How my mother met me

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3rd person POV.

Ozpin and Glynda were about to observe the results of (Y/n)'s blood.

They opened the computer and looked at the results.

What they saw shock them, because the only way the results could be true is if (Y/n) was from the future.

Ozpin: It seems like we are dealing with threats from the future. We need to (Y/n)'s aid. He could be a great help.

Glynda: What about Miss Rose? Should we tell her?

Ozpin: (Y/n) claimed to know team RWBY in the future, I think I know how he knew them.....

Ozpin: Bring team RWBY here, we'll tell them, they should be able to help us get (Y/n).

Glynda: And the father?

Ozpin: Let's leave him out of it for now.

Glynda nodded and left to go get Team RWBY.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) had arrived at the courtyard of Beacon Academy.

(Beep beep)

(Y/n): Out of the way!

He was honking the horn on his bike while swerving around the beacon students in his way.

Student 1: What the!?

Student 2: Watch it!

(Y/n): Fuck off!

(Y/n) drifted through the front doors of Beacon Academy.


Now in side the school, he got of his bike and began running twords Ozpin office.

(Y/n): Where was it again?

(Y/n): The tower!

He was dashing through the hallways, pushing aside everyone in his way.

As he was running twords the tower, he looked ahead and saw four people.

As he was running twords the tower, he looked ahead and saw four people

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Cardin: What's the hur-

He was unable to finish his sentence, due to (Y/n)'s fist in his face.

(Y/n): Move fuckheads!

He punched Cardin into his team and they fell to the ground. (Y/n) continued to run twords Ozpin's tower.

He eventually found the elevator that would bring him there, but it closed just as (Y/n) saw it.

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