Chapter 4

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"Y-you're joking right?" Phila asked as she trembled
This has to be a nightmare...a joke...
"Phila...I really wish it were a joke, but it's true. I have to marry Mei Aihara..." Yuzu said
"B-but your grandfather...didn't you talk to him?" Phila asked
"I tried to but that old bastard wouldn't fucking listen to me. He won't hear me out. All he wants is me to marry her and connect our families together" Yuzu said
"Y-yuzu...but...but this is not fair!" Phila said and stood up
"I-I know but there is nothing I can do" Yuzu said as she looked away
"We can run away together" Phila said
"Wh-what?" Yuzu asked
"We can leave this place and find new land. Where we can start a new life together" Phila said
"Phila...we can't" Yuzu said
"Why? What's wrong?" Phila asked
"It's just...I can't leave my people and now that I think about it. The other clan have people starving...which means families are dying. Even if they are from the other clan, all their doing is trying to survive in this war. Maybe...we should help them" Yuzu said
"B-but...we've been together for two years..." Phila mumbled. Yuzu sighed deeply and held her hands
"Phila...everything will be okay. I just have to marry her an-"
"And mate with her..." Phila said as she gritted her teeth and pushed Yuzu away
"H-hey Phila wait let m-"
"Shut up! I don't want to hear your stupid explanation! Besides you never truly loved me..." Phila said as she looked away
"I-I do love you with all my heart!" Yuzu said
"No you don't! I have given you so many chances to bond but your soul doesn't bond with mine which don't love me" Phila said
"B-but I do Phila! I do love you!" Yuzu said
"No you don't! Stop lying! Your soul is connected to your emotions! If it doesn't love me then you don't love me..." Phila said as she left the room
"Phila please wait! Just listen!" Yuzu said as she followed her out the room
"Yuzu...please leave me alone" Phila said
"No please listen!" Yuzu said as she tried to grab her arm but Phila ran away
"Phila please!" Yuzu said. Phila ran towards the entrance where the other princesses were located
"Hey look out bitch" Nitski said as she grabbed Phila. Phila only squirmed and left running as she pushed through the princesses
"Phila! Wait!" Yuzu said. Nitski smirked and held out her leg tripping Yuzu making her bump into one of the princesses
"Meimei!" Himeko exclaimed
"Hahaha!" Nitski laughed. Yuzu growled and opened her emerald eyes meeting up with her fiancee's lavender eyes
"Kiss her!" Nitski cheered. Yuzu's eyes widen as her tail started wagging
W-wow...she is s-so pretty from up close-wait a sec! No no no! Don't think that Yuzu! What the fuck is wrong with you!? Damnit! No! I can't be in love! Wait! What?! Enough!
Yuzu blushed as she stood up and helped her up from the floor
"...sorry" Yuzu mumbled and looked up at the Mizusawa as her hand released smoke
"What's wrong Yuzu? Embarrassed that you fell on your fiancee?" Nitski asked as she smirked
I was only trying to help. Damn Yuzu is pissed
"'re asking for a death wish bitch?" Yuzu asked as her hand was set on fire
"Y-yuzu please don't fight h-here" Shai said as she walked up to her cousin and hugged her
"Hey Shai...let me go" Yuzu growled
"Y-yuzu, I believe you should c-calm down befo-aaaaah!" Shai said as Yuzu used her flames on her but Shai froze half her body as she pulled away
"H-hey!" Yuzu said and squirmed around
"Anyways we already showed the place around to your princesses so we're leaving. Let's go Juhin" Nitski said
"S-sorry about that Yuzu" Juhin said nervously and left
Nitski, we're so fucking dead because of you
Yuzu growled and pinned her ears down
"Shai...let me go" Yuzu said
"Are you calm?" Shai asked
"Yes" Yuzu said
"Okay" Shai said and released her from the ice prison. Yuzu sighed and looked down
"Relax Yuzu-chan. Everything will be okay. You can talk to her later" Matsuri said as she patted her back softly
"Nah whatever..." Yuzu said
Besides...she won't listen to me anymore. There is nothing I can do...all I can do is let her go. I have to marry the prett-no! Not pretty! I have to marry my fucking enemy!
"Yuzu" Yongi said as he walked up to her
"Yes father?" Yuzu asked
"Listen sorry for everything. I really wanted to tell you know how your grandfather is" Yongi said
"I said whatever. It's fine..." Yuzu said
"You will all be having dinner with your fiancee" Yongi said
"Tonight?" Shai asked
"Yes tonight" Yongi said
"Aww man! But I have a party tonight! Nitski and Juhin are going!" Matsuri said
"Sorry but you'll be having dinner with your fiancee or well...have you decided?" Yongi asked
"No" Matsuri said as she looked away
"Well you'll have to spend time with them and decide which one. Anyways tonight you'll be having dinner and getting to know one another" Yongi said
"Yes father" Yuzu said
"Yes sir" Shai said. Matsuri only groaned and looked at the man
"Yeah okay..." Matsuri said
"Good. Now the maids will guide each one to their room. You will be sharing a room with your fiancee" Yongi said
"Wow my day just keeps getting better and better....great..." Yuzu groaned
Why am I not surprised? I knew this shit would happen...
"Sh-sharing a room?" Shai asked as she trembled
Al-alone with s-someone...I-I don't know? Aaaaaah!
"Please don't tell me I have to sleep with those big tits" Matsuri said
"Sorry Mizusawa and show some respect to them" Yongi said
"I-I'm not ready" Matsuri said as she pinned her ears down
My going crazy inside. I'm too young to bond!
"Ladies, please guide them to their new room" Yongi said as he looked at the three maids
"Yes sir" The three maids said as they bowed down. The three maids guided each one to their own room
"M-mmm...mgh" Shai whimpered as she had her ears pinned down
I'm is scary..
"Shai can you stop shaking?" Yuzu asked. Shai whimpered and shook her head
"This little bitch is always nervous" Matsuri said. One of the maids stopped and opened the door
"Matsuri Mizusawa" The maid said
"N-no..." Matsuri whimpered a bit
"Haha! I thought Shai was the only nervous one?" Yuzu said and laughed. Matsuri only growled as she had her ears pinned down and trembled a bit as she stepped inside the room. Harumin and Mitsuko walked in the room while the others left. Shai kept shaking that she released a bit of her ice powers
"Higashi please remain calm" The maid said
"A-ah right. H-haha...sorry" Shai said as she smiled nervously
Shit...I have to remain calm or else I'll just keep releasing my powers! Aaaaah! Why can't I stay calm?! Fuck!
"Shai Higashi" The maid said
"E-eh?" Shai asked and trembled
"Hey Meimei. Stay safe" Himeko whispered
"Sure" Mei said as she nodded. Himeko stepped inside and Shai trembled a bit. She jumped feeling warmth on her shoulder
"Relax Shai. Take deep breaths. Everything is okay" Yuzu said and smiled at her. Shai looked at her and nodded
"Th-thanks Yuzu" Shai said and walked in
"Now please follow us Okogi and Aihara" The maid said and guided them to their room
"We've arrived" The maid said and opened the door for them
"Thanks" Yuzu said and walked inside their room
"Thank you" Mei said as she walked inside too
"You're welcome and Aihara, I will be bringing your clothes soon" The maid said bowing down
"Thanks" Mei said. The maid nodded and left the two alone. Yuzu and Mei stood there alone and looked at each other
This fucking bitch...
"Hello...Aihara. It's nice to meet you..." Yuzu said as her eyes flashed green
"A pleasure to meet you too...Okogi" Mei said as her eyes flashed purple
Let's see if this will work out...

Phila was at her friend's place as she cried
"Phila please don't cry..." Her mouse friend said as she stroked her hair softly
"It'll be okay, Phila. Besides that bitch never deserved you" Her wolf friend said as she gave her a drink
"B-but...I love her so much...I-I can't just leave her like that. I just really really love her" Phila said
"Phila just give it up" Her friend said
"Hinria shut up. I know you're hurt too since you never had the guts to confess to Shai" Phila said. Hinria's ears perked up and glared at her
"Just shut the fuck up. No need to remind me about that" Hinria said
"G-girls...I think we need to c-calm down" their friend said
"Sorry Cyndi" Phila said
"Oh no it's fine. It's just...sometimes you two go out of control" Cyndi said nervously
And sometimes the two of you end up arguing...which I hate so much
"A-anyways I'll just try and forget about her...maybe she never loved me" Phila said as she wiped her tears
"But the two of you have been dating for two years. What do you mean she never loved you?" Hinria asked
"It's because of her soul..." Phila said as she whimpered
"Her soul? What about her soul?" Hinria asked
"She...doesn't want to bond..." Phila said as she trembled
"She doesn't want to bond?" Cyndi asked
"Yeah...we tried once but...she just couldn't do it" Phila said
"Y-yuzu~" Phila moaned softly as Yuzu nibbled on her ear. Yuzu blushed deeply and panted softly
"Hehe~ You're so damn cute~" Yuzu said and kissed her softly. Phila blushed and kissed her back softly. She wrapped her arms around her neck as Yuzu fell on top of her on the bed. Yuzu licked her bottom lip slowly asking for entrance which Phila allowed. Their tongues fought each other which the werewolf won easily. She sucked on her tongue gently and broke the kiss
"M-mmm~ Yuzu please~" Phila whimpered and held her closely
"You want me?~" Yuzu asked as she smirked
"Yes~ Please fuck me~ Make me yours~" Phila said. Yuzu kissed her neck softly and started lifting her shirt up until she stopped. She trembled a bit and Phila looked at her concerned
"Yuzu? Are you alright?" Phila asked
"Wh-what? Oh u-uh...sorry Phila b-but I don't think I'm ready" Yuzu said as she looked down and pulled away from her
"H-huh? Wait why? D-did I do something wrong?" Phila asked as she sat up on the bed. Yuzu only fixed her hair and clothes
"Sorry about that, Phila. M-maybe some other time okay?" Yuzu said as she gave her a smile
"U-uhm...sure. I understand" Phila said
'What's wrong with her? Why didn't she want to do it? Is she not okay or what?'
End Of Flashback
"Damn..." Hinria mumbled
"So her soul won't bond with yours?" Cyndi asked
"Yeah...that's what she told me. I don't know why though. Maybe I did something wrong..." Phila said
"Well who knows but what I do know is that the Aihara princess has no chance with her. If they have to mate then...who knows if her soul would bond with hers" Hinria said
"What if it does?" Cyndi asked
"No way! There is no way her werewolf would bond with that werecat!" Phila exclaimed
"Jealous?" Hinria asked
"W-well...of course" Phila said as she looked away
"But you two just broke up. You think Yuzu would go back to you or will she just force herself to marry that slut?" Hinria asked
"I-I don't know anymore..." Phila said
I want to be with Yuzu...

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