Chapter 3

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"D-dad what is the meaning of this? I thought you said we were going to have a meeting" Yuzu said
"Yes. A meeting about your marriage with Mei Aihara" Her grandfather said. Yuzu trembled as she gritted her teeth Aihara? I rather fucking die! Damnit! Why!?
"Why...does it have to be me? Can't Ortho do it? He is part of the family" Yuzu said
"Yuzu, you were chosen for a reason. know very well your cousin doesn't have that kind of power like you and Shai have. We need strength and power for our kingdom. Even your friend Matsuri is as strong as you two. We must-"
"Have you forgotten about her already?" Yuzu growled
"Yuzu this is not the time to be talking about that" Her grandfather said sternly
"Wh-what girlfriend? Wouldn't she make a perfect mate for this kingdom?" Yuzu asked
"Sorry Yuzu must leave her and start spending more time with Aihara-san" Her grandfather said
"Wh-what? Why?!" Yuzu exclaimed
"Yuzu. Don't raise your voice" Her grandfather said
"E-excuse me?" Shai asked
"What now?" Her grandfather asked
"D-do we...h-have to d-do that?" Shai asked as her face redden
"Do what?" Her grandfather asked
"She's asking if we have to have sex with them. Damn Shai you're eager" Matsuri said and smirked
"N-no! I don't wan-"
"Enough! You three will be marrying them whether you like it or not. Now Yuzu you will ditch that girl. Tell her that you can't see each other anymore and Shai...I'll answer your question some other time" Her grandfather said. Yuzu trembled and clenched her fists tightly
"Grrr...I hate you..." Yuzu said and walked away
"Yuzu" Yongi said but Yuzu kept walking
"Shai! Matsuri! Move!" Yuzu ordered them
"Y-yes!" Shai said and left with her
"Okay" Matsuri said leaving the room
"I won't be marrying a fucking enemy..." Yuzu said before leaving the room and slammed the door shut
"Father I'm so-"
"No need to say anything. Your daughter just needs time. That's all. Now that we've decided...then that means you all must leave but the girls are staying behind" The old Okogi said
"Wh-what!? We're leaving our daughters here?!" Hojo exclaimed
"You're just planning to kill us!" Damon exclaimed
"Enough you two! Sit!" The old Aihara growled as his werecat soul growled at them
"Yes sir" The two men said
"But...will our girls be in good hands?" Celeste asked
"Don't worry about them. We will be taking good care of them. Ume, Kallen, and Jinah will make sure that they have everything" The old Okogi said
"Eh?! I'm babysitting?!" Jinah exclaimed
"Yes. You will be taking care of them. Is that a problem?" The old Okogi asked sternly
"Oh if she doesn't want to take care of them then I would gladly take care of these lovely girls" Taruto said only getting hit on his dick. Taruto fell of his chair holding his dick
"Anyways sure. I'll definitely take care of them" Jinah said as she smiled innocently
"You better..."Hojo growled as he glared at her
"Hehe no worries about your bunny...she'll in safe hands" Jinah said and giggled. Harumin trembled slightly but remained calm
I'm not...a scared little bunny
Hojo still wasn't sure about the idea and sighed
"Alright" Hojo mumbled
"Great. Now that you've agreed...time for you to leave and head back to your kingdoms. There you will see a special surprise I've sent" The old Okogi said as he stood up from his seat
"Thank you for giving us this opportunity" The old Aihara said and stood up from his seat. The two walked towards each other and gave each other a handshake
"I hope our families will get together and stop this war once and for all" The old Okogi said
"I sure hope so too" The old Aihara said
"This meeting is over" The old Okogi said. After the meeting, the families had to say goodbye to their princesses and leave them. They watched their parents get on the carriages and were taken away
"'s time to show you the kingdom and where you'll be staying. Mizusawas!" The old Okogi shouted. A red haired and blue haired Mizusawa showed up behind him
"Nitski and Juhin will be showing you around" The old Okogi said and left
"Damn...they're all so cute and hot" Nitski said as she wagged her tail. Juhin rolled his eyes and punched her
"Enough big sis" Juhin said
"Right! I already have sluts waiting in line. Anyways pleasure to meet you all. Uhm...mind telling me your names" Nitski said
"I'm Mei Aihara. These are my friends Himeko Momokino and the two Taniguchi sisters Harumi and Mitsuko" Mei said introducing herself and her friends
"Okay! Now let's go you bitches" Nitski said as she walked out the castle with Juhin behind her
"Okay. So this entire place is the main land where the village lives. It's surrounded by three different lands. One land is made out of burning lava and fire where the Okogis live. One land is a freezing cold artic which is the Higashi's land. One land is the forest which is ours" Nitski said
"'re saying I have to live in the artic?" Himeko asked as she trembled
"No idiot. You'll be staying in the castle. That's where Shai will have to stay. Or well...pretty much everyone will have to stay there since you will be marrying the three princesses. Well...I don't know about Matsuri. I mean there are two girls so...I guess she'll be deciding" Nitski said and giggled
Lucky bitch..
"We also have some training in the arena. If one of you decide to have fun and get stronger" Juhin said
"Or just to challenge someone who made fun of you" Nitski said as she giggled
"How is she?" Mei asked
"Eh?" Nitski asked
"Who?" Juhin asked
"The Okogi she that?" Mei asked
"Ah Yuzu? Well that bitch used to be a cheerful pup until she lost her grandmother during the war. She decided to become tough and strong but she is still nice...or well nice to her friends. She has a girlfriend too or...well she used to since you're her fiancee. Now Shai...hahahaha! She is an innocent little werewolf! Talk about sex to her or anything sexual and you'll see how Shai will react. It's so fucking hilarious!" Nitski said and laughed
"And what about the little kid?" Mitsuko asked
"Eh? Little kid?" Juhin asked
"You're lucky Matsuri isn't here. She gets pissed off whenever that girl gets called kid. Matsuri is a perverted bitch so be careful with those boobs but she is nice too. She cares for her friends and defends others" Nitski said
"And she wouldn't hurt a there is no need for you to fear her" Juhin said
"Yeah right. Like I'll believe that" Harumin said
"Oh but it's true. People don't know but...Matsuri has a secret bunny farm where she spends time with them" Juhin said
"Matsuri was born...a little different. I really can't say but she is just a different kind of fox. Anyways let's keep walking" Nitski said

Meanwhile in the room, the blonde threw her dress on the floor
"Y-yuzu" Shai whimpered
"That old bastard! Ugh! Why did I have to be chosen for this!" Yuzu said and her body began to release smoke
"Shai cool this bitch down" Matsuri said
"Y-yuzu you should try and stay calm before you burn anything" Shai said as she held her palm out and released small cold ice that melted on Yuzu's skin. Yuzu sighed deeply and nodded
"'re right. I must stay calm will I be able to tell Phila about it?" Yuzu asked and found a shirt to wear
"Just say that you need to marry her" Matsuri said
"But we'll have to...d-do the thing" Yuzu said
"E-eh?! The thing!?" Shai exclaimed
"Of course dumbass. You know mating is a way to bond with your mate. Especially for your souls" Matsuri said
"I am not going to fuck with her and I am not going to sleep in the same bed with her" Yuzu growled as she wore a pair of pants
"We have no choice Yuzu. Besides...we have to help those other villagers. Have you heard how the Aihara clan are doing? People are dying" Matsuri said
"So? It's not our problem. It's their problem" Yuzu said coldly
"Hahaha...what will your grandmother think about you now?" Matsuri asked. Yuzu's eyes widen and stood up grabbing Matsuri
"You like to piss people off right?" Yuzu asked as she smiled
"Hehe maybe. It's just that their reaction is hilarious and yours is the best" Matsuri said as she smiled innocently
"I'll fucking burn you into ashes" Yuzu said holding out her hand
"Enough!" Shai said as she froze the two in place
"O-ow! Ow!" Matsuri whimpered
"Whatever" Yuzu said as she slowly melted the ice
"S-sorry" Shai whimpered as she got rid of the ice
"Shit! That's freezing!" Matsuri whimpered and hugged Yuzu for warmth. Yuzu only glared at her but sighed
"Anyways I hope I don't get to see her ever again" Yuzu said
"Relax Yuzu-chan. You'll be able to get through this. You have us and your family. We can help you" Matsuri said
"Hehe yeah...I guess. I'll need all the help I can get" Yuzu said
"Yuzu if you're so in love with Phila. Why haven't you mated with her? If you mate with her then your grandfather won't force you" Matsuri said
"Th-that could work" Shai said
"I wish I could but..." Yuzu paused and looked down
"But what?" Matsuri asked
"My soul won't bond with no one..." Yuzu growled as her eyes glowed
"Eh? It won't bond with hers?" Matsuri asked
"I thought every soul would bond with others" Shai said
"Well mine won't..." Yuzu said
"And that's why I ordered the marriage" Her grandfather said as he walked in the room
"What?" Yuzu asked as she growled
"If that werewolf of yours won't bond with the girl then it could bond with the Aihara" Her grandfather said
"My fucking werewolf won't bond with that pussy" Yuzu growled
"It's worth a shot at least..." Her grandfather said
"Grrrr...whatever. Can't believe you wanted to create an alliance with the Aihara...what made you think about this?" Yuzu asked
"You will marry her and that werewolf will bond with her" Her grandfather said and turned to leave
"Hey! Answer the question!" Yuzu said.
You bastard! Don't avoid the fucking question! Just answer it! Damnit!
Her grandfather ignored her as he left. Yuzu growled and punched the wall hard creating a hole
"Damnit..." Yuzu groaned as she looked at her hand
"It'll be okay" Matsuri said as she smiled. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a grey cat appeared
"Yuzu?" The long curly haired girl asked
"A-ah Phila. Hehe h-hi" Yuzu said as she smiled nervously
Oh shit...I hope she didn't overheard the conversation
"Is everything okay babe?" Phila asked as she stepped in
"Hehehe hey Shai. I think it's time for us to go. Don't you think?" Matsuri asked
"Eh?" Yuzu asked
"Come on dumbass" Matsuri said as she dragged Shai out of the room
"O-oh okay" Shai said and got out of the room with Matsuri
"Uhm...Yuzu what's going on?" Phila asked
"It's nothing baby" Yuzu said as she smiled softly
"Yuzu..." Phila said as she held her hands and kissed her softly. Yuzu blushed and kissed her back
"Now tell me what's on your mind?" Phila asked as she cupped her cheek. Yuzu looked at Phila and looked away am I suppose to say this? Shit...I don't want to break her heart...not like this
"Yuzu? You're worrying me. Please...just tell me what's going on?" Phila asked
"Phila..." Yuzu said
"Does it have to do with the other princesses in the other clan?" Phila asked
"Yes..." Yuzu said
"What...happened?" Phila asked
"Phila...let's just sit down and talk" Yuzu said and sat down with Phila on the bed. Yuzu took a deep breath and sighed
"Alright listen...I really don't know how to say this but's something about an alliance with the other clan" Yuzu said
"Go on" Phila said
"My grandfather decided to arrange a marriage with them..." Yuzu said. Phila's eyes widen and trembled a bit looking at Yuzu worriedly
Wait...marriage? Wh-what does that have to do with the alliance and the other clan?
"Y-yuzu...what are you trying to say?" Phila asked. Yuzu stayed silent and clenched her fists tightly
"Yuzu? Yuzu what is it? Tell me please..." Phila asked as she shook her a bit
"Phila...I'm really sorry but...we can't be together anymore" Yuzu said pinning her ears down
"Wh-what? Wait...wh-what are you trying to s-say?" Phila asked as she teared up
"...we have to break up" Yuzu said

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