Nr 10: Hawkeye

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3rd person POV.

After the incident at the expo, the two teams had to explain to Ozpin, there headmaster, what happened.

Ozpin: Let's sum up what happened.

Ozpin: eleven Grimm like people came out of a experimental portal machine. They began attack people, but there main goal, according to this (Y/n), is to kill miss Rose.

Team RWBY: Yes.

Ozpin: Then came (Y/n) himself out of the portal, killed one Grimm person, and the rest off. He then gave chase.

Team JNPR: Yes.

Ozpin: This (Y/n), also claimed to be from the future?

Team RWBY and JNPR: Yes.


He began rubbing his forhead.

Ozpin: If I didn't have video evidence, I wouldn't have believed the majority of that story.

Ruby: What should we do?

Ozpin: Continue with your studies, I'll make sure extra security measures are taken for your safety. Glynda.

Glynda: Yes?

Ozpin: Find this (Y/n) R. Touchdown.

Glynda: Yes headmaster.

Ozpin: You may leave.

All of them leave. Ozpin was now alone in his office.

Ozpin: From the future......... If that's true, then this could change everything......

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was driving around randomly, due to not knowing where the remaining ten cultists are.

(Y/n): If I was a fuckface, where would I go....?

(Y/n): What about-

(Y/n) noticed something.

(Y/n): Is that!?

(Y/n) quickly stopped his motorcycle, almost hitting a few people.

Guy: What the Hell-

(Y/n) pushed the guy away and placed his hand and faced against a window, looking at a videogame.

(Y/n): The original Wrestling girls game!

(Y/n): My gods! That game cost billions back home, and there it is, costing 40 lien.

(Y/n):........ Moe.

(Y/n):(mind) I have 5 lien, and it's worth noting in this time.

(Y/n): I need to get a job.

Guy: Hey! Are you listening!?

(Y/n) grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt.

(Y/n): Old dude, I need a job! Tell me where to get one!

Guy: Uhhhh! I don't know man! Maybe town square!? Don't hurt me!

(Y/n) let go of the man, got of his bike and headed for town square.

TIMESKIP brought to you by (Y/n) playing no more heroes.

(Y/n) was now in town square.

(Y/n): This hasn't been helpful. I should kick that guy's ass if I see him again.

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