Nr. 9: Rider

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3rd person POV.

In a abandoned wearhouse in Vale, the nine remaining cultists were having a discussion among one another.

Blair witch: What are we going to do about (Y/n) R. Touchdown?

Hunter: As long as he is here, we have to be careful not to get his or Ozpin's attention.

Blend: What happens if we do?

Hunter: We die by his hands like our predecessors.

Rider: I can kill him!


Blair witch: If you really think you can kill the "Crownless king" then go ahead, prove it!

Rider: No problem!

Rider then left the wearhouse.

Pyra: Why don't we try contacting Salem?

Blair witch: And tell her she's going to die in the future? Or should we tell her how (Y/n) killed almost all her Grimm followers?

Hunter: She's right. We can't go to her with out proving ourselves. That means Ruby and (Y/n) must die. If we fail, then Salem would have failed.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was on a bench, in a park writing a letter.

He was writing a letter to a person he knew in the future or his present. Her name was Naomi, she was a woman that helped build technology for (Y/n). She upgraded his weapon, helped rebuilt his bike when it broke, built a mech for him, she did it for a price but they were somewhat friends.

(Y/n):" Dear Naomi, sorry I didn't write your last name, but I don't know it. But I digress...... I'm in the past if you didn't already know, and I'm beginning to think that no one in this time knows how to get me back. So if you wouldn't mind helping me out or something, id really appreciate it. I'll pay you of course when I get back.
From your best costumer, (Y/n) R. Touchdown.
P.s please help."

(Y/n): That should do it.

As he was writing that letter, team JNPR had seen him and contacted Glynda Goodwitch. They were then told to keep him there.

Team JNPR then walked up to him.

Jaune: Hey there......

(Y/n): Hey U- I mean Jaune.

Jaune: You know my name?

(Y/n): ......... Yeah, I.... Know you in the future.

Nora: Are you really from the future!?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Nora: Do you know all of us?

(Y/n): Pretty much.....

Nora: What are we like in the future? Are we famous? How famous are we? A-

Ren: Nora.

Nora: Oh! Sorry.

(Y/n): Can't answer those questions. Might break time or some shit.....

Nora: oh.....

(Y/n) got up and began to leave.

Pyrrha: Wait!

(Y/n): What?

Pyrrha: Uhhhh...... Is there anything you can tell us about the future?

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