Chapter 57

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Maruta flew up towards her sister and attacked her with her claws. Arisu dodged and smirked as she used her shadows to attack
"You haven't changed one bit! Helping these weak creatures! What for?!" Arisu exclaimed. Maruta only glared at her before blocking one of her attacks and attacked back with her claws
"It's best if you don't waste a lot of energy in a fight...or else you're fucked!" Arisu shouted as she attacked. Maruta turned around seeing the Okogi princess
If I can just...use it!
"Over here!" Kori shouted. Arisu turned around and hissed seeing the two guys. Suddenly howls were heard as the guards from the Royal Kingdom approached the fight
"Grrr! Damnit!" Arisu exclaimed and turned around seeing Maruta and the princess gone
"Get them!" Arisu shouted and vanished
"Where's the princess?" Arch asked as he looked around
"Look for the princess! Scatter!" Kori growled and looked up seeing the Mizusawas on the trees
"Matsuri's friend took her. You guys deal with the shadows. We'll try and keep up with this Yami girl" Jinah said
"Everyone move!" Taruto said. The foxes all ran from tree to tree while the werewolves howled as they scattered. They all went looking for the missing princess and fought off the shadows that kept appearing in their path. Meanwhile Maruta looked around as she had Yuzu
"Mmmph! Mmmph!" Yuzu shouted and trembled
"Shhh! Listen I'm on your side. I won't hurt you but we need to get you back to the Kingdom" Maruta whispered
"Wh-why are they after me!?" Yuzu exclaimed and Maruta covered her mouth
"I told you to shut the fuck up. I don't know why they're after you but we'll need to look out for those shadows. They can appear anywhere and anytime...especially since it's dark" Maruta said
" are you?" Yuzu asked
"Maruta Kayo" Maruta said
"C-can I go see Mei?" Yuzu asked
"What? Why? Can't you see that-wait..." Maruta paused and thought for a moment
I remember she unlocked her werecat soul. A Nishihara is the only one who is actually able to fight back a demon...they may have different strengths but they're quite similar
"Okay! We must hurry" Maruta said and ducked as she saw an arrow
"Run! Now!" Maruta said as she pushed Yuzu. Yuzu whimpered and started to run away with Maruta
"Don't let them get away! Catch them!" Arisu shouted as she released her shadows attacking the girls. Maruta panted and her eye glowed bloody red
"Princess, do you trust me?" Maruta asked
"U-uh...well I uh-"
"Close your eyes" Maruta said
"W-wait why would I-" Maruta turned herself into a shadow and wrapped herself around Yuzu's body. Yuzu's body moved on it's own as she jumped dodging the Arisu's attack
"You think your host will help you! You're dead wrong!" Arisu laughed. Yuzu felt hot steam escape her palms and a blast of flames came out of her palms
W-woah...I did th-that?
"Huh? Guess your host isn't as bad as I thought. Hahaha! Fight back!" Arisu laughed as her eyes turned bloody red and used her sharp claws to attack. Yuzu felt her entire blood boil and suddenly her body was set in flames. Arisu closed her eyes and hissed in pain
Sh-shit! I can't get close to her!
"Pr-princess!?" One of the werewolves exclaimed as they arrived at the scene. Yuzu breathed heavily and trembled as she felt a painful sting in her chest
"O-ow! Ow! It h-hurts!" Yuzu cried and fell on her knees. Maruta's eyes widened and tried to get out of her body but trembled feeling the heat
Sh-shit! Can't g-get out! Her body...i-it's...the Nishihara curse!
"AAAAAGGGGHHHH!" Yuzu shouted and Maruta hissed in pain as her shadows went wild attacking everything in her path
"Sir! We need backup!" A werewolf shouted as he called from help. The rest of the group followed the flames seeing the Okogi crying in pain because of her flames
"D-DAMNIT!" Yuzu shouted. Maruta's body burned as the flames hit her skin
I-I need to get o-out! Before it's too late!
The werewolves surrounded the young girl and backed up seeing the shadows whipping all around
"YUZU!" Ume shouted. Yuzu's eyes widened and coughed blood as she clenched her fists tightly
Wh-why did I agree to do this? A-all because...o-of her! Why?! Why?!
"L-LET ME GO! GET O-OUT OF ME!" Yuzu shouted. Maruta gritted her teeth and shut her eyes tightly
Get...out! Now!
Yuzu was thrown by the shadows and coughed as she held her arm
"Princess!" The guards exclaimed as they ran up to her. Yuzu winced in pain and trembled as blood started to come out from her burns
"AHHHH! GET AWAY FROM ME! GET AWAY!" Yuzu shouted as she grabbed her head and panted heavily
Stop it! St-stop it! I-it hurts!
"You idiots! Get her! She's weak!" Arisu ordered and soon the shadows wrapped themselves around Yuzu dragging her away into the darkness
"YUZU!" Ume exclaimed and the guards started to chased after her but the shadow army came from the underground surrounding them. Maruta coughed blood and her eyes glowed
"Souls...get!" Maruta shouted and soon the army began to cry in pain as Maruta was using her souls to fight back
"You idiot! Just die!" Arisu growled as she attacked her but Maruta blocked her attack
"I-I can't keep this up forever! Go and get her! Now!" Maruta shouted. The guards followed the Queen as they left to get Yuzu
"Why are you defending them!? You're suppose to be a Kayo! Not a traitor!" Arisu shouted and attacked Maruta throwing her on the ground. Maruta coughed and gasped as she saw her sister heading towards her. She turned around and used her shadow to grab her sister then threw her against the tree
"Mother wanted to help others! Not kill innocent people like her or my friends! I am going to use this power for good and help my friends!" Maruta shouted
"Then die you fucking bitch! I wish you were actually gone for good!" Arisu shouted before using her claws and attacking her. Maruta dodged the attack and fought back tackling her sister
"You seriously think you can fight all of once? You're a weakling! You're a runt! You were meant to be weak! Know your place bitch!" Arisu shouted and stabbed her stomach. Maruta coughed blood and gritted her teeth
"Wh-where's Yuzu?" Arch asked as he looked around
"She isn't here!" Kori said
"Look out!" Arch said as he grabbed Kori while the two shadow demons fought one another. Suddenly the other shadows appeared from the ground and aimed right for Maruta
"Yami!" Arch exclaimed
"Get out the way!" Sen shouted as he held both his hands and created a tornado sucking all the shadows in
"Eh? You again!? You're suppose to be cursed! How the hell is someone like y-"
"Fuck off!" Maruta shouted as she stabbed Arisu's chest. The demons inside the tornado began to escape but soon the Taniguchi sisters appeared
"We're here!" Harumin said
"Eh? Wh-what the hell are you doing here?!" Kori exclaimed
"We came to help!" Harumin said
"What can you do?" Kori asked
"Shut up and let us fight" Mitsuko said and her ears perked up seeing Yami fighting off another demon
"GET RID OF THESE DEMONS!" Sen shouted as he groaned because of the curse he had which distracted him
"L-light! Transfer me your light!" Sen shouted and soon Harumin sparked a light which Sen absorb. The light spread through his clouds and the shadows cried in pain as they were surrounded by a cloud filled with light
"Y-you...pieces of shit!" Sen shouted and crushed his hands together before throwing them out of the area. He trembled as his body gave out and soon fell to the ground while the shadows in his body began to corrupt him
"Get him help!" Arch said
"B-but what ab-"
"We will help!" Mitsuko said as she ran up to them
"Wait! Don't just run at them!" Arch exclaimed. Harumin followed her sister and soon the two started to cause light around the two shadows to weaken them. The two girls hissed in pain as their shadows began to shrink
"Sh-shit! Damnit! Th-this wasn't suppose to fucking happen!" Arisu growled furiously as she struggled to keep fighting and panted heavily
" least we took the Okogi. Good luck...Yami" Arisu laughed as she created a portal. Maruta's eyes widened and growled furiously
"Don't give up Maruta...keep fighting. You are strong. You just have to keep show everyone...who Maruta Kayo really is"
"Don't think I'll let you off this easily...BITCH!" Maruta shouted before her soul appeared beside her then held her arm out
"DEMON DOG BITE!" Maruta shouted. Her soul ran up to Arisu as she opened her jaw and bit her arm hard
"AAAGGGHHH!" Arisu yelled in pain as the soul tore her arm before she got inside the portal. Maruta trembled before she fell to the ground
"Yami! Are you okay?" Harumin asked and gasped. Mitsuko's ears perked up and trembled seeing the girl in front of her. The shadows vanished revealing the girl who was hidden in the shadows
It was bound to happen...I powers...the souls...everything...
"...M-Maruta?" Mitsuko asked softly. Maruta turned around looking at Mitsuko with her left eye that had a scar over it
"Is that...r-really you?" Mitsuko asked as she trembled. Maruta clenched her fists tightly and trembled a bit as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Yes..." Maruta whispered and closed her eyes
I've been caught...

"AAAAAAAH! LET GO!" Yuzu shouted and soon her flames were activated as she attacked the shadows. The shadows winced in pain and soon backed up. Yuzu fell to the ground and coughed blood
Wh-why did I do this!? I should've stayed home! I want to go home! Where it's safer! N-no one will hurt me!
"Shut up kid!" The guy said before kicking her stomach. Yuzu grabbed her stomach and cried
"Haha! Look at this bitch crying!" One of them said
"Is she really that legendary beast who took down the Nishiharas?" The guy asked
"She doesn't seem like it..." The other guy said
"When will she fucking arrive? I want to get this over with" The guy groaned and looked at the whimpering pup who kept sobbing
"Quit crying you stupid bitch!" The guy said and kicked her. Yuzu cried and covered herself
"Wh-why me? What did I do!?" Yuzu exclaimed and got punch in the face
"You know nothing do you bitch?" The guy growled
"Your granny is the reason for your suffering..." The princess said as she appeared while bleeding since her arm was torn off. Yuzu sniffed and cried with tears screaming down her cheeks
" this is the person we should fear? I wonder what the old man was even thinking about getting this girl" Arisu said
"Gr-grandma..." Yuzu cried as she trembled. Arisu groaned and kneeled down
"Listen think your granny is special? Well you're wrong" Arisu said
"Sh-she saved me!" Yuzu shouted and cried
"Please shut her up" Arisu said and the group punched Yuzu before pinning her down then covered her mouth. Yuzu cried but her cries were muffled
" me tell you something about your granny. Your granny was crazy strong...even if she had the power to tame animals. But guess what bitch...your granny could not only tame animals. She could control what did she do? Kill off the demons! Why us!? Just because we're monsters doesn't mean she should treat us like monsters!? They're all idiots! That's why we're taking you...before you kill us like your stupid weak granny. Hahahaha...I'm glad they killed her" Arisu said and laughed. Yuzu's eyes widened and gritted her teeth
St-stop laughing...grandma...was amazing! Sh-she was the person who helped me! She...saved me! Stop it!
"BITCH!" Yuzu shouted as she somehow got released and tried to punch the princess but missed then fell because she got kicked
"Wow...maybe I did underestimate you or you were probably pretending to be a crybaby. Anyways let's move idiots" Arisu ordered. The guys nodded but before they could even take a step forward something took them. Arisu flinched seeing her men vanish and turned around seeing the dark figure
"Is it you again Maruta? Come and fight me bitch! I'm not scared of you!" Arisu growled and looked around her surroundings
Where the hell is she? Does she think she can scare me? Hahaha! Like hell she can...
"Come out you little pussy! I'm not scared! I'll kill the stupid Okogi and leave if you don't show up!" Arisu laughed. Yuzu coughed and started to crawl wanting to leave then gasped seeing a pair of glowing purple eyes
W-wait...those eyes...
Arisu turned around and saw the glowing eyes then took a step back
Wait...that isn't Maruta...
The figure got closer and soon the werecat revealed herself. Yuzu trembled as the werecat looked down at her. She flinched and looked down covering her head. Mei leaned closely towards her and stuck her tongue out licking her face. Yuzu lifted her head a bit and blushed a little
Wh-why am I...not r-running? Sh-she has her eyes...and everything but...
Yuzu groaned a bit as she tried to stand up and leaned against Mei. Mei laid down on her stomach and Yuzu looked at her
Does she want me to climb on her? I-I guess so...
Yuzu jumped and started to climb her way on Mei's back
"'s soft..." Yuzu said and buried her face on the fur. Mei stood back up and snarled at the princess while pinning her ears back. She roared which terrified Yuzu but Yuzu held onto Mei
"Sh-shit...the last Nishihara..." Arisu mumbled

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