Chapter 25

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"Dinner is ready. Call the princesses" Yuzu said
"Yes princess" Nene said and left. Yuzu started putting the finishing touches and sighed
"Y-yuzu~ Ahhh~"
Yuzu's eyes widen as her face turned completely red and covered her face
What the fuck!? Argh! Did I really have to remember her fucking expression?!
"Awww is Yuzu embarrassed to see her mate?" Sasha asked
"Are you asking for a death wish?" Yuzu asked as she glared at her
"Hehe no but I can tell you were thinking about her" Sasha said
"Just shut up and don't remind me about that. Unless you want to cut the onions again" Yuzu said
"No thanks. That shit burns like hell..." Sasha said and laughed a little
"Thanks for helping me though. You aren't so bad like a certain someone" Yuzu said
"Hey! I tried my best!" Diane said
"Hmm I guess" Yuzu said and laughed a little
"Hey Shai" Diane said as she smiled. Shai approached them with a smile and looked at the food
"Wow it looks delicious" Shai said
"Thanks. I made it myself" Sasha said
"Hey! I helped!" Diane said as she pushed Sasha
"But I did most of the work" Sasha said
"Not true!" Diane said
"Shut up" Sasha said
"The two of you are annoying so shut up" Yuzu said
"Sorry" The two girls said as they bowed down
"Yuzu-chan!" Matsuri said and the army of bunnies came hopping behind her
"When will you let these bunnies go?" Yuzu asked
"Never. They're all my friends" Matsuri said as she smiled
"Awww they're all so cute" Shai said and picked up one of the bunnies
"Are the princesses coming or what?" Yuzu asked
"They'll be arriving soon" Matsuri said
"Okay" Yuzu said
"Eager to see your mate?" Diane giggled. Yuzu glared at her and set her hand on fire
"You want to play again?" Yuzu asked
"Hehe sorry. We'll be going now" Diane said as she grabbed Sasha's hand and took her out of the dining room
"See ya tomorrow everyone! Hope you're ready for your big day tomorrow!" Sasha said before leaving
"Ugh...the wedding is tomorrow" Matsuri groaned
"...shit" Shai mumbled and held the bunny closely
I'm not ready at all to become a wife
"Whatever...we'll just get over with the stupid wedding" Yuzu said
"Do I have to wake up early?" Matsuri asked
"What do you think dumbass?" Yuzu asked
"Mmmgh...I don't want to wake up so god damn early" Matsuri said
"You have no choice idiot" Yuzu said and her ears perked up seeing her mate being followed by her other friends. Her face redden in an instant and looked away
Great...why am I blushing? Is it really true? Is it because of my soul?
"Hey Yuzu-chan. Let's sit down and eat" Matsuri said
"R-right..." Yuzu said. The princesses sat down on the table and this time they decided to talk about a few things about themselves. Surprisingly they all seemed to be getting along even though they used to be cold towards other. On the other hand, Yuzu and Mei were dead silent. They were even avoiding eye contact with each other which the Mizusawa noticed
Hmm? This is odd...I haven't seen these two act like this
"Hey Yuzu-chan. Did something intresting happen between you and your mate?" Matsuri asked
"Excuse me?" Yuzu asked
"Well the two of you seem awfully quiet. So something did happen" Matsuri said
"Yeah you're never this quiet" Shai said
"I-it's nothing to worry about okay? So just shut up and let me eat" Yuzu said
"Did you fell in love?" Matsuri asked with a smirk which made Yuzu bite her tongue and Mei looked away with a flustered face. Yuzu groaned and gulped her food then took a sip of her drink
"What the hell are you fucking talking about?" Yuzu asked as she growled
"I was just curious" Matsuri said and giggled
"And Mei is quieter than usual" Harumin said
"So something is definitely going on" Matsuri said
"Nothing is going on between us" Mei said
"It's because I caught her with Vix" Yuzu said
We have to change the god damn topic
"What?" Harumin asked
"Meimei w-with Vix?" Himeko asked
"Yeah she was with that Vix guy and she is kinda embarrassed" Yuzu said and chuckled softly
"Won't that ruin the alliance?" Mitsuko asked
"You're right. This could cause some conflict between our families" Harumin said
"I-it was only one time and we stopped. More like I stopped him..." Mei said
"Haven't you spoken about this with your grandfather?" Mitsuko asked
"W-well...yes but it's nothing serious" Mei said
Shit...why did she have to mention that? I thought she was going to keep her mouth shut
"Hopefully that secret relationship won't ruin the alliance or else you're all dead" Matsuri said
"Let's just keep this to ourselves and don't say a word about this" Yuzu said
"We understand" Shai said
"Hehe yeah we don't want to cause any conflict between families" Matsuri said. Yuzu glanced at Mei and Mei only gave her a glare. Yuzu only smiled and laughed a bit
This stupid bitch. She looks kinda cute whenever she looks at me like that...

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