Nr 3: Pyra

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3rd person POV.

After a long drive (Y/n) and Shinobu were now in Mistral.

Shinobu: Were should we start searching?

(Y/n): (Stomach growling)

(Y/n): I'm going to go get something to eat, I'm starving!

(Y/n) began searching for a restoran Or some kind of food truck that he could afford. Shinobu followed her master, and carefully studied what he would choose to eat, not aware he was looking for something cheap that he could afford.

(Y/n): !

(Y/n): Ooooooo! Ramen, but it costs 17 lien, and that's basically all my funds....

(Y/n): There's also fried fish, which is much cheaper, but I don't like fish.....

(Y/n): What should I get? Hmmmmmmmmmm..........

(Y/n): Fuck it! Ramen it is!

Shinobu: Master?

(Y/n): Again with the ma-

(Y/n): Yes?

Shinobu: Is there any reason why you chose ramen?

(Y/n): Huh?

Shinobu: Is there some kind of benefits to eating ramen?

(Y/n): What are you on about?

(Y/n): I'm hungry, low on funds, and like ramen. That's why I chose ramen, eat whatever you want.

(Y/n) then left to get ramen.

Shinobu: Wait up master!

(Y/n): Stop calling me master! I don't want people to get the wrong idea!

Shinobu: What idea!

(Y/n): I'll give you three guesses!

Shinobu: Those it make you feel old?

(Y/n): I was joking, and now it does!

Shinobu: Sorry master!

(Y/n): What did I just say!?

(Play opening)

After (Y/n) and Shinobu ate, they then split up to cover more ground.

A few hours passed, and neither of them found anything. (Y/n) was sitting on his bike, taking a break.

(Y/n): I always hated hide and seek.....

(Y/n) look up to the sky. He then noticed someone jump from roof to roof.

(Y/n): Eh?

He looked at roof where the person landed, and got a clear view of said person.

He looked at roof where the person landed, and got a clear view of said person

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