Chapter 18

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Mei got to her room and was resting on the bed. She was shaking and touched her lips
Th-that kiss...what the h-hell...
Mei sighed deeply and covered her face as her face redden. She trembled a little and laid down on her side
Knock Knock
"May I come inside?" Vix asked
"Yes" Mei replied. Vix opened the door and stepped inside
"Mei?" Vix asked
"What?" Mei asked as she kept her eyes down
"U-uhm...I just wanted to check up on you. Are you doing okay?" Vix asked
"Yes...I'm fine" Mei said. Vix looked at her concerned and walked up to her sitting next to her
"Did she do something to you?" Vix asked
"You shouldn't worry about me. I can take care of myself. She didn't do anything" Mei said
"So kissing isn't anything?" Vix asked
"You saw?" Mei asked
"...yes" Vix said. The guard and the princess remained silent for a moment until Vix broke it
"Did you like it?" Vix asked
"What kind of question is that?" Mei asked
"I just...need an answer" Vix said
"Why does it matter to you?" Mei asked
"So you did like it..." Vix said
"So what if I did?" Mei asked
"I just want to know...that's all" Vix said. Mei sighed and grabbed her head
"I don't know why she kissed me...i-it's confusing me" Mei said
"You're falling for her?" Vix asked
"I don't know..." Mei said and pinned her ears down
"Mei..." Vix said
"What?" Mei asked
"...just one more day..." Vix said
" knew one day this will happen. So just stop this..." Mei said
"But you like me too right Mei?" Vix asked as he looked at her
"Vix...please stop..." Mei said
"But Mei-"
"Stop Vix! Just shut up!" Mei said raising her voice
"Mei! You know I care about you! It pains me to see you with her!" Vix said
"Just leave me alone!" Mei said
"The only reason I decided to become your personal guard was because I cared so much about you! I know it's impossible but I love you!" Vix said
"J-just stop please! Stop it!" Mei said
"Have you forgotten that those beasts killed your very own mother?! And you plan to have a family with that beast!" Vix exclaimed
"Grrrr! How many times do I have to tell you to just shut up!?" Mei shouted before grabbing his neck then threw him to the ground. Vix groaned and Mei's eyes widen as she looked at her hands
Wh-what did I j-just do...
"V-vix...I'm s-sorry..." Mei said as she helped him up. Vix groaned as he sat up and looked up. His eyes widen and stepped away
"M-mei...don't m-move" Vix whispered
"What? Is there someone behind me?" Mei asked as she turned around and gasped. Her eyes met up with the lavender eyes beast as the werecat looked at her. The werecat leaned close towards Mei sniffing her. Mei looked at the werecat and couldn't help but tear up since it reminded her of her mother. The werecat leaned in licking her cheek and wrapped her tail around her. Vix only trembled since the werecat growled at him. Mei lifted her head and looked at the werecat
"He is a friend of mine. There is no need to attack him" Mei said. The werecat only moved its ears before vanishing
"D-did you see that?" Mei asked
"'s scary" Vix said
"I-I have to tell my grandfather! Quickly!" Mei said as she left the room
"U-uh yeah s-sure..." Vix said and trembled as he held his neck
F-fuck...that hurt like hell...ah shit. I shouldn't mess with her like that...
Mei ran down the halls and stopped by the main entrance
"Princess? Is there something wrong?" The maid asked
"Oh I need to see my grandfather. Do you know where he is?" Mei asked
"Last time I saw him, he was talking to the King back at the meeting room" The maid said
"Thank you!" Mei said and left going to the meeting room
I hope this will make him happy and be finally proud of me
Mei got to the room and reached to the doorknob but stopped as her ears twitched
"My daughter is the perfect mate for the princess!" A man growled
"I understand what you're trying to say but we've made an alliance with the Aiharas. It's best if we go along with the plan" Yongi said
"I worked my ass off for you and have defended this kingdom! My daughter deserves the best and you agreed to let your daughter be with her!" The man growled
"It's not my fault that my daughter's soul didn't bond with hers" Yongi said
"Are you really trusting those Aiharas?" The man asked
"It's best to end this slaughtering war before other people suffer from this war" Yongi said
"Why didn't your father just make that Aihara marry your brother's son?" The man asked
"My father doesn't want him to take care of this kingdom. Especially after what happened. My brother will never be able to fix his mistake and my father won't change his mind" Yongi said
"What about you? Do you want your daughter to marry that monster?" The man asked
"Don't call her that" Yongi said
"What? You're defending them?" The man asked
"Maybe it's time for a change alright? You don't know what that girl has gone through. She lost her mother and her father decided to leave her" Yongi said
"Why are you on her side? She is the enemy and so are the others" The man said
"Enough. I already explained everything. I'm sorry about your daughter but there is no turning back. My daughter will become the next Queen and her mate will be Mei Aihara" Yongi said sternly as he glared at his guard
"B-but your maje"
"Did I make myself clear?" Yongi growled. The guard clenched his fists tightly and looked down
"Yes sir. I'm very sorry sir" The man said
"Good. Now leave" Yongi said
"Yes sir" The man said as he went to the door. He stepped out of the room and walked away
"Grrr...fucking bastard..." The man growled as he walked away. Yongi stepped out and sighed
I hope she's okay...
"E-excuse me?" Mei asked. Yongi's ears perked up and turned around seeing Mei
"Hm? Is there something that you need?" Yongi asked
" grandfather. Where is he?" Mei asked slightly nervous
"Oh your grandfather. Follow me" Yongi said as he guided Mei to her grandfather
"You heard?" Yongi asked
"Wh-what?" Mei asked slightly surprised
"Heh...I guess you did" Yongi said
"J-just a little..." Mei said
"Don't worry it's okay. So how is your relationship with my daughter? I sorta heard from Ume that...the first day wasn't so good" Yongi said
"Oh's fine. I understand why she would act like that" Mei said
"Well I just hope the two of you get closer. Tomorrow will be a big day for you and your friends" Yongi said
"Yeah..." Mei said
"We're here" Yongi said
"Thanks" Mei said
"You're welcome" Yongi said as he smiled and walked away. Mei looked at him and looked down
She looks so much like him
Mei opened the door and saw her grandfather
"Hm? Mei? Is there something wrong?" Her grandfather asked
"Grandfather...I have something important to say" Mei said

"Yuzu? Hey Yuzu!" Someone called. Yuzu's ears perked up and looked up
"You alright?" The girl asked
"I don't know Sasha..." Yuzu said as she looked away
"Hm? Something happen?" Sasha asked as she tilted her head
"Don't know..." Yuzu said and rested her head on the table
"Does it have something to do with the Aihara?" Sasha asked
"I guess" Yuzu said
"You've fallen for her right?" Sasha asked. Yuzu thought for a moment and shook her head
"Fuck no. I don't love her!" Yuzu said as she lifted her head up
"Hehe you're in denial" Sasha said
"No I'm not" Yuzu said as she looked away and her cheeks started to burn up
"Hehe yeah right. You are definitely in love" Sasha said and laughed
"Shut up before I kill you" Yuzu growled
"Hehe no need to feel embarrassed. It's okay" Sasha said
"Shut up...I don't like her like that" Yuzu said
"Okay okay. I was just joking" Sasha said
"Give me some..." Yuzu said
"Huh? Wait you want to drink? Now?" Sasha asked
"Is that a fucking problem?" Yuzu growled as she glared at her
"N-not at all but your parents will get mad" Sasha said
And they'll probably come at me for giving her...
"Just fucking let me drink. There are so many things going on my mind..." Yuzu said
"Like the kiss you gave her?" Sasha asked as she grabbed some alcohol
"Wh-what? You saw?" Yuzu asked
"Of course. Everyone saw" Sasha said and poured some alcohol for her
"I just hope my parents didn't saw that...fucking embarrassing...I don't know what happened to me back there" Yuzu said
"Heh maybe it was your soul" Sasha said and handed her drink
"My soul? That's bullshit. You know my soul doesn't bond with no didn't even bond with Phila's soul" Yuzu said and took a sip of her drink
"Maybe you really didn't love her..." Sasha said
"Please don't start talking about that shit. Phila told me the same god damn thing...about your soul being connected to your emotions" Yuzu said
"But you know it's true. You probably do love her..." Sasha said. Yuzu growled and gulped down her drink
"Damn take it easy" Sasha said
"More" Yuzu said
"Your parents are going to kill you" Sasha said and poured some more alchohol. Yuzu grabbed the shot glass and took a sip. Her eyes widen as she remembered Mei being pinned against the wall. Yuzu's face redden and gritted her teeth
"Agh! Damnit!" Yuzu groaned as she covered her face
"Calm down idiot" Sasha said
"I can't be in love with her right? It's j-just impossible" Yuzu said
"Why are you worried? So what if you do love her?" Sasha asked
"I-I just can't be in love...I just can't be!" Yuzu said and leaned back but ended up falling off her chair
"Dumbass you can't lean back in those chairs" Sasha said
"...I'm not ready for tomorrow" Yuzu groaned
"Marriage?" Sasha asked
"Yeah...and everyone will be watching. All their eyes on us..." Yuzu said and closed her eyes
"You going to sleep or what bitch?" Sasha asked
"I wonder how she'll look like in her wedding dress..." Yuzu said
"Excited?" Sasha asked
"Wh-what?" Yuzu asked and stood back up on her feet
"You were just wondering about your future mate's outfit for the wedding. I bet you'll be asking how she'll look like underneath that dress" Sasha giggled
"S-sasha! Don't say things like that!" Yuzu said
I-I would never think that...wh-why would I want to know? I-it's not like I want to know...
"Hehe I'm just joking. It's cute to see your reactions. See? You might actually like her" Sasha said
"Wh-whatever..." Yuzu said
"Want some more?" Sasha asked
"Yes...I just want to forget everything..." Yuzu said and took her shot again
"Hm? What are you doing?" Someone asked
"Welcome Diane" Sasha said
"None of your business" Yuzu said. Diane walked over to Yuzu and smacked the back of her head
"Hey! What was that for!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"For trying to drink your problems away" Diane said
"I'm not drinking my problems away" Yuzu said
"Then why are you fucking drinking?" Diane asked
"Just to calm down..." Yuzu said
"Hehe your father is looking for you" Diane said
"Wait...seriously?!" Yuzu exclaimed
"Yeah he was asking the people for you" Diane said
"You're not joking right?" Yuzu growled
"Not this time. I walked pass him and he asked me where you were. I didn't him the truth since I knew you'd be here" Diane said and giggled softly
"Shit..." Yuzu groaned and walked to the door
"Good luck" Diane said before Yuzu left the place
"Hey think Yuzu's in denial?" Sasha asked
"Haha! That bitch is definitely in love. I just don't know why she won't admit it..." Diane said
"Maybe because of her childhood crush" Sasha said
"Eh? Childhood crush?" Diane asked curiously
"Back then when we were just kids. Yuzu spoke of this childhood friend and that her friend wasn't around from here but from another kingdom" Sasha said
"Oh...but why did she date Phila if she still loves her childhood crush?" Diane asked
"I guess it was because of that incident..." Sasha said
"What incident?" Diane asked
"You don't know? Yuzu is dying..." Sasha
"Wh-what?" Diane asked
"Yuzu got cursed with...The Black Heart" Sasha said

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