Nr 5: Blend

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3rd person POV

After a week of staying with bandits, and hospitalizing them whenever they tried killing him, (Y/n) finally got what he wanted.

Raven found the general location of the five Grimm cultists.

Raven: That's where they are as of now.

Raven: Now get out.

(Y/n): Yeah yeah, I'm leaving.

(Y/n): The next time we meet, Your going to be much happier than you are now.

He then left her house, and began walking through the camp twords his bike.

(Y/n): Random bandits, I think I'm going to miss all of you! I'll always remember how I easily beat all of you.

(Y/n): I'll miss you the most Steve!

Steve: Bye (Y/n)!

Bandit: Steve!

(Y/n): You better stay alive for a few decades, Steve! I'm going to kick your ass in so many video games!

(Y/n) got on his motorcycle and drove away.

As he did that, Raven watched from afar, thinking about what he said.

Raven: Happier........ You better be telling the truth.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was driving on the open road. All that he could see was trees, road, and nothing more.

(Y/n) began thinking about he's been gone for almost a year in his time.

(Y/n):(mind) So the family is worried about me.......

(Y/n): Tch! Don't they know who I am?

Before he could continue his thought, something something caused him to fall off his bike.

(Y/n) then got up.

(Y/n): What the fuck!?

He looked around for what could of knocked him off, but he didn't see anything.


He began walking twords his bike. He took a few steps, before getting hit in the gut by visibly nothing.


He was then hit multiple times in the gut, face, legs, and arms, until he was knocked into a tree.


He got up and looked around.

(Y/n): Where the hell are you!?

All he heard was light chuckling, but saw no one.

(Y/n): This gimmick of yours has gotten old! Show your self, so we can fight!

He got no response.

(Y/n): Then I'll make you reveal your self.....

He took out the Peony.

He took out the Peony

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