Nr 1: Hunter.

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3rd person.

With a week long, difficult journey, Shinobu and (Y/n) have arrived back in Vale. The two made there way twords a wearhouse that was holding the teleporter.

Shinobu: Do you need any help with this one master?

(Y/n): That sir Hunter motherfucker is mine, but any help he might of gotten, is all yours to deal with however you want.

Shinobu: Understood, master.

(Y/n): Yet again with the master...... Instead of master, how about you call me senpai?

Shinobu: No.

(Y/n): Tch! Why not!

Shinobu: It sounds like some kind of perverted thing.

(Y/n): It's not!

Shinobu: I'm not letting you ruin your reputation with your own perverted wants.

(Y/n): Stop insinuating that I'm a pervert!

Shinobu: I've done no such thing, master.

(Y/n): Whatever........

Once Shinobu and (Y/n) arrived at the wearhouse, they crashed there motorcycles through a wall, and then parked there bikes.

They looked twords the teleporter, and saw it was activated. Hunter was sitting in front of the teleporter.

 Hunter was sitting in front of the teleporter

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Hunter: You made it...

(Y/n): This is the last battle, I wouldn't miss this for the world!

(Y/n): I see the teleporter is on. We're you about to chicken out?

Hunter: No.... Not exactly.... I wanted to make this "final" battle as spectacular as possible.... But there was a...... Unforseen turn of events.

(Y/n): And what does that mean?

Hunter looks at the portal behind him, then looks back at (Y/n).

Hunter: You'll find out soon enough.

Hunter stands up, grabs his cape, and tosses it aside. He then takes out a bottle of black goo, pores it onto the floor, and several completely black humanoid creatures form.

Hunter: Are you ready?

(Y/n) takes out and ignites his Rose Nasty.

(Y/n): Do you even have to ask?

(Y/n): Let's fight fight to the death!

Hunter pulled out his sword from his back and rushed twords (Y/n), as he did the same to him.

The henchmen went after Shinobu. She led them a short distance away from (Y/n) and Hunter's battle.

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