Chapter 7

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"I apologize for that" Yuzu said and took a seat
"Y-you could've killed her!" Sen said
"Sen calm down" Vix said as he placed a hand on his shoulder
"Sorry" Yuzu said
"Just a simple sorry? Is that all you have to say?" Sen asked
"That's enough" Himeko said
"What else do you want me to do?" Yuzu asked
"Hehehe pretty boy is just jealous because his princess got her first kiss stolen by Shai" Matsuri said and laughed softly
"Wh-what?" Sen asked as his face redden feeling embarrassed
What the hell is wrong w-with this bitch?!
"Hey Nitski. Go check on Shai please" Yuzu said
"And don't make her faint" Matsuri said
"Yes yes. I understand" Nitski said as she walked away
"Juhin, please follow her" Matsuri said
"Of course" Juhin said and left the dining room
"Why...did she react like that?" Himeko asked
"Huh? Shai?" Yuzu asked as she served herself some spicy curry
"Yes" Himeko said
"Hehehe...curious about your fiancee?" Matsuri asked as she smirked
"Shut up" Himeko said as she glared at her
"Shai only acts like that because she's scared and shy" Yuzu said
"Didn't you say that she acted differently during fights?" Harumin asked
"Yes" Yuzu said and took a bite of her spicy curry
Please let me eat...
"And why does she have to act so timid?" Himeko asked
"I don't know. Now let me eat before you piss me off" Yuzu said as she ate her curry
"Don't talk to her like that" Sen said
"Can you guys leave us alone? This is our dinner date and we have to be alone with our fiancee so we can get to know them better" Mei said with a stern tone
"Of course princess" Vix said as he bowed down and left with Sen and Kori
"Control yourself" Vix said as he glared at his brother
"I am in control" Sen said as he pinned his tiger ears back and growled
"No you're not" Kori said
"Shut up. I was just worried" Sen said
"I know but you can't mess with them. You don't know what they can do..." Vix said
"Maybe she was right" Kori said and chuckled softly
"Right about what?" Sen asked
"That you're jealous" Kori said
"J-jealous? Not at all" Sen said as his face redden feeling embarrassed
"You're definitely jealous" Kori said
"I-I'm only protecting her because I care about her" Sen said
"Meimei! Meimei!" The little Momokino said as she ran up to Mei. Mei stopped and turned around to look at her
"Oh hi Hime-chan" Mei said as she smiled softly
"Wh-where are you going?" Himeko asked
"Oh I'm meeting a friend" Mei said
"A fr-friend?" Himeko asked
"Want to come?" Mei asked as she held out her hand
"O-okay" Himeko said and held her hand. Mei and Himeko went to the guard's training camp where the two boys were
"Hey there's Mei" Vix said
"Hm? Who is that other girl?" Sen asked
"That's the princess from the Momokino kingdon" Vix said
"Ohhhh" Sen said
"Hi Vix. Hi Sen" Mei said as she greeted them with a smile
"Hi Mei" Vix said as he smiled at her
"Hey Mei. Is she your friend?" Sen asked as he looked at the other girl. Himeko whimpered and hid behind her friend
"She is a little shy. Her name is Himeko Momokino. Himeko meet Sen and Vix Kaiser" Mei said. Himeko hesitated for a moment before stepping out of her hiding spot
"U-uhm...hi" Himeko said as she blushed a bit
"Hey Himeko" Sen said as he smiled
"Hi. Nice to meet you" Vix said. Himeko trembled and hid behind Mei
"Relax Himeko" Mei said and giggled softly. Himeko only buried her face against her back as she whimpered softly
"Don't worry she'll get used to you both. I guess" Mei said
"Don't worry it's fine" Vix said. Sen only loked at her and gave her a warm smile
'She looks kinda cute'
End Of Flashback
"Anyways I wonder where that other girl went..." Sen said
She ran off after doing that...
"Why does she have to act like that?" Vix asked
"Don't know...maybe that's the way she is" Kori said as he shrugged
"Oh hey it's the pretty guards" Nitski giggled as she walked up to them
"Nitski...please leave them alone" Juhin said
"Awww come on Juhin. I know you want them" Nitski giggled. Juhin only blushed deeply and looked away
She is so fucking annoying...damnit...
"How is she doing?" Vix asked
"Hm? Shai? Oh she is doing just fine" Nitski giggled. Shai stepped out and looked much calm. She trembled slightly and went to the dining room
"She's fine now?" Kori asked
"Yes. She just needed to cool down for a moment after doing that" Nitski said
"What happened to her?" Sen asked
"She was just embarrassed" Juhin said
"Does she get embarrassed that easily?" Vix asked
"Shai is a timid girl but...she can also be a psycho during battle" Nitski said
"What?" Sen asked
"Hehe nothing. We have to get going" Nitski said as she grabbed Juhin's arm
"Wait where are you guys going?" Kori asked
"Just going to some party. Want to come with us? It'll be fun" Nitski giggled
"No thanks. We have to keep an eye on those bitches" Vix said
"Oh okay. Well I guess we'll be seeing you three later" Nitski said
"Good luck" Juhin said and left with Nitski. After the Mizusawas left, the guards were left alone
"So...what do you guys think about this alliance?" Kori asked
"It can be a chance for a great future for everyone. No more war and no more slaughtering innocent people" Vix said
"But...they will be forced to mate..." Sen said
"That's their decision..." A guard said. The three jumped and turned around seeing a wolf
"Wh-who the hell are you?" Vix asked surprised to see him
"Arch Akiya" Arch said
"What do you mean by it's their decision?" Sen asked
"Well they decided their fate right? They want to protect their kingdom and save them all" Arch said
"I-I know that but forcing them to mate with someone they don't love just to create an alliance is a little too far don't you think?" Vix asked
"Not at all. Why should I be worried about them for mating with someone they don't love?" Arch asked
"You wouldn't understand. We're their personal guards and have been friends for so long. We promised them to protect them and care for them" Vix said as he glared at the wolf. Arch only smirked and looked at him
This asshole is seriously worried about that?
"Why should it matter to you? Just because you're friends with them doesn't mean you have to care about what they do in bed with their mates" Arch said
"You don't know what those monsters can do...especially the blonde one. I don't like her one bit..." Vix said
"So? Mind your own fucking business. You three are only guards protecting the princesses. Not interfering with their relationship..." Arch said sternly
"We aren't interfering. We are worried because those three are dangerous beasts. They could harm them in any way..." Vix said. Arch couldn't help but let out a laugh
"Hahahaha! You three are really idiots. It's so obvious that you three like them and are upset that they're paired up with the other princesses. What a shame..." Arch said as he laughed a bit
"You've got it all wrong" Vix said
"It's written all over your dumbass faces. Just stop...there is nothing the three of you can do. No one can stop this marriage...unless you want to slaughter more innocent lives. Your choice..." Arch said as he left the guards
Heh...these assholes

During the dinner date, the princesses were awfully quiet. The silence seemed to only make things awkward for everyone. Matsuri only groaned as she had enough of silence
"Alright that's it. I had enough of this silent shit. So how are you two big tits doing?" Matsuri asked as she tried to start a conversation
"D-don't disrespect them like that!" Himeko said as she stood up from her seat
"Shut the hell up Eyebrows and sit. I can talk to my future bride however I want..." Matsuri said as she growled
"E-eyebrows?!" Himeko exclaimed as her face redden feeling embarrassed
D-did she just called me eyebrows?! Wh-what the hell is wrong with this bitch?!
"Himeko...sit" Mitsuko said sternly
"B-but Mitsuko-senpai...she shou-"
"Sit" Mitsuko said as she glared at her
"S-sorry" Himeko said and sat down
" a panther related to a little bunbun. How adorable..." Matsuri said as she smiled at the two sisters. Mitsuko only kept a serious expression while Harumin trembled slightly
"Hehe maybe my future bride should be the little bunbun. I mean there is no difference between you two...if I could have you both...I would've definitely kept you two by my side but since I'm allowed to be with only one. I don't mind taking the bunbun...after all the two of you are very sexy sisters" Matsuri said and licked her lips
"With very nice bodies and boobs...I wonder what bunbun's reaction would be when I touch her body" Matsuri said as she blushed then stood up. Harumin remained silent and Mitsuko looked down as she pinned her ears back
"What is she doing?" Mei asked
"Shut up and let her do what she wants" Yuzu said coldy. Matsuri went over to the Taniguchi sisters and giggled softly
"You two are really beautiful...with amazing bodies. I'm really lucky to be stuck with you two" Matsuri said and wrapped an arm around the two
"You two have an amazing scent" Matsuri said as her tail started wagging like crazy. Harumin's eyes widen as she felt the young Mizusawa slid her hand towards her breasts. Harumin teared up feeling uncomfortable and shut her eyes tightly
I-I don't want this! St-stop it please!
"Hey! Don't touch them like that!" Kori exclaimed as he stepped in. Matsuri's ears perked up and pulled away from the sisters. She sighed and looked at Kori
"Yuzu-chan...I'm pissed" Matsuri said as she pouted
"Go ahead. He interrupted us..." Yuzu said
"L-listen you shouldn't be touching them inappropriately like that" Kori said. Matsuri sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair
"Don't fuck with me...asshole" Matsuri said as she kneeled down and smirked
"You fucked with the wrong person..." Matsuri growled as she placed her hand on the floor. Kori didn't understand at first until he felt a painful sting throughout his entire body
"Argh!" Kori cried in pain and tried to move but couldn't
Wh-what the hell is this...?!
"H-hey! Let him go!" Vix said
"I suggest the two of you stay back..." Yuzu said. Soon Matsuri's fox soul appeared and ran up to it's prey. Kori's eyes widen and trembled as the fox got close
"St-stop it! I'll do anything!" Harumin said and felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked at her sister and soon Matsuri's fox soul stopped but not because of what Harumin said. Matsuri's face flustered as Mitsuko and Harumin bit down on her fox ear
"H-hey! What the hell you stupid bitches?!" Matsuri exclaimed as she pushed the sisters away and covered her ears
D-did they seriously just do that?! Wh-what on earth is wr-wrong with me?!
Kori fell to the ground and trembled as he breathed slightly heavily
"You okay?" Sen asked
"Y-yeah...I think so" Kori said. Yuzu growled and stood up
"Arch!" Yuzu called. Arch appeared and bowed down
"Yes princess?" Arch asked
"Take these three outside immediately and don't let them in until I've spoken with them" Yuzu said sternly as her eyes glowed
"Of course princess. Let's go you three" Arch said as he glared at them
"B-but your high-"
"Vix...leave" Mei said as she glared at him. Vix trembled a bit and looked down as he nodded
"Yes ma'am" Vix said and left with his two friends. Matsuri only trembled as she gritted her teeth
"Yuzu-chan...can I leave for today? I'm not feeling well..." Matsuri said as she looked down avoiding to look at the Taniguchis
"Of course" Yuzu said as she nodded
"Thanks" Matsuri said and walked out of the dining room with a blushing face while she tried to hide it from the others
Wh-what the hell did they do?!

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