Chapter 38

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"This place seems a little crowded" Vix said
"Then we better hurry" Kori said
"Yeah I'm starving. There better be something good here" Sen said as he looked around wanting to find someplace to eat
There is probably nothing good
"Hey Vix. What do you think we should eat?" Sen asked
"Why should I choose for all of us?" Vix asked
"Because you have great taste in food" Sen said
"Let's walk around for a bit" Vix said
"Okay" Sen said
"Three little gay boys!" Nitski said and laughed a bit
"We're not gay" Vix said
"He is confused on what gender he likes" Sen said and laughed
"Oh? Confused? Then follow me!" Nitski said as she grabbed him and took him away
"Aaah!" Vix exclaimed
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kori asked as he looked at Sen
"Hehe I just like to mess around with him. That's all" Sen said as he smiled
"You're the worse" Kori said
"I know. Now I'm going to get myself some sushi" Sen said as he walked away. Kori followed him and looked back at Vix
Poor Vix
"H-hey! Let go of me!" Vix said as he pushed Nitski
"Okay. Now tell me why are you confused?" Nitski asked
"I-I'm not" Vix said
"Let's do a simple test" Nitski said
"Huh? What kind of test?" Vix asked as he trembled
"Do you like Arch?" Nitski asked
"Eh!? Why would I like that asshole?! He is cold and harsh towards me!" Vix said
"Well he acts like that since he is the leader of the Royal Guards and the new trustworthy guard now. But he is actually nice once you get to know him" Nitski said
"He is?" Vix asked
"Hehe of course. Especially around Juhin" Nitski said
"Is he gay?" Vix asked
"Oooh? Is someone intrested?" Nitski asked
"N-no. I was just curious since your brother said that they sorta...did it? I guess I'm not so sure" Vix said
"Well I really don't know if he is gay. Archie has never dated anyone in his life" Nitski said
"Really?" Vix asked
"Neither have you right?" Nitski asked
"E-eh?" Vix asked
"You haven't dated anyone since you were so deeply in love with Mei" Nitski said
"A-ah...y-yeah" Vix said and his ears perked up seeing Juhin dragging his boyfriend away
There he is again with his mate
"Where is he going?" Vix asked
"He is going to have sex with him. Why?" Nitski asked as she smirked
"D-don't look at me like that! I-I was just asking. I didn't need to know a-all that" Vix said as he blushed deeply
Is she not embarrassed to say that out in public?
"Maybe you need to give it a try. Perhaps you're more interested in men than women" Nitski said
"Pfft as if. I'm not like that" Vix said as he laughed a little nervous. Nitski only patted his head and smiled
"Maybe you should give it a shot or just find some chick to fuck with. That's what I did and now I'm mated with someone" Nitski said
"What? You're mated with someone?" Vix asked
"Yep. I got drunk and slept with someone. Amazing right?" Nitski said
"Uh...I guess" Vix said
Hopefully her mate is happy to have someone like her
"Anyways I'll be leaving now to see my mate. If you need someone to talk to then you can meet me at the bar for a drink tonight" Nitski giggled and walked away. Vix watched her leave and started waking too
Give it a try? Hell no. I'm fine being single...
"Now where the hell are those idiots?" Vix asked as he looked around the village to find his friends. Suddenly he bumped into someone and looked up seeing Arch
Again!? What the fuck is going on?!
"A-ah hi Arch" Vix said nervously as he trembled while blushing deeply
"What the fuck? Do you no look where you're going or what?" Arch asked
"H-haha s-sorry. I was just l-looking for my friends" Vix said
Why am I this nervous? I usually don't stutter this much...
"I saw your two buddies over there with a few girls. Guess they want to forget about those princesses" Arch said
"Yeah..." Vix said as he looked down
"If you need to find someone then come and find me. I might find someone for you" Arch said as he smiled a little
"E-eh? Okay" Vix said as his cheeks turned red and Arch walked pass him. Vix touched his chest and trembled a bit
Okay. Something is definitely wrong with me
"No no no! Forget about that! Let's just get something to eat. Yes. I'm probably starving and can't think straight because of that" Vix said and walked away going to his friends. He found Sen talking to another girl while Kori seemed to be sitting alone
"Uh hey Kori" Vix said
"Hm? Your back from your lecture?" Kori asked
"Shut up. I'm not like that" Vix said and sat down next to him. He looked up and laughed seeing his brother
"Sen is trying to get her?" Vix asked
"Yep. She's our waiter and well...Sen decided to go after her I guess" Kori said
"Hmmm...she doesn't seem that bad" Vix said
"Nah she isn't my type" Kori said
"She isn't?" Vix asked
"Nope" Kori said
"Then what's your type?" Vix asked
"Don't know" Kori said
"Perhaps someone with a good body?" Vix asked
"Heh no. Someone who is really sweet and kind. Someone who cares about others and is always by their side" Kori said
"Thinking about her?" Vix asked
"A little but unlike you two assholes. I learned from day one to stay away from the princesses" Kori said
"H-Haha yeah" Vix said and Sen came back sitting back down in his seat
"Rejected?" Kori asked
"Nah she wasn't my type" Sen said
"Hehe I bet you're too embarrassed to admit it" Vix said
"Shut up" Sen growled
"It's alright if you got rejected" Kori said
"I didn't get rejected. I simply wasn't interested" Sen said
"Yeah right. We believe you" Vix said
"So how is it with your inner gay?" Sen asked
"Grr! Shut up!" Vix said
"Hahaha!" Sen laughed. Kori only groaned as he pinned his ears back

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