Chapter 46

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"Are you cold?" Shailung asked
"N-not at all. I feel great" Himeko said
"Great! I believe the potion is working. Anyways let's go" Shailung said as he guided Himeko into the artic land. Himeko stepped on the soft snow and noticed some werewolves running around the snow
" Shai doing okay?" Himeko asked
"Well she's probably just rolling around on the ground..." Shailung said
"Is her heat that bad?" Himeko asked slightly concerned
"Well...her heat drives her a little crazy. She gets even crazier than before so we must lock her up in a room where she can do whatever the fuck she wants" Shailung
"Is she...uhm...dangerous when she is in heat?" Himeko asked slightly nervous
"Don't worry about her. We promise to protect you if anything bad happens but I doubt Shai would ever hurt you. Especially since she loves you so much and the two of you are mates which means that she can't hurt you...I think" Shailung said
"Y-you think?" Himeko asked
"Well there is nothing to worry about. I mean you are a defense type which means that you can defend yourself. That'll give us time to get there and stop Shai from going too far" Shailung said. Himeko only sighed and gulped
Hopefully Shai won't hurt me...
The King arrived at the castle with the princess and helped Himeko walk through the castle made out of ice
"You'll get used to it" Shailung said as he held her hand
"I-I guess so" Himeko said as she trembled
Oh shit! Hopefully I don't break anything
Himeko walked down the hall and soon trembled as the castle trembled a bit
"Ah...she's starting again" Shailung groaned
"What the hell is that? Is that Shai?" Himeko asked
"Hehe...yep. Shai does this sometimes but stops for a while" Shailung said. Himeko nodded and they stopped by a door
"Shai! Calm the hell down! Your mate is here" Shailung said. The noises stopped and soon it was dead silent
"It seems she calmed down..." Shailung said
"A-am I going inside?" Himeko asked
"Do you want to? I mean you could just stay outside the room and speak to her like this" Shailung said
"I-I want to see her" Himeko said
"Okay" Shailung said and opened the door. Himeko's eyes widen as she saw Shai wearing a collar with a chain attached to it. She had her leash attached to the wall that held her in place
"Hey! I'm hungry!" Shai growled
"I'll get you something to eat alright? Now just behave around your mate okay?" Shailung said
"Okay" Shai said as she looked down
"You can just have a seat in her bed. Don't worry she won't be able to reach you" Shailung said
"O-okay. Thanks" Himeko said and went to the bed before she sat down on Shai's bed
"I'll go get your food now" Shailung said as he stepped out of the room and closed the door. Himeko only looked down a bit and trembled a bit
Just calm down...don't worry. She won't hurt you...
"S-so are you doing?" Himeko asked
"I'm doing fine I guess..." Shai said and began to kick the wall again. Himeko flinched and pinned her ears down
"C-can you stop that please?" Himeko asked. Shai only glared at her and stopped as she leaned her back against the wall. All the sudden Himeko blushed hard and covered her nose
I-it's sweet! What is this scent!?
"Sorry. I guess my father didn't mention that during my heat I release a sweet and hot scent that turns you on" Shai said and chuckled softly. Himeko only gulped as she tried to keep herself under control
I-I have to calm down...
"So why are you here? If you came to check up on me then I'm fine. No need to worry about me..." Shai said and wagged her tail rapidly as she released some of her scent out
"C-can't you control your scent?" Himeko asked as she covered her nose
"Nope. My body will be like this for the next five days..." Shai said
"Won't you get lonely? I mean you have to be here for five days..." Himeko said
"Nah it's fine. I've been through my heat before so I won't get bored. Even if I do get bored I'll just play around with my ice..." Shai said as she created snowflakes. Himeko only blushed deeply as she was being intoxicated by Shai's scent
Holy fuck...
"A-and Shai...during your it true that you're a b-bottom type?" Himeko asked
"Shut up and don't fucking remind me" Shai said as she growled
"Eh? S-so that means you-"
"Momokino shut the hell up" Shai growled which only made Himeko flinch. Shai sighed and her ears perked up as the door opened
"Hi Shai. I came back with your favorite" Shailung said as he stepped inside the room
"It's about time...and thanks" Shai said as Shailung put her plate down
"Hey Himeko. Are you doing okay or would you like to step out for some fresh air?" Shailung asked
"N-no. It's fine. I'm okay" Himeko said as she smiled softly
"Hehe okay then. Have fun you two" Shailung said and walked out the room again. Shai licked her lips and grabbed her plate as she began to devour her steak
"Mmmm! So fucking good!" Shai said and bit down on her steak. Himeko only watched her and squirmed around in the bed
This room is filled with her scent...ugh...and now my body is tickling. E-especially down's so wet and w-want. Doesn't she f-feel weird down there too?
"Has that Aihara tried to contact Yuzu?" Shai asked
"W-well she went to their land to visit her" Himeko said and coughed softly
"Hahaha...I hope she stays safe or else Yuzu will burn her to death" Shai said
"A-are you serious?" Himeko asked
Then Meimei better be careful approaching to her
"Yuzu's been traumatized after our grandmother's death. She never spoke about it to anyone..." Shai said and looked down before taking another bite of her steak
"...Shai...aren't you bothered?" Himeko asked. Shai's ears perked up and lifted her head up
"What? Bothered?" Shai asked. Himeko stood up from the bed and started walking up to her. Shai flinched for a moment before crawling back while holding her plate of food
Wh-what is she doing!? Ahhh!
"H-hey! Stay back!" Shai said as she trembled a bit. Himeko only paused as her tail wagged rapidly and blushed deeply
Her scent is coming from between her legs...
"Shai...may I h-hold you?" Himeko asked
"H-hold me? Hmm? Well uh...fine. Just be c-careful..." Shai said as she blushed and kept eating her food. Himeko only sat down next to her and hugged her
"H-hey don't hug me too tight" Shai said as she trembled a bit. Himeko blushed hard as she felt Shai's warm skin
"D-don't get comfortable alright? I'll only let you do this let me eat" Shai said as she kept eating. Himeko only trembled as she panted softly
"F-forgive me..." Himeko mumbled
"Hm? What?" Shai asked as she looked at her and gasped as Himeko began to rub her body against hers
"H-hey! Don't grind against me!" Shai said as she put the plate aside and Himeko got onto of her lap. Himeko panted softly and trembled as she held onto Shai then grinded her body against hers slowly. Shai blushed hard and breathed slightly heavily as she whimpered
"St-stop idiot!" Shai said
"Sh-shai..." Himeko whispered and kept grinding her body against her. Shai gasped as she pinned her ears down feeling her climax
"Ahhhh!~" Shai moaned and came soaking her panties
"N-no! Get off!" Shai whimpered as Himeko began to nibble her ear
"Did you just came?~" Himeko asked
"I-I'm completely s-sensitive..." Shai whimpered. Himeko cupped bother her cheeks and kissed her softly. Shai blushed deeply and kissed her back
"Heh~ I wonder how many times you can cum~" Himeko said whole her eyes glowed and licked her lips. Shai's eyes widen and trembled
Oh shit...she must've inhaled too much of my scent! Fuck...

"Why did you bring me along?" Mitsuko asked
" can protect me" Harumin said
"Protect yourself..." Mitsuko said as she ruffled her hair and walked ahead of her
"You're my big sister and it's your duty to protect your little sister" Harumin said and whined as Mitsuko flicked her forehead
"You are 18 years old. You can handle these types of situations on your own" Mitsuko said and turned around seeing the bush move. Harumin jumped into Mitsuko's arms as she shifted into a bunny. A fox appeared and it looked up at the Taniguchi sisters. The fox shifted back to normal revealing the Mizusawa
"Ah it's Soha's wonderful girls. Anyways what brings you both here?" Jinah asked as she smiled innocently. Mitsuko looked at Harumin and released her making her fall
"Hey! What the hell was that all about?!" Harumin exclaimed
"For being annoying..." Mitsuko said
"Alright. You two need to calm down and stop talking shit. Anyways what the hell are you two doing here?" Jinah asked
"Looking for Matsuri. Back at the castle she ended up going into heat and vanished with someone who had dark shadows" Harumin said
"Ohhhhh now I understand. Stupid Matsuri didn't keep track of her fucking heat" Jinah said and sighed
"Do you know where she is?" Harumin asked
"She is in her little den where she hides herself. And this Matsuri isn't like the Matsuri you know. She is somewhat shy and doesn't enjoy talking about sex" Jinah said
"Eh? She doesn't?" Harumin asked
"But isn't she in heat?" Mitsuko asked
"I'm not so sure how her heat works but it somewhat changes her personality" Jinah said
"But we can still see her right?" Harumin asked
"Sure. Follow me" Jinah said as she guided the girls to Matsuri's den. All the sudden the shadow girl appeared
"Ah! Hey it's you again!" Harumin exclaimed
"Hmm? You must be Matsuri's weird looking friend" Jinah said
"My name is Yami and I'm just protecting Matsuri from intruders. So I'm her personal bodyguard or something like that" Yami said
"Where is she?" Harumin asked
"Sorry. Can't say" Yami said
"Speak up before I-"
"Calm down" Mitsuko said
"I know you're her mate and all but...Matsuri doesn't want to be bothered by anyone right now" Yami said. Jinah only sighed and snapped her fingers letting a little light in which made Yami flinch
"Her weakness is light since she is a dark type. Anyways please take me to Matsuri. I need to have a word with her" Jinah said
"Y-yeah sure...whatever" Yami said as she started to guide the three people to Matsuri's den. Yami stopped and hid up a tree
"There she is" Yami said
"Matsuri! Get out of here!" Jinah said. Suddenly a black fox appeared and Matsuri only popped her head out the hole. Her ears twitched and looked up seeing three people. Her nose twitched and shook her head then hid inside the den again. She curled herself up into a ball and remained inside
"Matsuri..." Jinah said but no answer
"Hahaha....I'll be back" Jinah said and shifted into a fox before stepping into her den. Suddenly the girls flinched as they heard snarls and growls from the foxes. The two foxes got out of the den and were biting each other a little aggressively. Matsuri only whimpered and Jinah shifted back to normal while holding Matsuri
"Hehe sorry about that. We had a little fight to deal with. Anyways Matsuri your mate is here because she is worried and cares about you" Jinah said and Matsuri shifted back to normal
"U-uhm...she doesn't need to worry. I'm perfectly fine. I have all the water and food that I need here so I'm fine" Matsuri said and looked away
"But why did you run away? Is it because of your heat?" Harumin asked
"Hmmm...I guess so" Matsuri said
"You guess?" Harumin asked
"Yeah anyways I better head back home and-"
"No you're not" Jinah said
"M-mom please" Matsuri whined
"Be with your mate. She won't bite" Jinah said
"The other one looks like she bites..." Matsuri mumbled and trembled
"Okay. Just spend time with your mate. You can bring Yami along if you want" Jinah said
"Okay" Matsuri said and smiled. Harumin and Mitsuko saw the shadow appear behind Matsuri giving them a glare. Harumin only flinched while Mitsuko kept looking at the girl
She seems familiar...

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