What a bad girl

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3rd person POV.

After searching for a few hours, the Salem cultists Hunter, found a assassin.

The assassin's name named Bad girl.

A conveyor belt was bringing people in gimp suits to her, so she could kill the people with her baseball bat

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A conveyor belt was bringing people in gimp suits to her, so she could kill the people with her baseball bat.

Hunter entered her "base".

Hunter: Hello.

Bad girl: Hold on, I'll be with you in a moment.


She killed another person.

Bad girl: Damn, I'm fucking thirsty.

She walks up to a nearby fridge, and pulls out a can of bear. She opens it and drinks it all.

Bad girl:(satisfied sigh) That's some good stuff!

Bad girl: What ya want?

Hunter: I need you to kill someone.

Bad girl: Who?

Hunter: I'll give you a choice.

He pulls out two pictures. One of Ruby Rose and another of (Y/n) R. Touchdown.

Bad girl: I can do both.

Hunter: What ever works for you. There in Vale, get it done.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was following team RWBY from a distance.

(Y/n):(mind) Is what I'm doing creepy?

(Y/n) was basically stalking the four girls, in hopes that when one of the cultists try to kill Ruby, he can kill them instead.

(Y/n):(mind) I feel like a total creep....

The four girls walked in to a alleway.

(Y/n):(mind) Why are they going there, I thought they were going to a mall or something. Wait a minute, are they going to buy drugs?


He began speed walking twords the alleway.

(Y/n):(mind) Oh, I can't wait to hold that over there heads when I get back home!

He turned the corner, and saw Ruby, Weiss, and Yang looking at him.

(Y/n): Oh..... What a coincidence......

He tried backing away, but felt something against his back. It was Blake holding her weapon out.

(Y/n): Shit, is this a robbery?

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