Tiger saves tiger

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3rd person POV.

After (Y/n) defeated Blend, he headed for the faunus island known as Managerie.

After a week, he made it there, but his arrival wasn't exactly meet with warm welcomes.

As he walked through the town on the island, he was met with unpleasant looks.


A random faunus ends up walking up to him.

Faunus: You're human, right?

(Y/n):(Smirks) What do you think?

Faunus: I think you are one.

(Y/n): Then you'd be correct.

Faunus: Why is a human here?

(Y/n): There's a specific Grimm I'm hunting, and I heard it was here. So I came here to kill it.

(Y/n): Do you know where the white fang base is? I was told it was spotted near there.

Faunus: Why would I tell you?

(Y/n): You don't, but the longer that Grimm is alive, the bigger the chance it will kill someone.

(Y/n): So if you're not going to help me..... Then have a good day.

He walked passed the faunus.

(Y/n): (whistling)

Faunus:........ It's North West from here.

(Y/n) waves a thanks as he continued walking and whistling.

TIMESKIP brought to you by (Y/n) singing Philistine.

(Y/n) arrived at the white fang base. There he saw dead body's, blood, and the front door broken.

(Y/n): Someone had a party without me....... Meh.


He walked inside, and continued to see more and more blood and death.

In the distance, fighting could be heard. (Y/n) followed the sound of fighting until he made it to the room where the fight was talking place.

(Play opening)

In the White fang base, two people were fighting. Adam Taurus.

Sienna Khan, the leader of the White fang

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Sienna Khan, the leader of the White fang.

Sienna Khan, the leader of the White fang

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