Chapter 34

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"M-mmmgh..." Yuzu groaned as she opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She felt someone against her and turned to look at her mate. It took a while for Yuzu to understand what happened and gasped as she remembered
We just had sex! What the fuck!? Wait...we already had sex but...argh! I need to wash up!
Yuzu carefully stepped out of the bed without waking Mei up and decided to take a bath alone. She grabbed her bathrobe wrapping it around her body. Yuzu grabbed her things and headed to the bathroom with her ears pinned down
Shit...I can't believe it. We did it again and not just once...or twice...or three times...shit I don't even know how many times we did it
Yuzu growled a bit as she headed to the bathroom to get rid of the scent from her body. She arrived at the showers and stepped inside the bathroom to wash off
"Agh! I smell just like her! Grrr! Stupid little pussy!" Yuzu growled and took a deep breathe
Calm down...don't start burning shit
Yuzu turned on the water and started to wet her hair. She leaned her forehead against the shower wall and pinned her ears down
"I-I love y-you too"
Yuzu's eyes widen and growled furiously
Why the hell did she say that?! Damnit! Bullshit!
"Haaaah! What should I do now?" Yuzu asked herself. After the little shower, Yuzu grabbed her towel and started drying her hair. Her ears perked up hearing someone enter the shower rooms and her eyes widen seeing her mate
Wh-what the fuck? Why is she here?!
"A-ah Yuzu you're h-here" Mei said and blushed a little while looking away
"U-uhm...yeah. A-anyways I'll be going now" Yuzu said as she grabbed her bathrobe
"W-wait you're leaving?" Mei asked
"I-I have to prepare breakfast" Yuzu said as she walked away
"W-wait!" Mei said as she grabbed her arm. Yuzu trembled a bit and looked away
"Wh-why are you acting like this?" Mei asked
"I-it's nothing" Yuzu said
"I-is this about l-last night?" Mei asked. Yuzu's eyes widen and pulled away from her grip
"Sh-shut up! I-I told you it's nothing. J-just forget about it. I better go now" Yuzu said and walked out of the shower rooms. Mei trembled a bit as she pinned her ears down and looked at her hand
Control yourself...
Yuzu struggled to breathe a bit and shook her head. She went back to her room and closed the door. Yuzu leaned against the door and fell onto the floor while blushing hard. She gritted her teeth and sighed deeply
Why am I blushing? Please don't tell me I'm in don't want to...stop it. Stop it! Stop!
Yuzu teared up and started crying as she buried her face on her hands. A bit of her hair started turning black and Yuzu opened her eyes lifting her head up
"Yuzu-chan? Are you scared?" The little girl asked
"I-I don't know a-anymore..." Yuzu whimpered as she pinned her ears down. The girl looked blurry to Yuzu and the small girl walked up to her
"Don't be scared Yuzu-chan..." The girl said
"Wh-why...can't I s-see you?" Yuzu asked and held out her hand
"Yuzu-chan...just smile okay? Everything is okay. Because I will always be by your side" The girl said as she smiled. Yuzu grabbed her head and cried softly
I want to see you again...but why...can't I remember you? Why?
"It's scary right..." The black haired girl said standing in front of her. Yuzu's eyes widen and looked up meeting up with the little girl's emerald eyes
"We aren't strong. Everyone thinks that but...we are weak. Isn't that right? Because it was all our fault that she died...maybe we do deserve to die" The little girl said as she forced a smile while tears rolled down her cheeks. Yuzu gritted her teeth and covered her ears
Shut up! That's not me! I left you behind! It's all in the past! I am not you and you're not me! I'm done!
Soon her soul stepped up and laid down beside her. Yuzu trembled and petted her soul softly
"Why didn't you appear...when grandma was in trouble? Why...didn't you show up? Why did you have to show up right after her death? Just why...why..." Yuzu mumbled as tears rolled down her cheeks then trembled slightly. Her werewolf looked at her and licked her hand
"I want to remember...but..." Yuzu paused and sighed as she closed her eyes
"C-can I play o-outside?" Yuzu asked
"Of course. Just don't go too far okay?" Ume said
"Yes mom!" Yuzu said and ran out of the castle. She looked over at the molten lava and walked outside smelling the smoke
'Nice day'
Yuzu started to play alone while touching the river made out of lava. She splashed lava on her hands and smiled a little
"Fun...but...I want to play with friends. Shai can't be here because she gets hot and I get too cold over there..." Yuzu said and pouted
'I wish I had another friend...'
Her puppy ears perked up as she looked up at sensed something
Yuzu stood up and decided to walk to the end of the Okogi land. She tried to hide from the other Okogis and walked pass them to reach at the end of the Okogi land. Yuzu gasped seeing green grass and trembled a bit
"What is that?" Yuzu asked and kneeled down. She held her hand out and touched it then flinched. Her ears perked up hearing something from the other wide and looked at the grass. She touched the grass again with her eyes closed and opened them
'I-is it safe?'
Yuzu stepped out of her land and went to the green grass. She walked around and sniffed around
'This smells....good. No danger at all'
Yuzu started walked to the forest and heard someone again. She shifted into a small black pup and ran through the forest
'Wow! What are these tall things? They look cool'
Suddenly Yuzu bumped her head on a tree and whimpered shifting back to normal. Tears built up in her eyes and cried. She held her head and rubbed it softly trying to comfort herself. Her ears perked up hearing the bushes move and whimpered
"Are you okay?" The girl asked as she stepped close to her. Yuzu gasped and started to crawl back as she trembled. The girl only kneeled and held her hand out
"Don't be scared. I want to help" The girl said as she gave her a warm smile
End Of Flashback
"Ow!" Yuzu groaned as Mei tried to open the door
"H-huh? Yuzu?" Mei asked. Yuzu jumped and got away from the door letting Mei inside the room
"What were you doing?" Mei asked and noticed some stains on her cheeks
Was she...crying?
"Y-yuzu? Were you crying?" Mei asked as she walked up to her
"Wh-what? No I-I wasn't" Yuzu said as she looked away and trembled
"Yuzu I just want to know because-"
"Shut the hell up!" Yuzu said raising her voice. Mei flinched as she pinned her ears down. She trembled and looked down. Yuzu's eyes widen and her expression soften seeing her mate hurt
Yuzu walked up to her and hugged her
Calm down...
"Y-yuzu?" Mei asked. Yuzu hugged Mei closely and pinned her ears down as she teared up
Everything will be okay...
"...just hold me" Yuzu whispered. Mei opened up her arms and wrapped them around Yuzu. Yuzu closed her eyes and rested her head on Mei's shoulder. Mei blushed a little and stroked her hair softly
"I'm sorry Mei...I won't yell at you again. Ever...I promise to be a better mate and treat you with respect..." Yuzu said
"I-it's okay" Mei said and kissed her ear. Yuzu blushed and trembled a bit
"S-sorry" Mei said. Yuzu lifted her head up and cupped her cheeks before leaning in to connect their lips together. Mei's eyes widen for a moment but she kissed her back softly. Yuzu blushed deeply as her tail wagged rapidly and pulled away. She smiled at Mei and hugged her
"...I love you" Yuzu whispered
Accept her...

The entire family ended heading back to the main castle to celebrate the alliance with their Kingdoms
"How have you been Mei?" Her grandfather asked
"I-I'm doing good" Mei said
"What? You're actually getting along with the Okogi?" Her grandfather asked surprised
"Y-yes. We've gotten quite close l-last night" Mei said as she looked over at Yuzu. Yuzu looked back at her and looked away in an instant trying to hide her blush
Shit...I'm fucking blushing. Grrrr...damnit
Mei couldn't help but blush a bit
"I'm proud Mei" Her grandfather said
"Wh-what?" Mei asked as she looked at him
"I'm proud of you. You've accomplished something we would've never been able to do. I guess you're as brave as your mother..." Her grandfather said
"I...think so" Mei said and jumped feeling someone behind her
"Hi Meimei! How are you?" Himeko said
"I-I'm good. How about you? Have you gotten along with her?" Mei asked
"S-somewhat close but we're not that close" Himeko said as she blushed in embarrassment
"Then why are you blushing?" Harumin asked
"E-eh?! I'm n-not blushing!" Himeko exclaimed
"Are you sure about that?" Harumin asked as she poked her cheek. Himeko only slapped her hand away and looked away
"I-I'm not blushing at all" Himeko said
"Well if you say so" Harumin said and glanced over at Matsuri catching her staring. Matsuri's ears perked up and looked away blushing
"Aww Matsuri is so cute when she blushes" Yuzu said and laughed
"Shut up!" Matsuri growled
"Oh? So you mated with your mate?" Shai asked
"Hell yeah I did. What about you? Did you get to taste her pussy?" Matsuri asked giving Shai a playful smirk
"D-don't say stuff like that!" Shai exclaimed as she blushed and covered her face feeling embarrassed
"Awww come on Shai. It's okay to admit it" Matsuri giggled
"Alright enough before you end up breaking her" Yuzu said
"Why are we even here? I thought we already celebrated" Matsuri said
"Well yeah with the villagers. This time is our family" Yuzu said
"Oh no...grandparents" Matsuri said and trembled
"W-wait...our grandparents?" Shai asked
"Did you guys not know about it? Grandfather said they'll be coming since they didn't show up to our wedding" Yuzu said
"Do you think Ortho will be there?" Shai asked
"Well he has to be. We haven't seen him in a while since his body can't get used to this land" Yuzu said
"I bet that asshole had fun last night with Juhin. Hehe he's been wanting to see him for a while now" Matsuri giggled
"Oh right. Isn't he I a secret relationship?" Shai asked
"Shhh. Remember he doesn't like it when we talk about his secret relationship" Yuzu said
"What? There is nothing wrong with liking dicks" Matsuri said and Yuzu smacked the pack of her head
"Ow! What did I say?" Matsuri asked
"Something you shouldn't have said" Yuzu said
"Grrr whatever. Anyways when will they show up?" Matsuri asked
"I think they'll show up in a bit" Yuzu said. Outside the castle a carriage started to pull up. The villagers stepped aside allowing the carriage to pass through them along with the others
"Why should I go see my stupid gay brother?" Takuma asked
"Because you have to" Zander growled
"I still don't get why he gets to be more successful than me" Takuma said
"Because he has accomplished more things than you. At least he was able to give me a grandchild with both powers and a powerful mate" Zander said
"Don't bring that shit up..." Takuma said as he looked away
It's not my fault...
The carriage stopped and out stepped the old Mizusawa along with his son. Followed by the two old Higashis who decided to bring along their son and three grandkids
"Now I hope your sons become as successful as Shai" The old woman said
"Y-yes mother" Her son replied. The door opened and they were greeted by the old King
"Thank you for joining us" The old Okogi said
"Let's just get this over with" Zander said as he stepped inside with his son
"Hello Mr and Mrs Higashi" The old Okogi said
"Nice to see you again. Now where is my wonderful son" The old woman said as she walked inside with her family. The old King looked up seeing his son with his grandson
"Thank you for coming Otojiro" He said. Otojiro looked up to glare at him
"Like I had a choice..." Otojiro growled
"Be happy and at least be nice to your brother and sister" He said
"Whatever old man..." Otojiro mumbled and walked to the castle with Ortho behind him
I hate them...

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