Catchy as hell

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3rd person POV

(Y/n): Zzzzzzzzzz..... Jean.....?

As (Y/n) was sleeping on the couch in team RWBY'S room, the four teens wondered who this Jean is.

Weiss: Should we ask him who this Jean is?

Blake: Maybe Jean is his girlfriend?

Yang: Nah, it doesn't sound like that..... Besides he's been saying other names like Sapphire and Raphtalia more.... Provocatively....

Weiss: Then who's Jean?

(Y/n): (Yawn).........

(Y/n) woke up.

(Y/n): You all are so noisy.... Can't a guy sleep in peace?

Ruby Then walked up to him.

Ruby: He (Y/n).... Do you mind taking me to the mall?

(Y/n): Why me?

Ruby: Because if one of those cultists jerks show up, wouldn't you want to fight them?

(Y/n): You make a good point....

(Y/n): Fine.... Let me get ready.

Ruby:(smiles) Thank you.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) and Ruby arrived at the mall in Vale.

(Y/n): So why are we here?

Ruby: I need some supplies for school.

(Y/n): That's underwhelming......

Ruby: We can get ice cream or some cookies if you want, after we get my stuff.

(Y/n): Why not both? Cookie dough ice cream is a thing. It is a thing in this time, right?!

Ruby:(giggles) It is.

(Y/n): Good..... I was about to really hate this retro period. It all ready doesn't have any of my favorite anime , no cookie dough ice cream would have been a deal breaker.

Ruby and (Y/n) then got some random school supplies that didn't seem actually necessary.

The two then got some ice cream and sat on a bench. They began talking.

Ruby: And that's how me and the others fought off a group of criminals.

(Y/n): Cool.

(Y/n): I can't believe the white fang is a terrorist group in this time period. And people are racist against faunus? How old fashioned.....

Ruby: It's not like that in the future?

(Y/n): No. Anyone who was like that, would get be made fun of by literally every one else.

Ruby: Huh........

Ruby: Hey ummm..... Why did you choose a sword as your weapon? I'm not saying you shouldn't have, or it's bad choice, I'm just curious!

(Y/n): Oh......... I just think it's cool, and to me it just feels right using it. It's a simple weapon, that I gave a modern touch.

Ruby: Okay. But why didn't you add a gun to your weapon?

(Y/n): Not every weapon needs to be able to turn into a gun!

Ruby: Well.... It wouldn't hurt.....

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