Still living with my family.....

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3rd person POV.

In the dorm room of team RWBY, (Y/n) was sleeping on the couch that they had in the room.

(Y/n): Zzzzzzzzzz.......

Team RWBY were already awake, and trying to wake him up.

Ruby: Uhhh... Wake up, it's time to go to school.

(Y/n): Zzzzzzzzzz........ No, Jean....... Come back.......

Weiss; Is he dreaming about some girl?

Ruby begins to shake him awake.

(Y/n):(groggily) huh? What do you want......?

Ruby: It's time to get to class.

(Y/n):(groggily) Well have fun.......

Blake: Aren't you supposed to be her bodyguard?

(Y/n): If she leaves the school, I'll tag along. Besides, she's can hold her own (yawn).

He sits up and begins to stretch.

(Y/n): Plus the less we interact, the better.

Ruby: Oh..... Okay then........

Ruby looked saddened by what he said.

Yang:(glares at (Y/n))

(Y/n):.......... Tch. Jeez..... fine, I'll tag along.

Ruby: Really?

(Y/n) puts on his shades and grabbed his weapon.

(Y/n): Don't expect me to do this every day.......


(Play opening)

Now in combat class with team RWBY and the other students, (Y/n) was leaning against a wall.

Glynda: Okay class, who wishes to go first.

(Y/n) raised his hand.

Glynda: Anyone?

(Y/n): I'll do it!

Glynda: You're not a student, so you can participate.

(Y/n): What?! That's c-

(Y/n): (smirks)You know what? It's probably for the best, no one here is good enough to beat me anyways......

Cardin then stands up.

Cardin: I'll go first!

Glynda: Very well, who will you fight?

Cardin: Him!

He pointed at (Y/n).

Glynda: You can't fight him.

Cardin: Why not?

(Y/n): You might as well let me kick his ass. If I don't do it here, then we might do it elsewhere were there's no supervision.

Glynda: (sigh) Fine.

(Y/n): sweet!

(Y/n) and Cardin got on the arena.

Cardin: I'm going to show you who's boss.

(Y/n): What a lame line.... Did you need help coming up with it?

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