The student's challenge

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3rd person POV.

(Y/n) and Shinobu were heading twords Mistrial. After some traveling, they made camp and began chilling out.

Shinobu: Master?

(Y/n) was making s'mores.

(Y/n): What's up?

Shinobu: Where are you from?

(Y/n): The better question would be when am I from.

Shinobu: I'm afraid I don't follow.

(Y/n): I'm from the future. In a decade or something, I'll be born.

Shinobu: So the cultists are also from the future...

(Y/n): Yep. There here to kill my mother, who defeats the person who they worship.

Shinobu: Who do they worship?

(Y/n): I've already changed the time line quite a bit, so if I tell you, your not allowed to tell anyone, got it?

Shinobu: Understood.

(Y/n): There's this immortal bitch name Salem, who can control Grimm. The details aren't that important, but to keep it simple, her husband won custody of there children, she lost her shit, got a God complex, and wants to rule the world, for some reason......

Shinobu: Are you fucking with me?

(Y/n): History is wack, so no.

Shinobu: How does your mother beat this Salem?

(Y/n): She turns her to stone, then later Remnant puts her in a rocket, and launches her into space, where she could never come back.

Shinobu: You mentioned that the cultists used to be human.

(Y/n): In the future, a bunch of Salem minions creat a cult about Salem. The high rank cultists get pushed into a pool that Grimm come from. They then come out as Grimm.

(Y/n): There not exactly humans that turned into Grimm. There more like Grimm that took the appearance and memories of those people, then killed them.

(Y/n): These cultists fucks have been trying to get revenge on my mother, by trying to kill me. I didn't know it for a long time, but when they revealed them selves to me, they tried to make me suffer, so I returned the favor and began to preform mass genocide on there cultists assess.

(Y/n): That's basically all you need to know. Sorry about the long exposition.

Shinobu: It's okay.

(Y/n): Go to sleep, I'll take the first watch.

Shinobu: Okay, master.

She went to sleep, as (Y/n) took first watch.

(Play opening)

Shinobu and (Y/n) were driving down a road. Shinobu decided to start a conversation.

Shinobu: What's the future like?

(Y/n): It's like now, but a little better.

Shinobu: What is your life like there?

(Y/n): Pretty good all things considered. After I killed the first bunch of cultists that invaded Vale, I became pretty popular. They even built a statue of me.

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