Chapter 54

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"Wh-why do you want to t-talk about her?" Yuzu asked as she trembled
"Do you not realize how much you're hurting her?" Himeko asked as she glared at her
"E-eh?" Yuzu asked
"You're hurting pushing her away" Himeko said as she clenched her fists tightly
"Pl-please leave me..." Yuzu said as she trembled
"Why are you treating Mei like this? Is this all because she looks like her mother?" Himeko asked. Yuzu's eyes widened and gritted her teeth
"Just fucking leave me alone! She's going to kill me!" Yuzu said
"You almost killed her!" Himeko shouted
"Shut up!" Yuzu said
"Mei was scared to be near you but she stayed strong and ended up falling for you. Why don't you give her a chance?" Himeko asked
"I said shut up!" Yuzu shouted before launching a fireball at her but Himeko used her shield
"I just...don't want to see Meimei hurt. She is important to me Yuzuko Okogi and...I won't let her get hurt ever again. She's an amazing person and I hope you can get past through your fear and see Mei's good side. Mei is just like you...and thanks to you. She's changed..." Himeko said and got rid of her shield
"Forgive me for interrupting you and bothering you like this...I just wanted to tell you that Mei is amazing and a kind person. She would never hurt you...because she loves you. Bye now...take care of yourself and I hope you get better soon" Himeko said before stepping out the bedroom. Yuzu pinned her ears down as she clenched her fists tightly
Sh-shut up bitch!
Himeko sighed deeply and walked down the hall until she met Sen
"Hey Sen" Himeko said but Sen only stepped out the castle
"Huh? Sen wait!" Himeko said as she walked up to him. Sen kept walking until he felt a tap on his shoulder
"What the-? H-himeko?" Sen asked as he turned around
"You okay?" Himeko asked concerned
"U-uh...yeah. I'm fine..." Sen said as he looked down
"You don't look fine to me. Did something happen?" Himeko asked
"N-no I'm fine really. Just...hehe I probably didn't get any sleep" Sen said as he looked down and trembled a bit
"Sen...I can tell something happened. You can tell me anything. I'm here to help" Himeko said
"I-it's just...ugh...something happened between me and Vix" Sen said as he rubbed the back of his neck
"Do you want to talk about it? I'm here" Himeko said. Sen only smiled a bit and nodded
Maybe I do need to speak with someone about this...
"Well you see...I heard about my parents past and how they were together. My father turned out to be gay in the end and left my mother for someone else. My mother was broken and said she hated people who were disgusting like him. She told me and Vix to stay away from those kinds of people even though we were really young. She made sure that we understood that they're bad in this world and that they shouldn't be trusted or else...we'll end up hurt in the end. Now...Vix has turned out like dad.." Sen said and trembled
"Sen..." Himeko said as she touched his shoulder
"I uh...that's all I'm going g to say. I-I can't...s-say anything else..." Sen said
"What are you hiding Sen? It seems that you're being troubled by keeping it inside" Himeko asked
"It's nothing" Sen said as he trembled a bit
"Sen...I understand why you might think that should at least be happy for him. He found happiness and love" Himeko said
"Yeah but...I-I" Sen said and his ears perked up noticing him walk by
"Hey! You asshole!" Sen said as he walked up to him. Arch looked up and noticed him
"Excuse me?" Arch asked
"What the hell did you do to my brother? Why is he like this now?" Sen asked as he growled
"I don't know what you're talking about" Arch said
"You did something to him! Vix was never intrested in guys until he met you. What the hell did you do to my brother!?" Sen exclaimed as he grabbed Arch by his shirt
"I did nothing to him. It was him who confessed and I accepted his feelings" Arch said
"Sen! Stop this!" Himeko said as she tried to calm down the two guys
"Listen I don't get what's your problem but I didn't do anything to your brother. I love him" Arch said
"That's just bullshit" Sen growled
"Stop it Sen and let him go" Himeko said as she grabbed Sen
"Stay out of this please" Sen said
"Listen to the princess and back off" Arch said as he pushed him
"Don't touch me!" Sen said as he shoved him
"Enough!" Himeko said as she used her shield to surround Sen
"I-I'm sorry about this" Himeko said
"There is no need to apologize for this. He is just an idiot" Arch said. Himeko smiled nervously and turned around seeing Sen who was only glaring at them then looked away
"Okay Sen. You better not try anything once I release you okay?" Himeko asked. Sen only replied with a nod and Himeko released him. Sen stood still before bowing down
"Forgive me...for being such an ass" Sen said before walking away
"Don't or else it'll only piss him off more" Arch said
"Y-yes. You're right" Himeko said as she stopped
"I heard the princess was taken away to her new Kingdom" Arch said
"Oh you heard?" Himeko asked
"Pretty much. Did Vix leave with her?" Arch asked
"Yes. Mei wanted him to come along. Guess they're still close friends" Himeko said as she smiled
"That's good to hear but now he has to deal with his brother" Arch said
"Yes...I really didn't know he felt this way. I mean he seemed okay...until Vix came out gay" Himeko said
"It's best to let them deal with that problem. We'll probably only make it worse for them" Arch said
"Hmm...guess you're right. Anyways I better start searching for information. Oh wait! Do you know if the library holds any information about the past werecats or something about the Nishihara werecats?" Himeko asked
"Oh you won't find those at the library. They're kept hidden near the dungeon" Arch said
"Am I allowed to go there? I need them because Meimei wants to help Yuzu. She believes that she could get rid of the Black Heart curse" Himeko said
"Well...if it's to save the princess then of course. Follow me and it's best if you kept this a secret between us. No one else is allowed to step inside there but the Royal King and Queen" Arch said and guided the young Momokino towards the dungeon
"Also I suggest you try and hold your breath for a moment. It reeks in there" Arch said
"R-really?" Himeko asked as she trembled
"It's a dungeon. They all reek" Arch said and held out a key he had. He unlocked the door and opened it
"Ladies first" Arch said as he chuckled softly
"N-no thanks" Himeko said as she trembled
"Hehe don't worry. It'll be okay" Arch said and stepped inside the dungeon then Himeko walked in. She followed him inside the dark and dreary dungeon. Himeko pinned her ears down as she covered her nose because of the reeking stench smells so fucking bad! I think I'm going to gag!
"Here we are. This place is where they keep all the information about the past wars and allies" Arch said and opened the door for her. Himeko entered inside immediately and gasped for air
"F-finally fresh air!" Himeko said panting heavily as she tried to get some fresh air
"Hehe congrats. You survived" Arch said
"Ugh...I feel like gagging" Himeko groaned
"It'll take time to get used to. Anyways let me see where those books are" Arch said as he walked to the bookshelves and tried to look for the books. Meanwhile Himeko tried to calm herself down and took deep breaths. She sat down and leaned back in her seat
I need to drink something
"Ah! I think I found it" Arch said and held out a book. He climbed down the ladder and walked up to Himeko
"You okay?" Arch asked
"Y-yes. I think" Himeko said as she rubbed her head
"Is this what you were looking for?" Arch asked as he held out the book. Himeko took the book and read the title
"Are these about the werecats from the past?" Himeko asked
"Yes. There was one time where us werewolves and werecats used to be allies with one another...until war broke out between them" Arch said
"Really? They used to be friends?" Himeko asked
"Well that's what I heard from my parents and after I got to know this place. I could tell there was a great friendship between the two..." Arch said
"But what made them separate?" Himeko asked as she looked through the pages
"That's the thing. No one knows. I mean...I have a feeling there are two different stories because it's their point of view" Arch said
"I guess so...but is there something about the Nishiharas? Mei wants to know more about them since her mother never talked to her about her family's side" Himeko said
"Well...time to keep searching" Arch said as he walked to the bookshelves and tried to look for some more information about the werecats. Himeko went through the pages and noticed a drawing of a werecat
A Nishihara werecat in her true form...

"Ah! Get off of me!" Matsuri whined as Harumin pinned her down
"Listen brat! I'm tired of this bullshit! Just kiss me!" Harumin said
"Waaah! Yami-chan!" Matsuri said as tried to avoid Harumin's lips. The door burst open and Yami stepped inside
"Please get away from her, Harumi" Maruta said. Harumin turned around and growled
"Make me bitch!" Harumin said
"Get away from her" Yami said as her body was covered in shadows and grabbed Harumin
"W-wait! Why are you defending her?! I-I just want to be with her!" Harumin whined
"Stop whining and leave her alone" Yami said and handed Matsuri her meal
"For you princess" Maruta said as she handed Matsuri her plate. Matsuri sniffed the food and started to drool a bit
"Delicious! Feed me!" Matsuri said as she opened her mouth
"Of course" Yami said as she started to feed Matsuri
"I can feed her!" Harumin said as she gritted her teeth
"Please calm down..." Yami said and soon blocked an attack from Harumin
"Yami-chan!" Matsuri whimpered as she hugged Yami
"Mitsuko, tell your sister to calm down" Yami said
"Harumi, it's best if you stay calm before you scare her away" Mitsuko said. Harumin growled before turning around and stomped out the room
"Why is she mad?" Matsuri asked and Yami wiped her mouth with a napkin
"Because you're her mate and she loves you so much. Maybe try and give her a chance. She really isn't so bad" Yami said as she smiled softly. Mitsuko only stood back and watched which only pissed her off
"When will you give up." Mitsuko growled
"Calm down Mitsuko" Yami said
"Don't call me by that. I know who you really are..." Mitsuko growled
"Sorry but I'm not that person who you're looking for" Yami said
"I will make you get out Maruta and when you do...better get your ass ready because I'm mating right away" Mitsuko growled before getting out the room. Yami couldn't help but blush which Matsuri noticed
"Wow! You can blush in those shadows?" Matsuri asked
"H-huh? Oh uh yes" Yami said
"Wow! Oh! You're a demon right? Can you use the souls you've collected?" Matsuri asked
"Yes I can. I can even take over a body with enough power" Yami said
"That's cool! Oh...also can you reveal your face to me" Matsuri said and Yami only trembled a bit
Sh-she wants to see my real face...well...
"F-fine...just don't tell anyone okay?" Yami said as she kept her voice down. Matsuri nodded and soon the shadows slowly vanished as Yami's face was appearing until...
"HELL NO! TANIGUCHI GET OUT!" Yami said as she grabbed Mitsukoo who was using her powers. Mitsuko's ears perked up and looked over at Yami
"How the hell did you know?" Mitsuko asked
"I sensed your aura dumbass. Now get the fuck out" Yami said
"Maruta...keep pissing me off and that ass of yours will break on our first time" Mitsuko said sternly before stepping out the room. Yami collapsed as she was blushing uncontrollably
"Yami-chan?" Matsuri asked
"I-I'm fine" Yami said as she smiled

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