Nr 4: Tiga

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3rd person POV.

(Y/n) was still on Menagerie.

He now knew the rough location of the Salem cultist on the island.

He headed deeper in the forest of the island, while on his motorcycle.

After hours of searching, he decided to take a break and relax for a bit.

He laied on the ground and began mumbling a song.

(Y/n):(mumbles song) No more heroes.... It's kill or be killed....


(Y/n): ?

(Y/n): A motorcycle revving up isn't part of the lyrics......


The sound became louder. (Y/n) got up, and looked twords the direction of the revving sound.

The sound became louder and louder, until a motorcycle drove passed the trees, to where (Y/n) was. The motorcycle parked near him, and when the person on the bike got off, (Y/n) got a clear look at who it was.

 The motorcycle parked near him, and when the person on the bike got off, (Y/n) got a clear look at who it was

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(Y/n): Shinobu?

Shinobu: It's been awhile master, hasn't it?

(Play opening)

Shinobu bows to (Y/n).

Shinobu: It's good to see you, master.

(Y/n): Shinobu? What are you doing here?

Shinobu: I would have thought you'd be glad I was back, master.

(Y/n): Back? I didn't even know you left Vale. And what's with you calling me master?

Shinobu: I was training in Vacuo for the past few months and won the assassin rank tournament there. I'm now the first rank assassin in Vacuo.

(Y/n): Assassin rank tournaments where a thing in this time? I guess there not as advertised as they will be....

Shinobu: Are you proud of me master?

(Y/n): Getting first rank is pretty impressive, but stop calling me master!

Shinobu: But that's what you are.

(Y/n): I haven't agreed to shit! I don't have time to be anyone's master.

(Y/n): I have cultists to kill, a future to go back to, and I'm not going to begin on how much anime and wrestling I have backlogged that I have to catch up on.

(Y/n): So go find someone else to be your master.

Shinobu: I've decided that you're going to be my master, and I won't stop until I do.

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