Nr 8: Lance

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3rd person POV.

It was the weekends, so team RWBY had the day off. While team RWBY was hanging out in there room, (Y/n) was sleeping on the couch.

(Y/n): Zzzzzzzzzzz......

Weiss: How can he sleep so long?

Ruby: Maybe he's really tired?

Blake: He did mention he has gone training.

Weiss: I don't really understand how someone like (Y/n) was raised by Ruby.

Blake: Maybe his dad is to blame?

Yang: Great, a nother reason to beat up that guy.

Ruby: Yang! He hasn't done anything yet!

Yang: But he will, and when he has the guts to take my little sisters Innocents away, he will pay.

Ruby: Can we please change the subject!?

Blake: Like what?

Ruby: Like........ His weapon!

Ruby: It's a beam katana! So cool, as expected from my kid.

Ruby: I wonder how it works.....

Weiss: Dust most likely.

Ruby walked towards (Y/n), and grabbed his weapon, while being careful not to wake him.

Ruby walked towards (Y/n), and grabbed his weapon, while being careful not to wake him

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Ruby: I don't think it's dust...... I'll ask him when he wakes up.

Ruby begins to swing it around.

Blake: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Ruby: Pfft, it's fine. Throw something at me!

Yang grabs and tosses a book. Ruby swung the beam katana and sliced the book completely in half with barely any effort.

Ruby:(stars in her eyes) Soooo cool~

Ruby: Does anyone else want to try?

Yang: Let me try!

Ruby hands (Y/n)'s weapon to Yang, and she begins to play with it.

Ruby then look at (Y/n), to make sure he didn't wake up.

Ruby: Let's try it out somewhere else.

The four then leave to test out (Y/n)'s beam weapon from the future.

A few minutes later, (Y/n) woke up.

(Y/n): (yawn)....... Let's see if I can find those cultists.

(Play opening)

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