Hotdog master

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3rd person POV.

Ozpin was in his office, looking over the report of the battle between (Y/n) and Bad girl.

Glynda: What do we do about him?

Ozpin: We can't really say his a threat to civilians, because team RWBY told us what happened.

Ozpin: "Bad girl" was a psychopathic assassin, who killed many people, so he in a, way helped people.

Ozpin: He's extremely skilled, so bringing him in with force might be a problem.

Ozpin: If he is truly from the future, then we need proof, otherwise we'd be waisting our time.

Ozpin: Find him, and ether convince him to come in for a simple talk or get some of his DNA so we can decide if we should put more effort into getting him.

Glynda: Very well.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was in a extremely cheap hotel. He was currently asleep on a chair, after falling asleep while watching TV.

(Y/n): Zzzzzzzzzzz...... Hey there~.....

As he was sleeping he got a knock on his door.

(Knock knock knock)

(Y/n): Zzzzzzz.... No, I'm not busy.......Zzzzzzzzzz

(Y/n): Zzzzzzzzzz.....Has anyone told you....Zzzzzzz..... You have very nice.....zzzzz.... Very nice br-


Someone kicked open his door. (Y/n) instantly woke up, and instinctively grabbed his beam katana.

(Y/n): Holy-


(Y/n): Hotdog man?!

Hotdog man: Yes, it is I

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Hotdog man: Yes, it is I.

Hotdog man: It's time for your training.

(Y/n): How did you find me?

Hotdog man: Saw your bike. Kicked open every door, till I found you. Now let's go, training time.

(Y/n): Why would I come train with you?

Hotdog man: I'll pay you.

(Y/n): I'm In.

TIMESKIP brought to you by (Y/n) playing Pokemon sword.

Hotdog man brought (Y/n) to a forest.

(Y/n): Hey? How did you get away from Glynda?

Hotdog man: I threw my hotdog stand at her and it blew up. I escaped during the confusion.

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