Chapter 39

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" exhausted" Shai groaned and shook her body letting some of the snow fall to the ground. She rubbed her head softly and walked to the castle. On her way back, she met up with Matsuri who was going to the arena
"Hey Matsuri. Where are you going?" Shai asked
"Oh I'm just going to train with a friend" Matsuri said
"Eh? A friend?" Shai asked
"Yeah. Anyways I need to go" Matsuri said as she left. Shai watched her leave and chuckled softly
I should probably head back since Himeko must be worried about me
Shai walked through the village and accidentally bumped into someone. She looked down and saw Hinria holding some bags
"A-ah Shai" Hinria said nervously and trembled
Shit...I bumped into her
"Hehe h-hi" Shai said as she smiled slightly nervous and noticed a few bags with medicine
"Hm? What's that?" Shai asked
"O-oh this? It's uh...m-medicine" Hinria said
"Huh? What for?" Shai asked
"It's for a friend of mine. She is a little sick after getting uh...w-well it's just something" Hinria said
"Oh I understand. Well I...uhm better get going" Shai said
"O-okay" Hinria said
"Bye" Shai said as she smiled and walked pass her. Hinria turned around and watched her leave. She shook her head and walked away
Forget her...we already know what'll happen
Shai walked around until she met up with Juhin and Ortho who seemed to be fixing their clothes
"Hey guys!" Shai said
"Hi Shai" Juhin said
"H-hey" Ortho said as he blushed a bit and trembled slightly
"Hm? Did something happen?" Shai asked
"Oh we were sword fighting" Juhin said and groaned in pain as Ortho punched his arm
"Ow! What did I say?!" Juhin exclaimed as he rubbed his arm
"Shut. Up" Ortho growled at him. Juhin only laughed a bit and patted his head softly
"Sword...fighting?" Shai asked
"Yeah! You know like-"
"Shut up. It's nothing. You don't need to worry about it" Ortho said
"Oh okay then" Shai said
"So what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with your mate?" Ortho asked
"Oh know. I had to do something" Shai said as she smiled nervously
"Oh now I understand" Ortho said
Guess she is still afraid to admit it...
"Well you better hurry. You don't want to keep your mate waiting for you" Juhin said
"A-ah right. Anyways nice seeing you both" Shai said and waved goodbye before walking away
"Okay. Bye" Juhin said and trembled as he felt Ortho grab him tightly
"Did you really have to fucking say that?" Ortho asked sternly
"U-uhm...well I uh..." Juhin stuttered and trembled a bit
"Next time don't say stuff like that" Ortho said as he smacked him
"Ow! Hehe sorry" Juhin said as he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck softly
"Shut up" Ortho said and walked away
"H-hey! Wait up!" Juhin said as he followed Ortho. Meanwhile the white haired girl walked to the castle jumped hearing a few screams
"St-stay away!" Nene said as she ran out the castle in her squirrel form and jumped on Shai
"H-hey! What's going on?" Shai asked
"Oh hey Shai. Have you seen my mate?" Hana asked
"Uhm...your mate?" Shai asked
"Yes. My mate" Hana said as she smiled
"I-I'm not your mate! I-I only s-said that I would think about it" Nene said as she popped her head out of Shai's dress and hid inside
"D-don't do that! I-it tickles!" Shai said as she squirmed a bit
"Quit touching my mate!" Hana said
"H-huh? Your mate?" Shai asked
"Yes" Hana said
"I'm not! I've told you that I would think about it!" Nene said
"Awww come on Nene-chan!" Hana whined
"M-maybe you two should probably go on a date to get to know one another" Shai said
"Right!" Hana said
"N-no!" Nene said and jumped out of Shai's dress then ran
"Nene!" Hana said as she chased after her. Shai looked at them and laughed softly
They're kinda cute together. Though I'm not sure if Nene will give her a chance...
"Shai" Himeko said
"Ah! O-oh hi" Shai said and trembled a bit
"Did I scare you?" Himeko asked
"K-kinda yeah..." Shai said laughing slightly nervous
"Sorry" Himeko said
"Don't worry. It's okay" Shai said as she smiled. Himeko blushed a bit and held her hand
"C-can we hang out...f-for a bit?" Himeko asked
"U-uh...sure" Shai said and blushed hard as Himeko held her hand. She blushed deeply and giggled softly
"Cute" Shai whispered
"What?" Himeko asked
"O-oh! Nothing" Shai said and trembled a bit
"But I thought you sai-"
"L-let's just go out on our date" Shai said and started walking with Himeko. Himeko looked at Shai and blushed a little
This's bothering me. I want stop this feeling...
Himeko intertwined their fingers together which made Shai jump. Shai turned around to look at her and smiled softly
She looks so cute. Oh heart is beating so fast
" you so m-much" Shai whispered softly
"I love you too" Himeko said
"E-eh?! You heard me!?" Shai exclaimed
"Hehe I did" Himeko said as she smiled softly. Shai trembled and looked away trying to hide her blush
Argh...why is she making me feel this way?
"Want to go...somewhere special?" Himeko asked slightly embarrassed
"H-huh? Do you mean...somewhere to eat?" Shai asked
"N-no. I be with" Himeko said
"A-alone?" Shai asked
What does she mean by that?
'She wants sex you dumb bitch'
"E-eh?!" Shai exclaimed as she trembled
"Shai? What's wrong?" Himeko asked worriedly
"I-I'm fine. I-I was thinking a-about...something" Shai said nervously and gulped
"Did you get embarrassed because...of what I said?" Himeko asked
"H-huh?! U-uhm well...n-not at all" Shai said as she smiled nervously
"You're more nervous then usual..." Himeko said
"W-well...that's just th-the way I am" Shai said. Himeko reached up to Shai and cupped her cheeks before pulling her into a kiss. Shai's eyes widen and trembled a bit
Sh-she is...kissing me i-in public?!
Himeko pulled away and blushed deeply
Wh-what did I just do?! I just kissed her like that?!
" you want...t-to be alone?" Shai asked
"W-well yes so we can spend some time together" Himeko said slightly nervous. Shai looked at her and blushed deeply
M-maybe she...wants to mate again.'s embarrassing
"W-want to mate?" Shai asked
"Wh-what!?" Himeko exclaimed
"I-isn't that what you wanted?" Shai asked nervously
"N-no! You pervert!" Himeko said as she started hitting her
"A-ah! Wait I'm sorry!" Shai said and grabbed Himeko's wrists
"S-sorry..." Shai said laughing nervously
"Y-you're a pervert..." Himeko said as she blushed
"I-I didn't mean to say that..." Shai said and pulled away from her then laughed nervously
Did I really said that?
'Yes you did'
It was you!
Shai looked at Himeko who had a flustered expression and pulled away from Shai
"N-next time...don't ask me. J-just do it" Himeko said
"E-eh?" Shai asked
"N-nothing! I said that next time don't say shit like that out loud. Now l-let's go" Himeko said as she started walking away
"U-uhm okay" Shai said and followed her mate. Himeko walked ahead of Shai as she bit her bottom lip
Damnit! Why am I wet!? Shit! I can't be turned on by her...

Mitsuko panted heavily as she was training alone. She gritted her teeth before unleashing her soul attacking the target. Mitsuko looked at her hand and rubbed her palm
Focus...I need to get stronger
"Hello" Matsuri said from behind which startled the Taniguchi making her attack Matsuri
"Woah! Calm down. It's just me" Matsuri said as she dodged her attack
"What the hell are you fucking doing?" Mitsuko asked
"I was just checking up on you" Matsuri said and giggled
"Aren't you suppose to be with my sister or something?" Mitsuko asked
"Well...I mean we are sisters now right?" Matsuri asked as she stepped closer to her
"I guess since you're now my sister's mate" Mitsuko said as she took a step back. Matsuri looked at her with an innocent smile and giggled
"Why are you backing up? Are you afraid of me?" Matsuri asked
"No you dumb bitch" Mitsuko said as she glared at her
"Ouch. That hurts" Matsuri whimpered as she pinned her ears down
"Just shut up" Mitsuko said as she turned around to focus on her training
"Why are you always alone?" Matsuri asked
"Because I want to be..." Mitsuko said
"Hm? You sure?" Matsuri asked
"Are you sure you're not here to bother me?" Mitsuko asked
"I'm just curious why someone like you is alone. I mean you and your sister have a body of a goddess. You're strong and amazing too" Matsuri said which only made the Taniguchi blush hearing the Mizusawa complementing her
"Th-thanks" Mitsuko spoke softly
"Hm? What was that?" Matsuri asked
"N-nothing! Now fuck off before I kick your ass" Mitsuko growled
"Awww so mean...and sexy" Matsuri said as she walked up to her. Mitsuko's eyes widen and blushed as Matsuri bit her tail
"Wh-what the hell?!" Mitsuko exclaimed and tried punching her but Matsuri stepped aside
"Not quite fast eh?" Matsuri giggled and grabbed Mitsuko by her waist from behind then reached up to grab her boobs
"Ahhh~" Mitsuko moaned and gasped. She covered her mouth and trembled
"Oh? Was that a moan?" Matsuri asked before fondling with her breasts. Mitsuko blushed deeply and trembled as she struggled to keep her voice down
"Do you enjoy it when others play with your boobs? it because of me?" Matsuri asked as she giggled. Mitsuko grabbed Matsuri and took her away to hide since they were in the middle of the arena. She dragged Matsuri and threw her against the wall
"Fucking bitch. What the hell are you even doing?" Mitsuko hissed
"What? It's not my fucking fault. You were letting me touch you" Matsuri said and giggled. Mitsuko's face was still red and gritted her teeth
"You...bitch" Mitsuko growled before punching her but felt the wall. Her eyes widen seeing Matsuri's body vanish
"Hehehe were you looking for me?" Matsuri asked as she stood behind her. Mitsuko smirked and grabbed Matsuri pulling her into a kiss. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled a bit
Sh-she's kissing me?! Wh-what?
Mitsuko pinned her against the wall and shoved her tongue inside her mouth
"M-mmmm~" Matsuri moaned and felt her moist tongue touch hers. Mitsuko licked her tongue slowly and Matsuri wrapped her arms around her. Mitsuko pulled away and licked her neck slowly
"N-ngh~ Wait~" Matsuri moaned
Th-this is bad...we have to stop but...I-I don't want to
"Two can play that game" Mitsuko whispered
"Wh-what?" Matsuri asked and gasped realizing it was an illusion
"Do you really think someone like me would kiss a little bitch like you?" Mitsuko asked as she laughed
"'re really interesting" Matsuri said and giggled
I wonder how she did it. How the hell did she knew about the illusion shit?
"So you came here to bother me?" Mitsuko asked as she walked to the arena
"Well not really...but I am curious on why aren't you with your friends? Or do you have no friends?" Matsuri asked
"I did have a friend once...she left" Mitsuko said
"Hm? She did?" Matsuri asked
"She was my only friend...but one day she left. The last thing she told me was...I love you" Mitsuko said and gritted her teeth
"This friend of yours...sounds intresting..." Matsuri said
"Yeah whatever..." Mitsuko said. Matsuri looked at her and walked up to her
"So want to be friends?" Matsuri asked which made Mitsuko flinch
"With you? Never" Mitsuko growled
"I'm just saying...if you need to talk to someone or train with someone then I'm here for you" Matsuri said and walked away. Mitsuko only watched her leave and trembled as her face redden
Argh...why is this bitch making me feel this way? Maruta was the only one to make me feel this way this other bitch...making me feel this way? Just forget it...

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