that bitch?!" Himeko exclaimed
"R-relax Himeko. I'm okay. See?" Mei said
"But still...where is that slut!?" Himeko exclaimed
"Keep your voice down please. She's stuck in the dungeon but...they're not sure if they'll execute her" Vix said
"I heard they'll let your mate decide whether or not she lives" Himeko said
"Wait...Yuzu will be deciding?" Mei asked
"She's dead for sure" Vix said
There is no way for her to get out of this one...
"What about your werecat soul? Have you tried to shift?" Himeko asked
"She already shifted and went out of control" Vix said
"I need to speak with my grandfather about the incident and let him teach me about my power" Mei said and stood up
"Wait now?" Vix asked
"Yes now. This is an emergency. I'll finally be able to be the Queen that everybody wants and I'll show them that I'm not a monster...or like my mother" Mei said as she looked down
Mei clenched her fists tightly as tears built up in her eyes
"Meimei? Is everything okay?" Himeko asked worriedly
"H-huh? Oh! I'm fine. It's okay. Please don't worry about's fine" Mei said as she wiped her tears away
"Come on. Let's step out and get some fresh air" Vix said as he held the door for the two princesses. Mei and Himeko stepped out but only to bump into the two Okogis. Yuzu's ears perked up and jumped as she hid behind Ortho. Ortho groaned and looked at the princesses
"Sorry about this" Ortho said
"No. It's fine. I'll be leaving" Mei said and walked away with Vix and Himeko
Forget her...I told you to forget her...
"Hey Vix. Mind telling the Queen about me leaving?" Mei asked
"Wh-what? Wait what do you mean you're leaving?" Vix asked
"Meimei?" Himeko asked
"I'm going to my new Kingdom to practice. I'll leave Yuzu alone since they have casted a spell on my to stay away. I don't want to feel hurt no I'll just separate myself from her for five days until her heat is over" Mei said as she clenched her chest tightly
"U-uhm sure. I'll go and talk to them" Vix said and left
"Can't you talk to her?" Himeko asked
"I've tried...and failed miserably. She can't even look at me without's all because of my looks. She won't let me get near her and she'll just run away if she even sees me walking up to her" Mei said and trembled. Himeko hugged Mei and stroked her hair softly
"It'll be okay Meimei" Himeko said
"Yes...I know because I'll save Yuzu" Mei said
"What? From what?" Himeko asked
"From that curse. If I can control my powers then I'll be able to take that curse away from Yuzu" Mei said
"Do you think it's possible?" Himeko asked
"I won't know if I don't try but I'm sure you can take the curse away. I just have to start training immediately and work hard" Mei said
"Good luck Meimei. Can I help you on anything?" Himeko asked
"Hmm? They have a library right?" Mei asked
"Yes they do. Do you need me to find some information on werecats?" Himeko asked
"'s just that I need to know more about the Nishiharas...and now that I'm the only one with the blood of a Nishihara then I need to know everything about them. I wonder why mother didn't want me to know about them. She would always take me away from them and just tell me to never speak about them. Either she hated them...or...I don't know" Mei said as she thought hard
I need to know why she was like that...or why she acted like that around them?
"Excuse me? Mei?" Ume asked
"Ah your highness" Mei said
"No need to be formal. We're family now but it true that you're leaving?" Ume asked
"Yes. I'm sorry but...I just don't want to hurt Yuzu and it hurts me to see her like that. It's best if I just leave this place for five days and return once her heat is over. Besides I need to start training and work on with my werecat soul. If I'm able to control it's power then I might be able to find a cure for Yuzu" Mei said. Ume looked at her and nodded
"I understand Mei. Very well but you'll be taking some Royal Guards with you just in case. You never know what could happen" Ume said
"Of course. I understand" Mei said
"I'll come with you" Vix said
"Okay" Mei said
"I'll prepare a carriage for you" Ume said
"Thank you" Mei said as she bowed down. The Queen called up a carriage to pick up Mei with a couple of guards following her
"Bye Meimei. I'll do my part" Himeko said as she smiled
"Thanks Himeko. Also thank you m-mother for the carriage" Mei said and Ume smiled brightly
"No problem dear. I'll try and speak with Yuzu to see if she'll be able to speak with you" Ume said
"N-no need. I don't want her to have another panic attack because of me. I'll just wait for her heat to end and come back. Maybe I could control my powers under five days" Mei said
"Sure but sweetie...don't overwork yourself or else you'll hurt your body" Ume said
"Yes. I'll be careful. Now I better get going. Let's move" Mei said and the carriage moved while the guards were following her from behind. Ume sighed and turned around seeing Yuzu hiding again
Oh Yuzu...
"She's really terrified of Meimei" Himeko said
"Yes but thankfully this only happens when she's in heat" Ume said and walked up to her. Yuzu whimpered and ran towards her room. Ume groaned as she went to her room.
"Yuzu?" Ume asked as she opened the door
"Sh-she left?" Yuzu asked
"Yes. She left. Mei will be staying at some other place since she didn't want to bother you. So no need to be scared now okay?" Ume asked
"O-okay..." Yuzu said as she looked down fidgeting with her fingers
"I'll be going now. Call if you need anything" Ume said
"O-okay" Yuzu said
"Where's Ortho?" Ume asked as she looked around
"H-he went with Juhin but he said he'll be back" Yuzu said
"Oh okay. Just stay and rest. I love you sweetie" Ume said
"L-love you too mom" Yuzu said. Ume left and Yuzu only sat down in her bed. She trembled a bit as she pinned her ears down
She's that g-good? Or bad...?
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Yuzu jumped and pinned her ears back
"Wh-who is it?" Yuzu asked. The door opened and the chihuahua stepped inside
"My name is Himeko Momok-well I got married so now I'm a Higashi. Anyways I'm here to speak with you...Okogi-san" Himeko said
"Wh-why?" Yuzu asked
"It's about Meimei" Himeko said

"Waaaah! She scary! She fucked me!" Matsuri said as she buried her face against her chest
"Calm down Matsuri" Yami said as she stroked her hair softly
"B-but she's going to come back and rape my ass!" Matsuri said
"Relax Matsuri. I'm here for you" Yami said and held her closely
"Y-you will?" Matsuri asked
"Well it's my duty to protect you. I'm your bodyguard afterall" Yami said
"Give me food" Matsuri said
"Yes. I'll go get your food" Yami said as she walked out the room leaving Matsuri alone. Yami stepped to the kitchen to prepare Matsuri's steak but heard the door knock. She used her shadow tentacles to open the door
"Hey Taniguchis..." Yami said as she she was cutting the steak into pieces
"Where's Matsuri?" Harumin asked
"In her room. Just be careful please. I'll be up there in a bit since I'm preparing Matsuri's meal" Yami said
"Okay" Harumin said and walked to the stairs. Mitsuko looked at the shadow girl and walked up to her from behind
"So Maruta..." Mitsuko whispered which made Yami flinch
"Th-that's not my name...Taniguchi" Yami said as she looked down
"Are you sure?" Mitsuko growled. Yami pinned her ears back and glared at Mitsuko as her teeth sharpened
"Leave Mitsuko Taniguchi" Yami said
"Since when did you become so aggressive" Mitsuko said as she leaned towards her lips. Yami used the shadow to push Mitsuko but Mitsuko ignited light from her palm which weakened the shadow tentacles
"Dark types use their shadows to hide and attack to protect themselves...but you've been able to use it to hide your body and identity. You're doing it right now inside..." Mitsuko said before using the light even more. Yami gritted her teeth as her shadows began to weakened
Shit! Think!
Yami hissed and threw the knife at Mitsuko. Mitsuko blocked the knife and Yami kicked her feet making her trip. Yami snarled at her shifting into her demon dog form. She roared at her face before shifting back
"Don't do that" Yami growled and walked back to prepare Matsuri's food
"Don't just confess and run away like a little bitch" Mitsuko growled as she stood up
"I'm not Maruta" Yami said and Mitsuko walked closer to her
"Then why are you always hiding? If you're not Maruta...then reveal yourself to me. Right here...right now" Mitsuko said as she glared at her. Yami only trembled as she clenched her fists tightly

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