Chapter 36

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"So we only have two years?" Matsuri asked
"I-I'm not ready..." Shai whimpered
"Didn't you already fucked that little chihuahua?" Matsuri asked
"D-don't say that!" Shai whimpered and covered her face
"I don't get why the hell are you embarrassed? Was it fun?" Matsuri asked
"I don't want to talk about it..." Shai said and felt her head throb
Please stop...
'You had your fun! Now it's my turn! Go! Go! Go!'
"Hah...I better get going" Shai said as she stood up
"Hm? You're leaving?" Yuzu asked
"Headache. If you know what I mean" Shai said slightly nervous
"Oh I understand" Yuzu said
Guess it's starting again...
"Hopefully everything is all good" Matsuri said
"Y-yeah so uh...bye. I'll be seeing you two later" Shai said and stepped out the door. She sighed and started walking away
Do you really have to right now?
'You told me that I would have I want my fun. Unless you wan-'
No please. I'll go
"Shai" Himeko said and Shai jumped
"A-ah! Princess! H-hi" Shai said nervously
"Are you always this jumpy?" Himeko asked
"J-just a little" Shai said as she smiled
"Is this because of last night?" Himeko asked
"L-last night? What happened last night? N-nothing happened last night. Hahaha!" Shai said
"Do you...not remember?" Himeko asked as she pinned her ears down
"Y-yes! I-I remember th-that and th-that other thing a-and...and..." Shai paused and trembled before dropping on the floor with a nosebleed
"Sh-shai!" Himeko exclaimed. Yuzu and Matsuri stepped out then jumped seeing Shai on the floor
"You killed her..." Matsuri said as she glared at her
"N-no! I didn't!" Himeko said
"Hahaha! Just kidding" Matsuri laughed
"You broke her" Yuzu said and walked up to Shai's body then carried her
"I'll take her with the maids and hopefully she'll wake up" Yuzu said as she walked away
"Talking about sex?" Matsuri asked as she giggled
"What?! N-no!" Himeko exclaimed as she blushed
W-we were kinda...
"Hehe yeah right" Matsuri giggled
"W-we were just talking a-about last night" Himeko said
"Shai is somewhat innocent and gets embarrassed with sex stuff. Like eating pussy or having a 3p" Matsuri said
"3p?" Himeko asked
"It's whe-"
"Shut up and don't talk about it" Yuzu said as she grabbed her head and released some smoke from her palm
"Ah! Don't burn my hair!" Matsuri said as she patted her head. Yuzu giggled and wrapped an arm around her
"Anyways don't worry about Shai. She'll be okay" Yuzu said
"Does Shai not like talking...about th-that topic?" Himeko asked
"Well she gets shy and embarrassed" Yuzu said
"And gets nosebleeds whenever she sees something sexy or attractive to her" Matsuri said
"S-so during the almost passed o-out?" Himeko asked
"Hehe pretty much" Matsuri said
"When will she wake up?" Himeko asked
"Usually it takes about a few minutes for her to wake up but who knows" Yuzu said
"Can I see her?" Himeko asked
"No" Yuzu said
"Why not?" Himeko asked
"Well...I don't know. Sometimes Shai can wake up a can I say this? A little crazy" Yuzu said
"Crazy?" Himeko asked
"Remember Shai has two sides. Either she wakes up crazy or kind. Though she usually wakes up kind..." Yuzu said
"Is she that dangerous?" Himeko asked
"Well I wouldn't say that more lik-"
"Aaaaaah! She woke up!" The maids panicked as they ran out the room
"Oh she's awake" Matsuri said. A cold breeze came from the room which made the girls shivers. Yuzu's eyes glowed and started to release her warmth to keep the temperature at room temperature
"And whenever she wakes up, Shai ends up releasing a bit of her powers which makes things even more colder" Yuzu said. An ice fog appeared from the room and they saw a shadow step out
"'s good to be out. I needed some fresh air" Shai said and took a deep breathe before letting out a sigh which froze the walls slightly
"Hey Shai. Can you stop and head back home to do your business?" Yuzu asked. Shai turned around with her glowing blue eyes and smiled
"Sure. I do have some special business to take care of" Shai said as she giggled and walked away
"W-wait! Where are you going?" Himeko asked and walked up to her. Shai's eyes widen as her ears perked up. She turned around and her eyes met up with Himeko's dark violet which made her cheeks burn up slightly. Shai flinched and touched her cheeks
Warm? What the hell? Even I am blushing because of a small chihuahua?
"What?" Shai asked
"U-uhm...where are you going?" Himeko asked
"My old home. I have some business to deal with..." Shai said and smiled a little. Himeko trembled a bit and blushed a little
"W-we can hang out l-later right?" Himeko asked
"Eh? Well...I guess but we'll see" Shai said and jumped as Himeko hugged her
Wh-what is up with this bitch?
"I-I don't know why but...I feel a l-little clingy" Himeko said and looked up at Shai. Shai blushed hard and covered her face with her hand
"C-cold" Himeko mumbled
"D-don't give me that l-look" Shai said and pulled away from her with a blushing face. Himeko blushed a little a little smiled a little
"W-we can hang out later o-okay?" Shai asked
"Okay" Himeko said. Shai looked at her and groaned
"Why..." Shai mumbled and walked up to her then grabbed Himeko pulling her into a kiss. Himeko's eyes widen and blushed deeply. Shai pulled away and pushed her gently
"A-anyways I better g-go" Shai said as she walked away with a flustered expression
Shit...I'm blushing...damnit!
Himeko covered her cheeks and blushed hard
She kissed me!
"Alright little chihuahua. Enough being excited" Matsuri said
"Don't call me that" Himeko said
"Yeah okay Eyebrows" Matsuri said
"Don't call me that either!" Himeko said
"Okay. Enough teasing her, Matsuri" Yuzu said as she ruffled her hair
"Stop messing with my hair" Matsuri said as she shook her head
"Didn't you have a date with your little mate?" Yuzu asked
"Eh? I do?" Matsuri asked
"Well I heard Harumin wanting to talk to you" Yuzu said
"Oh...well I haven't heard her talk anything about going on a date. Besides I'm busy. I don't have time for her" Matsuri said and walked away
"Busy with what?" Yuzu asked
"That's none of your busin-mmph!" Matsuri groaned as she bumped into someone since she wasn't looking where she was going
"Hey watch...i-it" Matsuri said and blushed seeing her mate's older sister
"You're the one who wasn't looking dumbass" Mitsuko said and flicked her forehead. Matsuri rubbed her forehead softly and Mitsuko walked passed her. Matsuri smirked and wrapped her tail around hers while she walked pass her. Mitsuko flinched and turned around seeing the little Mizusawa sticking her tongue out
"Stupid kid..." Mitsuko mumbled as she blushed a little
"She's bothering you too, Mitsuko-senpai?" Himeko asked
"She is quite annoying but you'll get used to her teasing. She just does that for fun" Yuzu said
"And Mitsuko-senpai a-are you blushing?" Himeko asked which made Mitsuko blush even more
"Wh-what? Nonsense" Mitsuko said and looked away while covering a bit of her face feeling embarrassed
Wh-why am I blushing?

"Sweetie where are you going?" Kallen asked as she saw Shai stepping out of the castle
"I'm going back home for a moment, mom. I'll be back soon" Shai said as she walked out of the castle. Her eyes glowed and shifted into a werewolf before running away from the mainland. She reached to the end of the land and felt the artic breeze hit her face once she stepped into the frozen land's been a while
Shai ran across the snowy land and headed to the castle. Once she arrived at home, her body glowed as she shifted back to normal
"Princess Shai" The guards said as they kneeled down to greet their princess
"Where is that bastard?" Shai asked
"Down in the dungeon..." The guard said
"Is he still breathing?" Shai asked
"He is still alive but I'm not sure for how long..." The guard said
"Thanks" Shai said and stepped inside the castle walking towards the dungeon doors. She opened the ice doors and walked in the dungeon
Time to end this bastard...he deserves to fucking die
"Heh...Baiko Virgil. The Royal Guard for the Okogi clan is now in the dungeon" Shai said and started laughing while her ice crystals grew from her skin covering her lower face and smiled. She stepped in and saw the man shivering in the cold with chains that held his arms apart while his legs were on the ground. Baiko only trembled as he clenched his fists tightly and lifted his head. His body was covered in frostbite and shivered uncontrollably
" you're still alive?" Shai asked and laughed. Baiko gritted his teeth and glared at the princess
"You were the best but decided to let it all go down the drain. You gave up everything...and all because of a secret crush" Shai said as she walked up to him then looked at his fingers
"My uncle was really generous and decided to give you a promotion. He forgave you for what you did and you still decided to fucking screw with my aunt" Shai said before tearing a finger off
"AAAAAH!" Baiko yelled in pain
"Such a failed and have lost everything" Shai said and teared another finger off
"AAAAAH!" Baiko cried out and Shai placed her hand against his back. Baiko's eyes widen as he felt something sharp and cold
" know...the original Shai would've helped and released you but fuck it. I'm in control now and I...want you dead" Shai said before piercing a crystal through his chest with his heart stuck out at the end of the crystal. The young princess covered her face and smiled as she started to laugh
"What a fucking asshole! Hahahaha!'s been a while. I haven't been able to take some fresh air and kill whoever...Hmmm? I should definitely kill those Kaiser brothers...they've been fucking things up. At least that Kori guy keeps his distance between the Taniguchi bitch. He knows how to survive while those two other assholes just keep getting in the fucking way" Shai said and grabbed her victim's head. She laughed and kicked his head like a ball
"A-ahhh!~ Ngh!~"
"Haaah!~ Sh-shai!~"
Shai's eyes widen and covered her face. Her tail wagged rapidly and gritted her teeth
Fuck...why now?! Why am I fucking remembering that now!? Grrrrr!
Shai only shook her head and decided to step out of dungeon
"Assholes!" Shai called and two guards appeared in front of her
"Yes princess?" The guard asked
"Clean that mess and just dump it somewhere" Shai said
"Yes princess" The guards said and went inside the dungeon to get rid of the body. Shai only sighed and rubbed her head softly. Her tail kept wagging and couldn't stop blushing
"Argh! I can't have those types of feelings for that little bitch" Shai growled and started walking to her room. She opened the door and looked around her room
"My old room..." Shai mumbled and walked inside. She went to the closet and opened it seeing her hidden weapons
"My first little knife I used on that asshole that kept bothering me..." Shai said and held it. She ran her finger through the sharp edge
I really need to have some fun once in a while...killing just one person isn't enough. Who could become my next victim?

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