Chapter 29

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"Mmgh...huh? Wh-what?" Yuzu asked and looked around
Wh-where am I? What happened?
"Yuzu! Dear are you okay?!" Ume exclaimed
"M-mom! You're okay!" Yuzu said and hugged her as she sat up. Ume smiled and hugged her back
"I-I was so worried..." Yuzu whimpered as she pinned her ears down
"Yuzu I'm here. Everything is okay now" Ume said as she comforted her daughter
"M-mom...I was so worried about you" Yuzu whimpered
"Don't worry Yuzu. I'm here" Ume said. Yongi stepped inside and went up to his wife and daughter
"Yuzu is everything okay? Does it still hurt?" Yongi asked
"I-I'm fine dad. It doesn't hurt anymore" Yuzu said and smiled at him. Yongi sighed in relief and hugged her
"I'm glad you're okay" Yongi said
"So...where's the asshole?" Yuzu asked
"Yuzu" Ume said
"No seriously. Where's the asshole that try to hurt mom?" Yuzu asked
"Baiko Virgil. Our Royal Guard" Yongi said
"What about that Vix guy?" Yuzu asked
"Vix had nothing to do with it. He knew about the plan but was afraid to tell us" Yongi said
"So? He still knew the plan! Why didn't he just tell us!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"Yuzu please don't start this...." Yongi said
"B-but he...he...grrr...whatever" Yuzu said as she sighed and looked down
"You should apologize to him" Ume said
"I'll apologize when I feel like it" Yuzu said
"Try to get along with him. We're already done with the marriage so it's time for everyone to get along" Yongi said
"Yes father. I'll try to get along with them" Yuzu said
"Yuzu-chan!" Matsuri said as she came in the room
"Hey Matsuri" Yuzu said as she smiled
"You're okay! Yay!" Matsuri said and hugged her
"U-uhm...hehe yeah. I'm okay" Yuzu said
"That's great. Oh and Shai took that bastard away for his punishment" Matsuri said
"W-wait Shai? She took him?" Yuzu asked
"Yep" Matsuri said
"Shit! I need to talk to her!" Yuzu said
I need to know if she is okay!
"Calm down Yuzu-chan. She's here" Matsuri said. Shai poked her head out of the door and smiled
"Hi Yuzu" Shai said and stepped inside
"Shai! What happened?" Yuzu asked
"Relax Yuzu. I'll take care of that bastard for you and don't worry. It's under control" Shai said. Yuzu nodded and got out of the bed
"Now we must head to the party" Yongi said
"I don't want to go..." Yuzu said
"Yuzu all the guests are waiting to see their future Queen" Yongi said
"Well yeah but...ugh...I-I don't know. Are you sure there aren't anymore traitors?" Yuzu asked
"Don't worry. The Aihara clan are in search for any other traitor" Yongi said
"They better have their eyes open unless they want me to take them out" Yuzu growled
"Enough about that, Yuzu. We have to head back" Ume said
"How long was I out for?" Yuzu asked
"Seven hours" Ume said
"Seven hours!?" Yuzu exclaimed
Damn! I was out for seven hours? Was Mei...worried about-woah! Stop! We are not thinking about her! No no no! Besides I bet she's with that Vix guy...
"Come on Yuzu-chan. Let's go to the party. They have spicy food" Matsuri said
"Fine but I'll only go there because of the food" Yuzu said and followed Matsuri and Shai out the room
"Hello princesses" Hana said as she popped out of the wall
"Hey bitch" Matsuri said
"Ah hi Matsuri" Hana said as she smiled
"Hey Hana. How you've been?" Yuzu asked
"Hmm I'm good I guess but..." Hana paused
"What is it?" Yuzu asked
"I don't have a mate..." Hana said and whined
"Here we go again" Matsuri said rolling her eyes
"I'm old enough to have a mate and everywhere I go the only thing I see are couples" Hana said
"You'll find the right person someday" Shai said as she patted her shoulder
"I guess...but I want someone. I don't want to end up like my sister who enjoys being alone" Hana said
"Really? Your sister is still single?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah and I don't want to die alone or be alone so any of you know someone?" Hana asked
"Like hell I should know. Go ask Nitski" Matsuri said
"Hmm? Your cousin huh? I guess I have no other choice" Hana said
"Why do you even want a mate? Are you that desperate?" Yuzu asked
"Yes" Hana said
"Then just flirt with the first girl you see" Matsuri said
"I guess I could do that" Hana said
But will they like me?
"Princesses!" A girl said as she ran up to them
"Hm? Nene? What is it?" Yuzu asked
"Oh you're awake! I-I came by to check up on you princess Yuzu. Your mate, Mei Aihara, is worried and wanted to make sure if you're fine" Nene said
"Wh-what? Worried?" Yuzu asked
"Oh yeah" Matsuri said
"We forgot to tell you that your mate has been asking about you every ten minutes. We promised to tell her when you'll wake up" Shai said
"O-oh okay. Anyways Nene just go back and tell Mei that I'm fine. She shouldn't worry..." Yuzu said as she blushed a bit
"Yes princess" Nene said as she bowed down and walked away. Hana only watched her leave and smiled
I found someone...
"Well I should go now" Hana said as she giggled
"You're going after that squirrel?" Matsuri asked
"Heh maybe" Hana said as she left the three princesses
"She's definitely going after her" Yuzu said
"Yep" Shai and Matsuri replied
"Well let's get going" Yuzu said as she walked away
"Hehe excited to see your mate?" Matsuri asked
"You better shut the hell up before I punch your face" Yuzu growled
"Don't be so mean to her Yuzu. She's just joking" Shai said
"Yeah whatever..." Yuzu said

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